New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2022-01-17 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC: Post 1389 - Twirling Through The Big Apple! 🍎🩰

Hello my gorgeous Tutu Twirlers!

It’s Monday, which means it's time for a fresh dose of pink tutu-tastic adventures straight from the bustling heart of New York City! 🗽 I’ve been in the city for a week now, and trust me, the excitement hasn’t faded one bit!

This week has been an absolute whirlwind of tutus, twirls, and a touch of theatre magic. My trusty pink tutu has seen more of the Big Apple than most! 🏙️ We've taken the Metro to Broadway, shimmied along Fifth Avenue, and even snuck in a quick ballet class with the local ballet stars (you know, just for practice!) 😉

I’m still giddy from Friday night’s spectacular Broadway show. The costumes were utterly divine! All that glitz and glamour made my little ballet heart soar! And yes, I totally saw a bit of pink sparkle in the audience… did I spy a fellow tutu enthusiast? 💖

But first, a quick recap!

This week has been absolutely brimming with activities! I kicked things off with a ballet workshop at the beautiful Steps on Broadway studios – it was incredible to meet other dancers from all over the city! After, I was practically bouncing off the walls with excitement to explore a brand new clothing store I spotted on Bleecker Street – “The Tutu Boutique” - just for us tutu enthusiasts! Of course, I snagged a few delightful new pieces for my wardrobe. After all, a well-dressed ballerina is a happy ballerina! 😊

And then there was the Broadway show. “The Enchanted Forest”, they called it! You can bet my Tutu Twirly-Eyed Self was spellbound from the moment the curtain rose. My darling pink tutu practically spun with excitement!

Oh! Speaking of spellbound! You simply must explore the Central Park Zoo – my inner animal lover was in pure bliss! Seeing penguins waddle and tigers roam in their enclosures was something else! My inner child (you know, the one who still wears a tutu!) definitely came out to play!

The past week has also been a great opportunity to experience some of New York's incredible theatre offerings. I caught a delightful production of "The Nutcracker" by a local troupe on Wednesday. Seeing those little ballerina dreams onstage just reminds me of why I'm still twirling away, even after all these years. ✨

Where to find a Tutu Twirl:

So, you want to find the perfect place to twirl your own little pink tutu in the city? Let me give you some tips!

  • Lincoln Center Plaza: Imagine, twirling amongst the statues and architecture, soaking in the cultural vibe. You could even pop in for a show!
  • Bryant Park: This charming oasis in the heart of Manhattan offers stunning views and a lovely place to stretch your limbs! I spotted some lovely folks practicing salsa there the other day, so perhaps I could join in sometime? 😉
  • Central Park: Oh my, Central Park is a dream for any Tutu Twirling enthusiast. The sprawling green space is bursting with possibilities for dance. There are plenty of benches for rest stops and gorgeous foliage to serve as your natural stage backdrop. Plus, there are the beautiful lakes and streams for a more magical touch!
  • Times Square: If you’re looking for some major, attention-grabbing twirling action, this iconic square is perfect! The sights, the sounds, the people! What a perfect place for an impromptu tutu-inspired photoshoot!
  • The High Line: If you’re looking for a little city serenity, a peaceful walk down The High Line with your tutu swaying alongside will certainly do the trick!

Of course, don’t forget, a good dance studio is also the perfect place for a pink tutu! There’s a new studio I discovered on West 14th Street. Perhaps next week we’ll venture in together!

My Top 3 New York Essentials for Every Tutu Twirler:

I've put together a little list of must-haves for your New York City adventure, my darling tutu enthusiasts! Let’s face it, a good tutu needs its trusty companions.

  1. A comfortable pair of shoes: Your feet will be your best friend as you explore the city. Make sure to pack a comfortable pair of flats, ballet shoes, or even sneakers for those long walks! You'll be doing a lot of exploring.
  2. A stylish handbag: This isn’t just for carrying essentials. A stylish handbag helps create a truly enchanting look when you’re walking the streets of New York. You can store all your ballet treasures: extra tights, a favourite ballet book, even a tiny, adorable pink ballet shoe-shaped makeup bag for those touch-ups! 💄
  3. A fab pair of sunglasses: As any seasoned city-goer will tell you, you need some seriously chic shades! You can always rock those fashionably-tinted glasses as your go-to accessory to shield you from the New York sun and paparazzi (it can be tricky staying incognito with such a fabulous tutu!)! 😎

And that, my dear tutu twirlers, is a peek into my busy little New York City life! Stay tuned for next week's adventure – who knows what the next few days have in store for my pink tutu?

Until next time, keep those tutus twirling! ✨

*With love, Emma XOXO *

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2022-01-17 she danced in New York City