
New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2021-06-14 she danced in New York City

#PinkTutuBlogNYC: Monday 2021-06-14: Dancing in the City That Never Sleeps!

Hello my lovely #PinkTutuPeeps!

Welcome back to another Monday and another fabulous blog post from yours truly, Emma, reporting live from the bustling streets of New York City! As usual, this week is a whirl of tutus, tutus, tutus, and you know it wouldn't be a #PinkTutuBlogNYC post without a whole lot of pink too!

A Trip Down Memory Lane...And Through the Metro

This past week has been such a whirlwind. I kicked things off with a little nostalgia trip. You see, dear readers, I've been dying to revisit my absolute favourite dance studio in the city - you know the one, the one with the giant, swirling pink chandelier, and where the instructors make you feel like you could actually conquer the world through pirouettes. (They are simply amazing and oh-so-inspiring!) I squeezed in a beginner's ballet class in the midst of the chaos, and I swear I came away feeling like a whole new dancer, ready to tackle anything, even a performance on Broadway itself.

Speaking of conquering the world, the Metro has been my trusty sidekick this week, whizzing me from one iconic location to the next in a series of magical pink flashes. From the vibrant energy of Times Square to the refined elegance of Lincoln Center, there's no destination in New York City that I can't reach, all while twirling a bit in my most flamboyant pink tutu, of course. Honestly, I've made quite the splash with the fellow subway commuters, you'd be surprised at how many folks give you a thumbs up when you're in a bright pink tutu!

Dancing Into the Night: A Symphony of Performances

One of the most incredible experiences this week was seeing a performance at Lincoln Center. Let me tell you, I was blown away! Not only by the sheer talent of the dancers (truly world-class!), but by the sheer energy and the stories woven into each piece. Ballet has a magical way of conveying emotion without speaking a single word, and this particular performance left me utterly spellbound.

This leads me to a little personal announcement, dear #PinkTutuPeeps: I'm making a big change! I know you're probably thinking, wait, you can't possibly get any more fabulous, but you'd be surprised! I've decided to incorporate more performances into my travel schedule! Remember, you are what you eat... and I am powered by dance. It's just pure magic. I've had such a blast spreading the pink tutu love at various local community events and ballet studios. The best part? You can help me spread this pink-tutu-powered joy, just by following my blog and joining me on this fabulous journey! We're making a splash one pink tutu at a time!

*Let's Talk Shopping and Fashion! (Because You Know I Had To) *

As the saying goes, All work and no play makes Emma a dull girl. And so, amidst all the ballet rehearsals, performances, and subway hopping, I carved out a little time for something extra special. Now, we all know how much I love exploring New York City's hidden gems, and I recently discovered a charming little boutique in SoHo, with the most fantastic collection of pink clothes and accessories imaginable! It felt like a dream, just like one of those Sex and the City moments. The owner, who, naturally, wore the most fabulous pink tutu, was kind enough to give me a personal shopping consultation. And let's be honest, who needs a stylist when you have the fashion fairy, or shall I say, pink tutu fairy godmother? I must admit I snagged a few absolute treasures, from a stunning pair of shoes that sparkled like a million stars, to a dazzling pink top perfect for a night out, to a dazzling pink fedora. What can I say, pink just brings out the best in me! It was truly the cherry on top of an already extraordinary week.

* A Look Ahead - Juneteenth, The City That Never Sleeps*

I'm going to go off on a tangent for a moment, because, honestly, something has been on my mind, and it just won't go away: Juneteenth. A date steeped in such history and so powerful that it resonates with a profound sense of purpose. And what better place to mark the occasion than New York City? For the past several days, there have been discussions on the significance of this historic occasion on the streets. New York City really has this knack of stirring you right down to the heart of it all. There's this sense of energy - of freedom and celebration, of honoring the past while looking forward to the future - and it is so inspiring!

What else is on tap for next week? There are whispers of an extravagant vintage clothing market in the heart of Brooklyn that is definitely calling my name, a Broadway musical I just have to see, and, oh, did I mention? More fabulous shopping excursions? I might have already booked myself in for a personal style makeover at a fantastic new boutique downtown. Because, as we all know, every fashionista needs a little inspiration every now and then, even in the magical land of #PinkTutuBlogNYC. You've got to look good while you're conquering the world!

As always, stay tuned for more fashion finds, performance reviews, and adventures around New York City.

Until next week, dear readers, keep it pink, keep it bright, and keep on twirling!

With all my love,


*#PinkTutuBlogNYC #NYC #Ballet #Dance #Fashion #Pink #Tutu #Style #NewYork #Travel #Blog #Shopping #Juneteenth #Performance #Broadway *

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2021-06-14 she danced in New York City