New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2022-07-11 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC - #1414

Monday 2022-07-11

Hello darlings! It’s Monday morning and the sunshine is streaming through my hotel room window. Today, we’re back to the concrete jungle, the bustling city that never sleeps, the one and only New York City! And of course, I’m ready to dance into the week wearing my very favourite pink tutu, which is actually a very new addition to my wardrobe – pink with a shimmering, iridescent finish! You wouldn’t believe how much this magical tutu caught the eye yesterday while I was browsing the vintage boutiques of Greenwich Village, all those dreamy twirls – such a beautiful vintage find! I’ve paired it with a crisp white shirt, some statement earrings, and my go-to platform heels. A look that’s sure to turn heads in this big city!

The day’s plan? A whirlwind of glamour and a touch of magic!

First things first, a visit to Bryant Park with its glorious open space for a good stretch, some sunshine and a chat with fellow dance lovers. And yes, I even squeezed in a few twirls and leaps under the watchful gaze of the magnificent Empire State Building. Who says you can’t have fun even in the most concrete of cities? You can't, is my answer. Just follow your dreams and embrace the joy of movement!

From the elegant open space of Bryant Park to the magnificent Metropolitan Opera House, for the ballet production of La Bayadere. My favourite bit is always the Kingdom of Shades, with its ethereal grace and timeless elegance. Just as a side note, for any dance lovers heading to NYC, do check out the opera schedule and make a note to experience this beauty for yourself – it's absolutely divine! The Met truly is a majestic setting for world-class performances and just so luxurious, it’s the ultimate blend of sophistication and timeless art, don’t you think?

And just to ensure my creative juices stayed flowing, I did a little wander through the Chelsea Market later, a feast for the senses, you know? Every little stand held something captivating – from delicious artisan chocolates to one-of-a-kind fashion creations. This truly is where creativity comes alive in the heart of New York City, making you feel like you’re walking through the pages of a beautifully illustrated magazine! Isn’t it a dream to see so many wonderful artistic and delicious delights all in one place?

Oh, but before I let my head run away with me… did I tell you about yesterday’s adventures?

Saturday, the day before, was such a whirl! A grand afternoon tea party in Central Park! Imagine, dainty sandwiches, scrumptious cakes, and flowing tea served on vintage china in a lush garden setting. And the sunshine was just glorious – making my pink tutu sparkle even more brightly, you know? I’d made the tea reservations months ago – and it was worth every moment, just the perfect touch of English elegance and charm! The best part of all though, was the lovely ladies who sat beside me, one with whom I shared my dream of inspiring the world to wear a pink tutu! It was so special. Her eyes twinkled with excitement, as though she had known this secret desire for years! A little bird on my shoulder whispered a dream about starting a new ‘pink tutu fashion club’ here in NYC… don’t worry, I’ll be keeping you posted!

Of course, after all this fine feasting and tea sipping, it wouldn't be a real NYC trip without catching a show on Broadway! My absolute favourite – the Moulin Rouge! It’s a dazzling production filled with song, dance, and colourful extravagance. If you are ever lucky enough to experience Moulin Rouge!, the spectacle will be forever etched in your heart, as it is in mine, I assure you! Such energy and zest! I was absolutely captivated by the dazzling costumes – a beautiful and vibrant explosion of colour! I truly wish I could own that dress with all those ruffles and sequins! Just another day, another pink tutu dream to chase after.

Speaking of dreams and following them – after an energetic performance of La Bayadere today, I was finally allowed back to my own world - the place I always dreamed of, a special and inspiring dance space called Dance Space New York! It's a gorgeous, spacious dance studio, right in the heart of the city. Dance Space welcomes dancers of all levels, shapes, sizes, and ages.

The air buzzed with creativity and energy as the sun started to set, creating a golden glow on the wood floors. This is my place. As my fellow dancers and I warmed up with some gentle stretching, a sense of peace washed over me. The rhythmic sounds of bodies moving and the music playing, the joyful noises of sharing this special passion for dance with each other. And here, under the dimmed studio lights, we simply become lost in the flow of music and the intricate dance moves we know so well. We forget the world outside, we are connected only to the passion in our hearts and the love of movement that binds us all. I simply adore this communal spirit of the dance world!

Speaking of joy and inspiration, something I’ve discovered while wandering around New York City… everyone is wearing pink tutus here! At least, it feels like that sometimes. Even the statue of Liberty is starting to look like a real life pink tutu diva.

Yes, darlings, I might just be slightly ob-sessed with the tutu – but isn’t it an iconic and glamorous dance symbol, full of colour, whimsy, and sparkle?

Well, the end of the day is fast approaching. The subway has called out its ‘next stop, Times Square’. You’ll find me amongst the kaleidoscopic lights, bustling streets, and the energy of this unforgettable city!

This New York City escapade is fast coming to a close but I’ll be sure to keep you all posted on my next fabulous adventure. I do have a very important event to attend – my Pink Tutu Gala! - the very pinnacle of the week - but you’ll have to wait for all the glamorous details until next Monday! It’ll involve tutus, dance, and so many amazing costumes that will make your head spin…

Oh, and before I let you go – did I tell you how absolutely amazing the Metro is here in New York City? It’s so easy, quick and even offers so much unique underground street art and live music. From a pink tutu perspective, the underground trains provide the perfect place for a mini twirl or two!

Until next Monday, stay sparkly, keep smiling and wear pink!

With lots of love,


P.S. Don’t forget to follow my Instagram account: @pinktutuEmma

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2022-07-11 she danced in New York City