
New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2021-03-29 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC - Post Number 1347 - Monday 2021-03-29 - She Danced in New York City

Oh, darlings! Iā€™m back in the Big Apple! New York City, you have my heart. There's a magic in this place that just sets my soul alight. And let me tell you, it's the perfect place for a tutu-wearing ballerina like me!

From Derbyshire to NYC

I must say, itā€™s been a long journey getting here from Derbyshire. You see, dear readers, my life is one big ballet performance. Between performances in my hometown, I squeeze in trips like this, hopping from city to city, embracing the joy of the world, one twirl at a time. Of course, I always make sure to travel in style, because for me, fashion is as important as the dance itself. And what better way to make a grand entrance than in my trusty pink tutu, paired with my favourite black, silk scarf, flowing like smoke in the breeze!

The Metro and The Ballet

Arriving in NYC is always a thrill, especially via the Metro. Thereā€™s a particular glamour that descends on this place at dusk. Lights sparkle, buildings soar, and people bustle past in a symphony of colours. But itā€™s the sense of energy, the infectious enthusiasm, the sheer "can-do" spirit of New York that truly steals the show! This feeling fuels my dance-heart.

Pink Tutu Ballet

This week, Iā€™m off to the New York City Ballet at the Lincoln Center. They're showcasing "The Sleeping Beauty", a ballet classic! Iā€™m just busting with excitement - this ballet is one of my absolute favourites. It tells a story of bravery, true love, and overcoming the darkness. So romantic, isn't it? I already know the score inside out and even did a little practice routine backstage last week, so it's all about the feeling. I want to immerse myself in the artistry and be a part of that world of dreams, as it unfolds on stage! You can trust me to take plenty of photos! My Instagram is always bursting with ballet brilliance, you know.

Shopping Sprees!

Whatā€™s a trip to New York City without some serious shopping? Itā€™s all about indulging in the delights of fashion, right? Iā€™m off to Soho this afternoon. This charming neighborhood is bursting with independent boutiques, chic cafes, and a touch of Parisian charm - perfect for hunting down unique pieces and maybe some new ballet shoes!

Speaking of fashion, darling, there is something quite magical about a good fashionista. A woman with an exquisite sense of style is always worth watching! Have you noticed the fabulous hats, the bold colours and prints, the unique flair and bold outfits here in NYC? Fashion is an art form and everyone here has a signature style. My mission is to explore this artistic side, but always remember my trademark colour. You guessed it - pink!

Pink Tutu New York Diary - The Ballet & Beyond

My trip to the Big Apple wouldnā€™t be complete without seeing one of their Broadway Shows. And guess what? Tonight Iā€™m going to see ā€œThe Lion King.ā€ I can't wait! They say the music is amazing. Thereā€™s just something so exhilarating about seeing live performances - the costumes, the energy, the music. Oh, to be a part of such a spectacle, even just in the audience!

But beyond the stage, Iā€™m finding the magic in every nook and cranny of this beautiful city. Today, I wandered through the High Line Park. Imagine a beautiful park, created atop abandoned railway tracks with incredible views. A mix of gardens, sculptures, and cafes.

And itā€™s all beautifully juxtaposed with the skyscrapers and bustle of the city! Just like the city, the High Line has its own distinct energy, and it is easy to feel the pulse of New York's beating heart here. This place is perfect for sketching - you know how I adore my ballet sketchbooks. If only I could capture this beauty! I imagine Iā€™d sketch in pink, what do you think?

But the real stars of the show are the New York people themselves, always on the move. Whether they're rushing to work, catching the train, or just chatting on the street, thereā€™s a passion in their stride that just fills me with joy.

Living The Pink Tutu Life

And to be honest, that's the spirit that I want to spread. The ā€œI'm going to achieve my dreamsā€ spirit. Because the world needs a little more colour and joy, don't you think? Whatā€™s stopping everyone else from wearing a pink tutu? Come on, be brave.

If I, Emma from Derbyshire, can twirl around New York in my pink tutu, so can you!

Until next Monday, remember: life is an endless dance. Don't just sit there, twirl!

Love always,


P.S If you're interested, the full Pink Tutu Blog NYC website address is www.pink-tutu.com, I post there every Monday, where I share all the tips, ideas and adventures that make up this wonderful Pink Tutu world!

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2021-03-29 she danced in New York City