New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2022-11-14 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC: Post 1432 – New York, New York!

Monday 14th November 2022

Hello my darling tutu-lovers!

It’s Emma here, writing to you from the heart of the Big Apple – New York City! Can you believe it? This stunning, vibrant city is just brimming with life and I’m absolutely smitten with it already. As I write, the smell of coffee is wafting up from the cafe down the street, the city’s hustle and bustle is audible through my open window, and I’m just utterly besotted with the feeling of this place. It truly feels like the city that never sleeps!

This trip has been a long time coming. For weeks now, I’ve been counting down the days, picturing myself spinning through the streets of Manhattan, dancing through Central Park, and soaking up the magic of Broadway.

Now, as you know, I always travel in my favourite attire – my trusty pink tutu. It’s become a bit of a trademark for me, and let’s be honest, it wouldn’t be the same without it! Honestly, it was amazing to see all the reactions from New Yorkers as I glided through the streets, twirling and twirling in my beautiful pink tutu.

Today was an absolutely glorious day for sightseeing, with the autumn colours blazing through the park. I popped over to Central Park and even had a little impromptu dance session – who can resist a spontaneous twirl when surrounded by such beauty? There's something magical about a New York autumn, isn’t there?

Speaking of magic, today's main event was seeing the iconic New York City Ballet at the David H. Koch Theater. You simply can’t come to New York City without experiencing the magic of their performances, so of course, I had tickets booked months in advance. The dancers were magnificent!

After the performance, I had the opportunity to meet the company’s Director – it was quite a surreal moment! It was so inspiring to talk with someone who shares the same passion for ballet as I do. You know, just two tutu-loving ladies in a world that often overlooks the beautiful elegance of dance!

But of course, what’s a trip to New York City without a spot of shopping? My mission, should I choose to accept it, is to find the most perfect pink tutu in all of New York City – a true crown jewel to add to my collection!

My first stop was Bloomingdale’s, a sprawling department store with so much fashion eye-candy, it was nearly overwhelming. I managed to navigate through the throngs of people, past racks of fabulous footwear and endless rows of clothes, but sadly, the perfect tutu just wouldn't materialise. Don't worry though, the search isn't over. I'm determined to find the perfect pink tutu for this fabulous city – and you can be sure I'll document the entire adventure.

I was tempted by a charming vintage shop nestled in amongst the high street behemoths, which seemed to hold hidden treasures tucked into every corner. After browsing racks filled with quirky outfits and a beautiful selection of accessories, I finally came across something truly unique: a blush pink tutu adorned with delicate sequins, and just the right amount of tulle to create the perfect amount of puffiness!

Of course, I just had to try it on. After all, a tutu-loving girl like myself can never resist a chance to add some pink frills to her life. It looked like it had been hand-stitched with love and care, a real piece of craftsmanship – I even managed to twirl in it and oh, it was dreamy. My heart, of course, was instantly captured.

In true New York fashion, the shop owner – a lovely woman who looked as though she’d stepped out of a film with her flamboyant attire – had managed to work her magic and I'd convinced myself that I couldn’t possibly leave the shop without it! She also had the cutest collection of matching ballet-themed accessories - pink bows, miniature pointe shoes, and even a little pink satin ballet bag, which were definitely on my list! It's no wonder that my budget has been slightly out of control this week, and I don't see it stopping anytime soon, especially considering that we haven’t even gotten to the fashion houses in Manhattan!

The best thing about a New York evening is the sheer number of fabulous Broadway shows. Tonight, I saw Moulin Rouge! The Musical. Let me tell you, I was blown away! The costumes were truly remarkable – feathers, sequins, lace – all the ingredients for a showstopping night! I mean, where else can you find such extraordinary performances right here in the city? It was exhilarating! The vibrant colours, the catchy music, and of course, the incredible talent, made for an unforgettable night. The show even ended with a spectacular tutu-filled final act. I couldn’t resist a few excited twirls during the curtain call!

But that's not all. It wouldn't be a real trip to New York City without exploring the amazing neighbourhoods and finding hidden gems off the beaten path. One of the places I always look forward to visiting is the historic and fashionable West Village. Filled with quaint shops, trendy boutiques, and cafes spilling onto the street, it's the perfect spot to get your shopping fix, enjoy a delectable pastry, and soak in the quintessential New York atmosphere. I felt so at home amongst the cobblestone streets and elegant brownstones. The relaxed atmosphere allowed me to really soak up the sights and sounds of this incredible neighbourhood.

And let’s talk about the New York Metro! As an avid public transport user, I'm constantly fascinated by the hustle and bustle of the Metro. Every station is like its own unique artwork – a cacophony of colours and sounds, with people rushing by, catching up on their phone calls and listening to music – a perfect snapshot of this city that never sleeps! The New York Metro might seem a bit overwhelming to those not familiar with it, but for me, it's part of what makes the city so unique and electrifying.

It's been such a whirlwind few days, full of dancing, shopping, exploring, and soaking up everything this incredible city has to offer!

Of course, no blog post is complete without a special “Pink Tutu Tip” to all my wonderful readers! When exploring New York City, always be prepared to wander. It’s the best way to discover hidden gems and unexpected experiences that will truly enrich your time in this magical city. Trust me, those charming little alleys and backstreets often hold the greatest treasures and secrets, just waiting to be discovered. And always wear your pink tutu – trust me, you never know who you might inspire to take a leap of faith and embrace their inner dancer!

Stay tuned, darling tutu-lovers. Tomorrow I’ll be tackling the fashion houses of Fifth Avenue – and of course, I'll keep you updated on the quest for the perfect New York tutu!

Until next week,

Lots of love,

Emma xx

P.S. Don't forget to follow my adventures on Instagram @EmmaPinkTutu for even more photos and insights!

Fashion Friday: A Chic City Style

Friday 18th November 2022

Hello darlings!

As promised, I'm back with another update from my New York City adventures, and let's just say it's been another week of incredible sights, inspiring moments, and a few sartorial indulgences – naturally! As a tutu-loving ballerina, exploring New York City with my trusty pink tutu is an experience like no other, especially when it comes to fashion.

For this post, I thought it'd be fun to delve into the sartorial world of New York, where chic street style meets a dash of whimsical, and of course, where a pink tutu fits right in! So buckle up, darlings, it’s time to let our inner fashionistas loose and explore some of my favourite city-chic looks that blend comfort and style with a hint of ballerina-inspired elegance.

As you know, I am always on the hunt for stylish finds that incorporate both my love for ballet and the thrill of expressing myself through fashion, especially in a city like New York!

Firstly, my go-to for an elegant yet comfortable day look: a stylish oversized cardigan or cashmere sweater layered over a beautiful white flowing top or blouse, paired with some skinny jeans. It's effortlessly chic, allowing the colours and textures of my pink tutu to stand out. This combination offers warmth, sophistication, and allows my vibrant pink tutu to make a statement amidst the fashionable city. I even try to coordinate with the tutu – sometimes it’s all about the monochrome – think classic white shirts or ivory blouses – paired with a sophisticated blush pink tutu!

Secondly, another New York favourite for a stylish yet comfy evening outfit: a tailored blazer – you can never go wrong with a good, classic blazer in a beautiful color – and I do love a pop of colour – a vibrant blue or deep burgundy, layered over a sophisticated black dress with a touch of detail - a hint of lace or sheer fabric. This look not only feels luxurious and edgy, but the tutu just takes it to another level. The combination gives an alluring, graceful feel, reflecting the confident energy of New York City while embracing the artistry of my ballerina heritage.

When it comes to shoes, comfort is essential! And for this, nothing beats classic ballet flats. Ballet flats in sleek black, creamy white, or chic pastel hues effortlessly complete the look, echoing the elegance of a dancer.

But hey, a little pop of pink always brings a smile to my face – especially with my beautiful pink bow! Nothing adds a touch of whimsy like a bold statement piece! These adorable accessories really do take a look from good to incredible.

Now, onto the fashion highlight of my week – the ultimate New York City shopping experience. It wouldn’t be a trip to New York without visiting Bergdorf Goodman, the legendary department store that represents the pinnacle of luxury shopping. It was an absolute dream – a retail heaven overflowing with fashion-forward items, where even the display windows felt like a glamorous art exhibit. Of course, it’s also a haven for the ultimate ballerina in fashion: Christian Louboutin!

Walking through those magnificent floors was a feast for my senses! It was almost impossible to narrow down my choices, but there were so many incredible items, all with a captivating touch of flair – bold colours, whimsical textures, luxurious materials and cutting-edge designs – I was truly inspired.

And then I found it, the highlight of the shopping spree! A dazzling pink satin ballerina pump with intricate detailing and of course, the signature red soles. These pumps felt like an embodiment of ballet style and sophistication. They were the perfect blend of delicate feminine beauty and fierce individuality. Let’s just say that these were not exactly on my budget, but it felt like fate – they needed to come home with me. And trust me, they won’t be staying at the back of my wardrobe, I’ve already worn them to the next performance, paired with a beautifully-structured grey dress and a shimmering tulle pink tutu - what a combination!

Remember my search for the perfect pink tutu? I discovered something rather magical while exploring the charming streets of Greenwich Village – a delightful little vintage boutique that truly embraced the essence of New York's unique style. Amidst racks of carefully curated clothes and treasures from decades past, I discovered a pink tutu that was unlike anything I’d ever seen before.

It wasn’t your standard ballet-style tutu; this was more vintage, romantic, with layers of delicately woven tulle. It was a pastel pink that resembled the colour of spun sugar – a delicate and enchanting shade. I loved it, I absolutely loved it! And it seemed like it was made for me - it fit perfectly! It instantly conjured images of magical city evenings and twirling beneath the city lights – something about it was truly magical. The owner, a lovely lady with a quirky sense of style, explained it had belonged to a retired Broadway dancer. It even had its own backstory! How divine.

This vintage beauty certainly wasn’t cheap, but I felt that a tutu like this one had a history, a story to tell. As soon as I twirled in front of the mirror, I knew it had to be mine! I felt as if a touch of history and New York City magic had joined forces in the most incredible way!

You see, when I travel in my trusty pink tutu, it's not just about expressing my love for dance – it’s a means of blending my passions and making memories in each city I visit. It becomes part of the fabric of my adventures, each memory tied to its delicate tulle layers and sparkly embellishments. And believe me, New York City is now sewn into my memories, stitched in with love, fashion and a dash of magic!

See you next week, my beautiful tutu-lovers!

Emma xx

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2022-11-14 she danced in New York City