New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2021-07-26 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC: Post Number 1364 - A Tutuful Time in The Big Apple!

Hello darlings!

It's Monday again, which means it's time for another instalment of Pink Tutu Blog NYC! This week I'm bursting with excitement because my trip to New York City has been simply divine. It was full of tutus, shows, shopping and, of course, a whole lot of pink! I’ve already given you a little taste of what’s to come on Instagram, but now let me spill all the pink, fluffy details about my absolutely wonderful week.

Oh, and if you're reading this for the first time - well, hello! I’m Emma, and as you might have guessed from the name of the blog, I absolutely adore pink tutus! You’ll find me twirling through life in all sorts of fancy pink frills, whether I’m hopping on the Tube in London, catching a ballet performance in Paris, or – as you can see from the photos - even strutting through the bustling streets of New York. My life revolves around ballet, fashion and – of course! – the joy of spreading the pink tutu love.

This week, as always, I'm funding my adventures with ballet performances, because I truly believe that you can do anything if you put your mind to it, even if it means swapping a stage for the bustling streets of the Big Apple! So, I'm off to tell you all about how I spent the week.

The Adventures of a Pink Tutu Wearing Ballerina in New York

Oh, what a wonderful adventure this trip was! After flying into JFK airport, my very first trip, of course, was to the subway. And what did I wear to travel in style? You guessed it – my favourite pink tutu! It's so comfy, and I get so many smiles and compliments from people when I'm whizzing past on the subway. I must confess, it always gives me a little thrill!

I had the absolute joy of spending the weekend exploring the heart of New York. I must admit, New York has captured my heart - it’s like one massive stage! From the incredible skyscrapers towering over Central Park, to the vibrant colours on display in Times Square, it truly is the city that never sleeps, just like me when I’m at ballet class! Oh, and let’s not forget the fantastic shopping. I am positively thrilled with the new tutu I found at Macy's - it's a beautiful shade of coral pink with delicate tulle ruffles, and I can't wait to wear it to my next ballet performance!

The Art of Ballet in The Big Apple

No trip to New York is complete without a visit to Lincoln Center. And I must confess, this trip took me on an absolute whirlwind tour of incredible ballet performances!

Firstly, the opening night of Romeo and Juliet by the New York City Ballet was just exquisite. The choreography, the music, and the breathtaking passion of the dancers truly took my breath away. It’s almost a privilege, getting to watch the most talented dancers, who pour their heart and soul into their work. I was in absolute awe - it’s why I keep returning to see as many performances as I can!

Oh, and after the ballet, there was the most glamorous party! I managed to score an invitation - just my luck! – and there I was, dancing the night away, making new friends and sipping cocktails with all the lovely people from the ballet world. I danced until the very last note!

You see, for me, dancing isn’t just something I do – it's my passion. I think I was destined to wear a tutu! My mom always says it was my first word - after "mama," of course!

From Ballerina to Broadway!

New York City, of course, is more than just ballet. I’ve seen my fair share of Broadway performances! I confess that my very first show in New York, I was utterly mesmerised by Wicked. I know everyone has been talking about it for ages - but seeing the magic firsthand was something truly spectacular. You’d think, seeing such high quality, professional performances over and over would get less impressive. But, every time I go to a show I am struck anew. Maybe I’m just a bit starry eyed?

I absolutely adored the colourful costumes, the phenomenal singing, and the incredible set designs. My eyes were glued to the stage - but, I swear I could feel my legs twitching all through the show! It takes so much dedication to perform for hours on stage.

Spreading The Pink Tutu Love

If I’m honest, the highlight of my trip has been sharing my love of ballet and all things pink with the fabulous people I met in New York.

While I was enjoying the sights, I had the opportunity to chat to some lovely people about my Pink Tutu Blog, how I finance my trips, and why I love my life in tutus. There was a wonderful lady in the gift shop at the ballet theatre who told me she loved my enthusiasm for tutus and had never even considered the pink one before!

One lovely man, he looked like a real old-school gentleman - his eyes just lit up as we chatted about ballet. He’d never considered how dancers trained or about how we live our lives! We talked about some of the famous ballet dancers - all the legendary stars of ballet history, such as Margot Fonteyn and Rudolf Nureyev. I'd tell you how to pronounce them – but honestly, who would pronounce them correctly first time? After that conversation I thought, this is the difference that I'm making in the world: inspiring people to experience new things, to get outside their comfort zones and embrace life's joy. It's a privilege to bring the magic of ballet and tutus to other people’s lives.

The Magic of Ballet: A Way of Life

You know, it’s easy to think of a ballet as an hour-long performance on a stage, but it is so much more. I see ballet, the beauty and the grace, it's a reminder to keep dreaming big and to believe that anything is possible. Just like my little blog, which started as a way to keep my friends and family updated on my ballet life!

From that little blog, I'm so proud to have started making a small difference - whether that’s through sharing my passion with those lovely New York people, or simply making my readers smile with my photos. It truly has made all the hours I spend, rehearsing, and making my tutu outfits so much worth it!

And let’s not forget my ballet performances. From funding these travels, to raising money for charity, I've seen the difference it makes for so many people. It reminds me how important it is to embrace our dreams and share them with others. And yes, for sure, this includes a little splash of pink here and there! Just as it says in the pink tutu motto, ‘Keep Dancing and Twirling.’

More About Emma:

Just so you know a little about the pink tutu behind the blog: I’m a twenty-something from Derbyshire in England – that's right, the UK! It may not be as glamorous as NYC, but it is my happy place. When I'm not performing or writing my blog, I absolutely love to get my retail therapy on, especially visiting those wonderful shops filled with bright pink dresses, fabulous sparkly jewellery, and, you guessed it! – pink tutus!

There you have it, dear reader! A little bit of ballet, a little bit of travel, a whole lot of pink, and a pinch of sparkling joy! If you haven't had the chance to see my latest adventures on my Instagram page – well, just follow me, there are lots of photos, tutorials, and updates to come!

Stay pink, darlings,


P.S: Don’t forget to subscribe to my website for more posts, just go to And if you’re wondering, the date for this week’s post was 26 July, 2021. Hope you enjoy the photos from my travels!

Please note that this blog post is written to match the prompt and should not be considered factual. Any references to actual events, individuals, or organisations are fictional.

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2021-07-26 she danced in New York City