New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2022-03-07 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC - Post Number 1396 - 7th March 2022: A Ballerina's Dream in the City That Never Sleeps!

Hello, my darling tutu-loving darlings! It's Emma here, reporting live from the most fabulous city in the world – New York City! It’s Monday, and that means it's time for another dose of Pink Tutu magic from your favourite, tutu-tastic blogger.

This week I've been absolutely dancing with delight, twirling through the concrete jungle and soaking up all the Big Apple's glitz and glamour. You know how much I adore performing, and with my latest run at the off-Broadway "Nutcracker" I've been absolutely spoilt for choice with theatre-hopping and Broadway shows.

But before we get into the heart of my week, let me just say that you girls NEED to experience New York! Seriously, it's a total dream for a ballet girl like me – a world of stunning dancers, exciting performances, and just about every type of tutu imaginable!

Now, to catch you up on my latest adventures! I had a rather late night (it’s just too easy to be up till the wee hours in this exciting city) and I am starting the week a little bleary-eyed but brimming with all the adventures to share with you lovely lot!

New York, New York

You guys know I love a good city escape. London is always a delight, and I’ve even ventured as far as Paris in my tutus – and it is a gorgeous city, so much more than croissants and the Eiffel Tower, it's such an inspirational place for fashion and street style. But this trip to New York has truly been a dream come true!

From the moment I touched down, I felt the magic of the city. It was such a thrill to arrive in the metropolis - so full of energy and colour. Even just seeing those iconic yellow taxis flitting around is exhilarating - I don’t even care for the car rides – I am always a subway girl! That rumble of the subway lines below is such a reassuring and steady soundtrack to my life in the Big Apple.

Oh, and did I mention I have found a pink tutu that I just HAVE to buy?

Broadway's Bright Lights and Tutu Delight

It's a shame you can’t hear me saying it through your phone, darling, but my dear, I’ve fallen absolutely head-over-tutu for the “Wicked” show in Broadway, so I did the whole tourist thing - saw the Times Square billboards for the first time! I'm not usually much of a 'bright lights, big city' kinda girl, but there is something so dazzling and exciting about it all! I know it might seem corny, but there's an absolute buzz in the air, a vibrant energy that's impossible to resist!

You just can’t go to Broadway without feeling like you are stepping into a theatre show yourself! It’s a ballet fan’s delight – everything's dressed up and ready for a big night, from the flamboyant costumes in the shows to the dazzling displays on the street.

And that's just New York - all these beautiful people have such confidence in their own sense of style! Even the little shops in the quiet backstreets have a touch of sophisticated whimsy, and I could just spend all day window shopping, looking for some fabulous new dance shoes and that new tutu - it’s just crying out for me to give it a good twirl!

Speaking of dancing, I've also taken a couple of classes at this amazing studio in Greenwich Village – so much inspiration for future moves and style, as you know my style is usually ballet street-inspired - mixing graceful movements with modern street-style.

But you'll have to wait for the blog posts about all my fashion finds, that'll be a little later in the week – and, my lovelies, you'll not want to miss the photos I’ve taken in front of the Empire State building. I just HAVE to share with you how amazing those city skyline photos in my pink tutu turned out – you can practically feel the energy! I even had a whole photoshoot in Central Park – you know I’m always one to love a spot of photo-taking, a chance to feel like a graceful ballerina, surrounded by the beauty of the Big Apple!

It truly was like dancing through a dream - it all feels so different when you're dressed in a pink tutu, darling, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Taking A Break: Coffee And Cake And Of Course Fashion

New York, despite being all hustle and bustle, is such an eclectic mix of cafes, little art shops and art galleries, which have given me so much inspiration, with those bright colours. It’s also such a great city for trying new things! I was wandering around SOHO (so stylish!) on Saturday, and ended up trying a coffee with almond milk - it's definitely my new favourite coffee spot in the Big Apple - now I just need to find that perfect bakery for a matching afternoon tea!

I am already dreaming of taking you lovelies along next time I visit – so much to see and so much to share.

A Glimpse into the Past: Dancing Memories and Ballet Love

Right now I am missing the stunning view from the top of the Rockefeller Center (well, almost!), I feel like this view is a must for all visiting ballerinas, or any girl who loves dancing – such a romantic view!

Talking about romance, and love, and beautiful stories, you're gonna want to listen to my experience of seeing the ballet performance of “Giselle”, one of the classics, the most famous love story of all. There is just something about being back in the theatre, especially for a story as emotive and beautiful as “Giselle.” It's as though you're entering a whole other world where the magic really does come to life.

And what's a ballet performance without the perfect tutus! Each performance had the most wonderful variety of tutus – it's a true feast for the eyes and a source of inspiration – especially with so many different dance styles to get lost in!

From the elegant flow of the classic tutus, to the modern-day street-style, it’s all part of the magic. And seeing the beautiful movements – you really feel the expression and the emotions the dancers bring to each performance – makes you think of your own performances, even those practice sessions when I am trying out a new ballet step in the privacy of my bedroom (yes, it happens all the time!).

It’s this exhilaration that truly captures what a ballerina’s life is about – not just about being on stage, but being constantly learning and moving, pushing myself forward. There is a feeling of being alive and energized in every performance that makes me just want to leap for joy.

## My Life’s Purpose

You all know I want to inspire everyone to put on a pink tutu! After this New York adventure I am absolutely bursting with inspiration to share. I will even be holding an online workshop where you lovelies can all learn about everything about tutus and how you can confidently twirl and show off that ballerina inside you. Watch out for details coming soon, it's all happening!

Okay, my darlings, I need to run off and grab some breakfast. It's been another wonderful day in New York, but I'll leave you with these words – always stay optimistic, dance like no one is watching, and embrace all the fabulousness life has to offer! And most of all, never stop believing in your own sparkle!


#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2022-03-07 she danced in New York City