New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2020-08-31 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog: NYC Edition - Post #1317

Monday, 31st August 2020

Hello, darlings! It's your favourite tutu-wearing ballerina, Emma, back from a whirlwind week in the Big Apple! And oh my, what a week it has been! New York City, you've stolen my heart once again. This is my 12th time in this incredible city, and I can't imagine my life without a trip to this dazzling metropolis at least once a year. I even have a pink tutu specially dedicated to New York! It sparkles like the city itself and twirls just as wonderfully.

Now, I know you're probably wondering how I fund all these exciting trips – and the answer, my dears, is a little something called “ballerina magic!”

That's right, I fund my travels with my passion – dancing! I perform at various events, galas, and charity balls. My ballet performances cover everything from my travel expenses to the delicious treats I indulge in when I'm away (those New York bagels, I tell you!)

But enough about logistics, let's dive into the exciting details of this trip! This week's journey was all about combining my love for dance with the incredible fashion scene that New York City has to offer. So, come along with me on a whirl through a week filled with tutus, Broadway shows, and oh-so-stylish outfits!

Tuesday, 25th August - The Perfect Beginning

Stepping off the plane, I was already feeling the buzz of New York! As soon as I touched down, I dashed to my favourite Midtown hotel - a charming boutique place where they even have pink bedsheets! How divine is that? You see, dear readers, even when I'm travelling, I make sure I surround myself with pink whenever possible. My philosophy is simple: more pink, more happy!

Wednesday, 26th August - Broadway Brilliance

The moment I arrived, I knew a Broadway show was an absolute must! And, of course, I chose a classic: “Phantom of the Opera”. I absolutely adore Andrew Lloyd Webber, his music is simply magical! I was spellbound from the moment the curtain went up – the sheer grandeur, the incredible voices, the captivating story. This time, however, I did have a special addition to my look – a pale pink velvet opera cloak to add a touch of elegant whimsy to the experience.

Thursday, 27th August - Shopping Sojourn

No trip to New York City is complete without a good dose of retail therapy, and trust me, I was prepared to get my shop on! My goal for the day? To find the perfect pair of pink ballet shoes – those shoes that dance with me on stage, that twirl in perfect sync with my movements, and that are just as charming as I am! After hours of hopping around different boutiques and browsing endless shelves, I finally struck gold. A little shop called "Sole to Soul" had this stunning pair of pastel pink ballet flats with delicate embroidery – simply exquisite! Needless to say, they are already on the dance floor of my heart!

Friday, 28th August - Dance Class Delight

It's always an absolute joy to find a dance class when I'm on my travels, and I knew that a visit to New York wasn't complete without an evening at one of their renowned dance studios. So, I hopped onto the subway (you simply have to ride the New York subway at least once, it's an experience in itself!), and found my way to "Steps on Broadway". There, in the midst of other eager dancers, I let loose and got my groove on. It's magical, you know, how dancing connects you to people all over the world. It doesn't matter where you're from, what language you speak, or even how many steps you know – dance brings everyone together!

Saturday, 29th August - Park Perfect

Sometimes, the most beautiful experiences are found in the simple things. I took a stroll through Central Park, which I must admit, is much bigger than any park I've ever seen in Derbyshire! The sun was shining, the birds were singing, and the leaves rustled gently in the breeze. The entire park felt alive with the sounds and smells of New York – a beautiful tapestry of experiences!

Sunday, 30th August - Ballet Bliss

Today, I had a very special treat - a trip to the New York City Ballet! My friend Sarah joined me, and we both absolutely loved it! We saw a production of "Swan Lake" which was just so magical! The costumes were absolutely beautiful, the choreography exquisite, and the energy of the dancers simply breathtaking! There's something so beautiful about the pure emotion of dance – it really spoke to my soul. It reminded me of why I fell in love with ballet in the first place – the passion, the discipline, the artistry. And after the show, we indulged in a delicious pink macaron cake at a little French patisserie in Greenwich Village! The perfect end to a perfect day.

Monday, 31st August - Farewell, New York

Packing my suitcase (stuffed with all sorts of stylish treasures!) is always bittersweet. Saying goodbye to New York never gets easier, but I leave with a heart full of happy memories and a desire to share the magic of this incredible city with all of you. It's been another unforgettable journey – full of tutu-twirling, Broadway magic, and pink-tastic experiences. As I head back to Derbyshire, I'm already counting down the days until my next New York adventure. But remember, you don't have to travel to New York to feel the magic of ballet! Every town and city has its own special kind of enchantment, so step out of your comfort zone, grab your tutu, and let's explore the world together!

See you next Monday for another Pink Tutu Blog, darlings!

P.S. Keep spreading the pink tutu love! The world needs more pink, and definitely needs more twirling. Until next time, let your pink tutus shine!

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2020-08-31 she danced in New York City