
New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2022-04-11 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC: #1401 - Twirling Through the Big Apple!

Hello, my darlings! It's Emma here, and I'm so thrilled to be back with another post from the vibrant and dazzling city that never sleeps, New York City! It's been a whirlwind of a week, filled with ballet, Broadway, and a whole lot of pink, of course.

Monday, the 11th of April, dawned bright and sunny. As soon as I opened my curtains, I knew this was going to be a day for twirling! I had a performance that evening at a gorgeous little theatre in Greenwich Village. And as always, I prepped with my usual pre-performance ritual - a spot of tea and a long, luxurious soak in the bath, topped off with my favourite bubble bath: a sparkly, pink, "Pinkalicious" potion. The stage called, and off I went!

I feel so lucky to be able to support myself through the love of my life - ballet. There's something magical about being onstage, the lights, the applause, the sheer joy of movement. It truly fuels my soul. And then there's the fantastic bonus of being able to use my earnings to travel to places like this beautiful city and explore all that it has to offer!

Speaking of exploration, the Metro remains my favourite way to get around the city. I simply adore the energy, the diversity of people you encounter, and the sheer speed of getting to wherever I need to be. Today, my destination was the legendary Macy's. Let's just say that it lived up to its hype. The sheer magnitude of that store is incredible! There were mountains of shoes, rivers of dresses, and enough sequins to last a lifetime!

Naturally, I spent a little time searching for some new additions to my wardrobe, and you know how much I love pink! But it wouldn't be a real "Pink Tutu Blog NYC" post if I didn't share my excitement about my newest discovery! Tucked away on a quiet corner of the 1st floor, I stumbled upon a whole aisle dedicated to - wait for it - tutus! My inner ballerina shrieked with joy! They weren't your typical tutus, mind you. These were bold, statement tutus! Fiery reds, electric blues, shimmery silvers... you name it, they had it. And you guessed it - even a stunning fuchsia tutu that perfectly captured my inner diva! It's going straight onto my website for a little "Pink Tutu Fashion Friday" blog later in the week.

After a leisurely afternoon exploring the delights of Bloomingdale's (another of my favourite shopping havens), I decided to take a detour to the Central Park Conservatory Garden. A serene oasis of colourful blooms in the midst of the city, it's the perfect place to take a breath, appreciate the beauty around you, and of course, twirl amongst the flowers!

As the day melted into evening, I made my way back to Greenwich Village to prep for the performance. I chose a lovely lilac tutu for this show, adorned with silver sequins. I'm so lucky to have so many stunning pieces to wear - each one has its own personality, and it's always exciting to pair them with different looks!

I always get butterflies before a performance. The thrill, the excitement, it's exhilarating. But you know me - Iโ€™m a bit of a romantic at heart, so for me, the most magical part of being onstage is feeling the connection with the audience. Sharing my passion, spreading a bit of joy through movement... itโ€™s what makes it all worthwhile.

The show went off without a hitch, and we had an amazing reception. People laughed, they gasped, they clapped. The audience is a vital part of the performance - their energy really adds something extra. And tonight, we had a beautiful, sparkling energy in the theatre!

Following the final bow, it was off to the infamous Russian Tea Room for a well-deserved celebratory drink. I felt like I was in a beautiful, classic film! This iconic NYC venue is as enchanting as its name suggests. And the vodka martini (with a twist of pink grapefruit!) went down rather nicely, if I do say so myself.

Speaking of "doing" things, what better way to end this lovely day than by catching a show at the illustrious Broadway? I treated myself to a ticket for "Chicago" and wow, what a performance! It had everything: glamour, sass, stunning vocals, captivating dancing. A true triumph of theatre!

I love the energy that pervades every street corner in New York City. You never quite know what you might find around the next corner - a spontaneous street performance, a dazzling storefront, or a hilarious passerby! That unpredictable spark is what makes this city so special, and I embrace it wholeheartedly.

This city truly inspires me - its fashion, its music, its art, its sheer diversity. New York City embodies everything I love about life - colour, movement, expression. And of course, that special touch of magic that can make the most ordinary moments extraordinary.

So, darlings, stay tuned for more "Pink Tutu Blog NYC" posts! You never know what adventures await!

Until next Monday, stay pink, and remember - everyone has a bit of a ballerina inside. Just remember to twirl with joy and sprinkle your own sparkle!

Lots of love,

Emma xo


#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2022-04-11 she danced in New York City