New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2022-01-24 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog: NYC Edition #1390 - Dancing Through the Concrete Jungle

Hello lovelies! It's Monday again, and you know what that means… another fabulous instalment of Pink Tutu Blog: NYC Edition!

This week, I've been living my best tutu-clad life, twirling through the concrete jungle of New York City. The Big Apple always feels like a magical wonderland, a swirling vortex of energy and endless possibilities.

Before I tell you all about my adventures, let me just say, this is my favourite part of the week. My Monday morning ritual: a cup of tea, my laptop, and a pile of pastries, all ready to catch up with you lovely lot! It's like having a chat with my dearest friends over a delicious afternoon tea, and I love it. So, grab your favourite brew, maybe a slice of something sweet, and get comfy. Let's dive into this week's New York adventures!

The City That Never Sleeps… and Never Stops Dancing!

From the moment I arrived at Grand Central Station, the city buzzed with excitement. This time, my trip was a whirlwind of ballet, shopping, and dazzling Broadway shows. Of course, I made sure my trusty pink tutu was a key part of every outfit. Honestly, I can't imagine exploring a place like New York without my trusty tulle sidekick.

First stop, a must for any self-respecting tutu-loving girl in the Big Apple: The Metropolitan Opera House!

Can you even believe the beauty of this place? The grand architecture, the opulent interior, it’s like stepping into a fairytale. And oh, the performances! The drama, the passion, the sheer technical brilliance… my heart swelled with joy. This was ballet at its absolute finest. The air practically crackled with excitement as the dancers pirouetted across the stage.

I chose to watch La Bayadère. This Russian ballet is one of the most dramatic stories I’ve seen, with incredible costumes and dancing. The choreography is simply phenomenal – such intricate steps and beautiful, flowing movements. Even though it’s a classic, La Bayadère still feels modern, relevant, and fresh. Plus, I was in heaven with the exquisite tutus, from the simple and elegant to the truly show-stopping ones with layers of shimmering, colourful tulle. I literally had goosebumps!

And guess what? Right before the final bows, there was a gorgeous moment. A group of ballerinas – all wearing their own, spectacular pink tutus, just like mine! I could’ve jumped out of my seat with excitement! It was so lovely to share that experience, knowing we were all connected by this passion for dance and tutus!

After that beautiful performance, my next adventure involved one of my absolute favourite pastimes – a shopping spree in Soho! Now, we all know I adore a bit of retail therapy, but this trip was extra special.

Soho is like a magical portal into the world of fashion. The independent boutiques are just bursting with unique styles, designer finds, and vintage treasures. I fell in love with a gorgeous, flowing pink maxi skirt. It swirled so gracefully as I danced down the street, perfectly complementing my tutu and adding a touch of boho glamour to my look. I even found a gorgeous pink velvet handbag at a vintage store, perfect for my New York escapades. I felt like a total fashionista.

Now, my next stop was something I’d been eagerly anticipating: a Broadway performance! I opted for “Wicked,” which I knew would be an absolute treat, and it lived up to every single one of my expectations! I absolutely loved this vibrant, playful show.

It’s a whimsical musical about a misunderstood green girl, Elphaba (you’ve probably guessed… the Wicked Witch of the West!), and her bubbly, blonde friend, Galinda (who eventually becomes Glinda, the Good Witch). This modern spin on the “Wizard of Oz” story was everything – the storytelling, the songs, the characters… they all come together to create a real piece of theatrical magic!

Seeing a Broadway show always makes me want to burst into song and dance! I caught myself tapping my feet and twirling my pink tutu at my seat several times. There’s a certain energy to New York City, especially at Broadway, and it just encourages you to let your inner diva out!

Later that day, I indulged in something else I adore: a delicious afternoon tea at The Palm Court at The Plaza Hotel! Oh, my goodness, what a beautiful, luxurious experience. I imagined myself in a classic Audrey Hepburn film. My table was by the grand window, so I could gaze at the beautiful view of Central Park while I sipped on delicate, fragrant tea and nibbled on freshly-baked pastries. It was such a decadent treat for the senses!

And wouldn’t you know it? My fellow tea enthusiasts were also rocking the pink tutu look! I spotted two girls with adorable pink tulle skirts as I exited. New York City’s style is just so fun and diverse. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised by these tutu-twirling sisters in pink.

After my afternoon tea extravaganza, it was time to embrace one of my absolute favourite parts of New York City life – the charming, iconic subway system.

Taking the subway in New York City is always an adventure! The bustling atmosphere, the constant flow of people, the cacophony of announcements and music – it’s a fascinating mix. Plus, the subway trains are often full of artistic murals and quirky posters that add a unique visual aspect to the experience.

It feels a bit like stepping into a scene from a vintage film noir!

But let me tell you, riding the subway in my tutu really adds to the fun! I feel so free and ready for any adventure. There were a couple of other dancers on the train and even the occasional musician on the platform – always great energy!

One of the many things I love about New York City is the diversity - and this includes the dancers I meet on my adventures. There are all different types of dance happening in this city. From the grand opera ballet, Broadway musical theater, tap and ballroom classes, hip-hop studios, street dancers and even ballet classes held in parks, every corner of the city has something to offer the dance enthusiast in me. I'm trying to check out as much as I can on each trip, but even for a dancer, it feels like there's always more to explore in New York City!

And Speaking of Dancing…

While my primary goal is always to experience New York City's spectacular shows, it wouldn't be a Pink Tutu Blog NYC adventure without a visit to one of its incredible dance studios! I love being part of the dance community here. I love learning from talented instructors, discovering new choreographers, and most of all, simply connecting with the passion and dedication that dance evokes.

This trip, I found myself drawn to Ballet Arts. They are truly one of the premier studios in New York.

Ballet Arts offers something for everyone - beginners to professional dancers! You’ve got classical ballet, contemporary ballet, barre work, and more! And, of course, I joined in a few ballet classes to stretch my creative muscles! The classes at Ballet Arts are incredible, they attract top professional instructors and I had a lovely time learning from dancers who have toured around the world with major companies.

For those of you following at home, remember, the best way to find out what's happening at dance studios in your area is simply to take a walk around your neighborhood! Look out for "Dance" signs and pop into the studios. You might be surprised to find new places to dance and maybe even connect with new dance friends.

I even went on a spontaneous adventure and discovered a fantastic little ballet studio tucked away in the heart of a bustling Manhattan neighborhood, nestled on a side street lined with colorful flower stalls. I couldn't resist the charm of this intimate studio. It had a small, yet elegant space, the perfect backdrop for exploring classic barre work.

You never know what dance experiences you’ll stumble across while wandering the streets of New York! I find it’s the best way to connect with the energy of the city!

But there’s a new exciting energy growing in New York… And that energy is Ballet Street. Let me explain.

It seems like, at least in New York City, every single day someone is starting a new "street" performance scene: Street jazz, Street Tap, Street Ballet and more.

So you might be wondering: What is "Ballet Street?"

Ballet Street is a growing scene, where classical dancers (like yours truly!) step out of the studio and onto the streets. We are bringing the elegance of ballet to urban landscapes – think bridges, rooftops, even subway platforms! I'm loving it, even though my inner Derbyshire girl has to convince herself to be ok with stepping on the odd crack on the pavement, which, believe me, is difficult!

Honestly, this is all very exciting. We're seeing ballet pop up in surprising places, blurring the lines between tradition and urban exploration. And of course, the streets of New York provide the perfect stage. Think iconic backdrops, bustling city life, and the raw, dynamic energy of the urban environment.

I know what you’re thinking…

“Emma, is your pink tutu prepared to take on the urban jungle? Are you sure those cobblestones won't be a tutu tragedy?”

Not to worry my darling readers! This girl’s got a special edition of her signature pink tutu designed specifically for those unexpected adventures on the urban sidewalks of NYC!

This version has been cleverly created with extra strong and durable fabric, so no need to fear the occasional sidewalk scuffle. My New York-approved tutu is sturdy enough for pavement pounding, yet still as graceful and glamorous as ever! Plus, the perfect pairing to my tutu has got to be my sassy red Converse sneakers! It’s a mix that looks just as comfortable on a busy city street as it would on the stage of the Met Opera House!

Now, you can't mention “street” anything without talking about “The Subway Street Performances.”

In my previous Pink Tutu Blog, I told you about the Subway Dance Collective here in NYC. They are incredible – amazing dancers bringing beauty to unexpected corners of the city! This time around, I stumbled across one of the collective's dance performances near Grand Central Station. The sheer joy, passion, and energy were electric!

What makes Subway Dance Collective’s work so inspiring is its ability to transform the ordinary. It elevates something so mundane, a daily commute for many, into a celebration of movement and creativity! You see people glued to their phones, completely absorbed in their individual worlds… then a group of dancers pops up and suddenly the whole atmosphere shifts. People start smiling, clapping, taking photos – everyone's captivated.

As always, my New York experience has been one of pure joy. Each trip fuels my love for ballet, my appreciation for fashion, and my determination to get everyone to wear a pink tutu! Because who wouldn’t want to bring a touch of magic and elegance to the streets of the Big Apple?

Next week I'll tell you all about my trip to the Bronx Zoo!

Until next time, my lovelies! And remember, the world’s a stage, and every one of us is a ballerina, in our own unique and beautiful way. Embrace your inner pink tutu and dance through your day!

With a twirl and a smile, Emma

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2022-01-24 she danced in New York City