New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2021-02-08 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC: Post 1340 - Monday 2021-02-08 - Dancing in the Big Apple!

Hey, darlings! Emma here, your favourite tutu-wearing blogger, bringing you my weekly dose of all things fabulous from the Big Apple!

First of all, a massive hello to everyone from my favourite Derbyshire. It was just wonderful to see so many of you cheering at the last show. A special shout-out to those of you who sported pink tutus for the finale - you truly brought a touch of sparkle to the stage!

I'm back in New York City now, and feeling so much inspired! I've already hit the streets (and by streets, of course, I mean the mighty New York subway! Nothing beats zipping through the city under ground) in my new pink-and-silver tulle number, and, wow, it’s just been one magical experience after another.

The thing about New York City is it never fails to amaze. Whether it’s the whirlwind pace of life, the fashion, the sheer variety of food, the stunning architecture – or, of course, the sheer number of fabulous ballet productions – it truly has it all. And let's face it, darling, you just can’t beat a trip to New York City when it’s this cold. A good old-fashioned frost is the perfect excuse to pile on the layers.

So, how have I been spending my days since my last post? Let me tell you, darling, it’s been an absolute whirl.

New York, New York!

We kicked things off last Tuesday evening with an unforgettable night at the New York City Ballet. Oh, the wonder of it all! I mean, can you imagine swirling on stage beneath that incredible, dazzling, grand chandelier? Let’s be honest, anybody can be a princess on a night like this, especially if you've got a pink tutu like this one. flips her tutu. They put on such a breathtaking show with some of the most beautiful dancing I have ever seen! And let’s not forget the costumes, my dear. Absolute divine! My new feather boa, in my most favourite shade of coral, really popped against the dark tones of the theater's interior, darling! Just divine! does a twirl

Wednesday morning, darling, it was straight back to reality! I dashed out into the bright (well, rather frosty) city streets to the cutest little tea shop that I'd found, hidden away amongst the towering skyscrapers on a cobbled street in Greenwich Village. The decor was, well, let’s just say “utterly divine”! It was just begging for a perfectly captured photo op - just like the picture I shared on my Instagram story! Think floral wallpaper, velvet booths, floral prints, pink teacups, and adorable, adorable cakes! The chocolate chip muffin (and that is without even mentioning the warm tea and the scrumptious honey lavender sandwich) went down a treat. Let’s just say the tea and the cakes were practically fighting to be my first Instagram photo. grinning and stroking her tutu.

Fashion Fashion Everywhere

Oh my, Wednesday afternoon was all about retail therapy! I must confess, my little black credit card had a little work out at Barney's, where, as you can probably tell, the most stylish women come to shop for the best, luxurious items on offer in the most glamorous surroundings. It was impossible to leave the store empty-handed, so naturally, I went on a shopping spree – all in the name of blog research of course. And let’s face it, a good dose of pink in your wardrobe always livens up a bleak mid-winter day in New York, and a new pink satin wrap top looked positively beautiful with my new floral skirt, especially against the city's snowy backdrop! flips skirt. Darling, it was practically love at first sight when I spotted that one! You’ll have to see the photos later - a true sartorial triumph if ever there was one! And the shoe shop was a truly wondrous affair. A glorious explosion of sparkle and fabulous, colourful footwear, everything from the classic high-heeled black pump to the wildest bright platform shoes you could possibly imagine. The shop was positively begging me to put my feet inside a brand new pair of red patent heels. You will, of course, be the first to see them on my Instagram story later. And for those of you wondering, darling, a trip to New York would never be complete without some brand new stilettos to add to my collection, would it? gives a mischievous wink

Back to Reality: Dance!

But all those fabulous clothes weren't enough to keep this dancing girl happy, darling! I'm all about the moves. Of course! It’s a girl’s got to practice! So after all that retail therapy, I hot-footed it across town to one of the most beautiful dance studios I've ever seen! This one was all about modern and contemporary, which is just the thing when you need a break from all the ‘twirls, flicks and leaps’ of a good ballet workout! That’s right, darling! wiggles toes playfully. I'm all about finding new and exciting dance forms to expand my dance repertoire.

What can I say, a good session in the dance studio just makes you feel a bit more alive and empowered. Honestly, who doesn't love feeling their inner rockstar coming to the fore, even for an hour or two? raises her pink tutued arms triumphantly. So let’s just say I was on top of the world! Even a glass of New York's finest Champagne on Thursday evening couldn’t top it! What's even more fantastic, I've got tickets for the Broadway version of Frozen tomorrow afternoon, and it will be a full-blown Broadway premiere night. What's more? There are rumors of pink tutus in the show, so it’s already got to be my favorite! flips pink tutu enthusiastically

The Best Bit of All Oh my darling, my most favorite part of all? You know me, it has to be all things pink, and all things ballet! The New York City Ballet is a real masterpiece! This week they are showing George Balanchine's Symphony in C. This incredible show takes me on a beautiful journey from classical to modern with one of the most beautiful dance productions I have ever seen, with the most dazzling choreography and absolutely stunning, beautifully crafted costumes - all in a kaleidoscope of shades, which, darling, always has to include at least a dash of pink. I mean, this is a production I truly must go see! And, it just so happens that Symphony in C starts this evening, which is wonderful because that leaves the whole of Friday evening to prepare, all things pink of course!

Monday 2021-02-08 - New York State of Mind It is Monday now and darling, it’s the perfect opportunity to plan this week’s big trip. eyes light up. I've been trying to find that magical little shop downtown, I heard it has a beautiful, fluffy, multicoloured tutu with some fantastic floral additions on it and even some cute pom-poms, oh the cuteness of it all! You’re going to want to see it on my Instagram story this afternoon, so keep your eye out for my next big tutu selfie! I just love trying to get the lighting perfect, and you can't have a great picture, darling, without just the right location. And with a tutu, let’s just say, finding a setting for your selfies is never a problem in a city full of stunning buildings and street art, which just scream out ‘take a picture with me!’ New York City's just been filled with photo op magic every single moment!

*And so, the journey continues. *

There are already whispers on the wind, darling, that Hamilton is getting a Broadway reboot and that the tickets will be up for sale later this week! Of course, Hamilton will be all about history, power and the revolutionary fight, all set in an exceptional New York story of change and transformation! But to me, Hamilton is just all about the stunning performances, fantastic staging and phenomenal costumes! And to add to that, the iconic hip-hop and the fabulous original soundtrack are always sure to get you on the dance floor - it just sets your heart beating a bit faster, darling! It just feels magical and powerful. Let’s face it, this is my kind of Broadway show. I can just imagine myself spinning on that grand stage to a roaring, adoring crowd all dressed up in my finest pink tutu, darling. That would really make a fabulous, dazzling ending to the show.

It’s All about Pink!

But all that’s for another time, let’s get back to this Monday, the start of another dazzling New York City week, darling! And, as you know, the key is always more pink! winks. You’ll find me browsing the most fabulous stores for new pink ballet wear, pink shoes, and yes, more pink tutus, while planning new outfits to make the most of all these spectacular shows, the amazing shops and the magical ballet studios in New York! But in between all those shopping trips, and trips to the dance studio and the theatre, it is a bit more pink for me, darling! And don’t even get me started on the food!

The Next Adventure: Fashion!

New York, darling, is about so much more than just the shops. You get the feeling, you can just step off the streets and right onto a glamorous red carpet to be surrounded by dazzling glamour, fashion shows, designer collections and fashion trends all ready for their close-up! And it all happens in the most famous city in the world. So darling, that’s where my mission begins! The whole week is all about the fabulous fashions and designers. I can’t wait to see what new trends the big designers have planned this time.

But before I go and find that little shop down the road that's rumored to have the prettiest fluffy tutu with those gorgeous pom-poms ( I know it’s there darling, because I’ve seen it on Instagram and the bloggers say it’s to die for), it's time to go explore the latest designer shoes, the new dress that just scream 'take me to the ball’ and a dazzling new range of shimmering, pink shoes, just in case my credit card can’t get me into that designer shop down the road (which will, no doubt be packed with amazing, extravagant clothes.

The good news is, darling, I already have a couple of fab new fashion trends on the radar! They’re a sure bet to bring my 'all things pink' outfit together! The first? Red! I can just imagine that beautiful, dazzling crimson look. Red on pink, darling, you know that's a winner. twirls in her pink tutu And the second big fashion trend? White Just think, pristine white against vibrant pink, with an edgy white jacket for a truly feminine touch! This look’s going to set the city on fire! And of course, darling, my new pink tutu is guaranteed to bring it all together. Let’s face it, a girl never goes anywhere without it.

Darling, it's all a bit of a dance, you see, between the pink, the city and fashion - all part of the big New York City adventure, just like one big balletic dance. Oh darling, that's why I love living this city. It's such a fabulous dance and there's always somewhere magical around every corner. Oh, darling, it's all just a bit magical! Just keep dancing to your own beat! twirls excitedly and does a little leap into the air

Until next Monday, darlings, let’s all keep spinning our own stories! Emma

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2021-02-08 she danced in New York City