
New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2023-03-20 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC #1450: A Whirlwind of Pink in the Big Apple!

Hello darlings, and welcome back to my little corner of the internet! This week, we're leaving the quaint English countryside behind for the bustling, vibrant energy of New York City. I must admit, even a seasoned tutu-wearing traveller like myself can get a little lost in the magic of this phenomenal city. But fear not, my dear readers, for I am armed with my trusty pink tutu, a thirst for adventure, and a spirit ready to embrace the big city's whirlwind!

From Derbyshire to the Empire State Building

This week's adventure started with a trip to the airport. I do enjoy a good farewell wave from the window seat as I take off - there's something quite magical about the world shrinking below as you fly into the sky. Now, a plane journey is no place to be seen without a dash of pink, of course, so my travel outfit was all about feminine elegance. A delicate rose-coloured cashmere scarf swirled around my neck, complimenting the graceful swirls of my signature pink tutu, while a pair of pearl-embellished ballet flats finished the look with a touch of classic charm. Oh, and a cherry red beret for good measure! It was, of course, all coordinated perfectly with my miniature ballet bag, containing my essentials (not just my trusty lip gloss, darling - we mustn't forget the necessities for an elegant tutu-wearing ballerina, right? A small emergency kit of tights and hairspray are a must!)

I made it to New York in one piece, and trust me, my dear readers, even a whirlwind trip can't shake off the feeling of wonder I get every time I step out of the subway station onto Times Square. That first blast of city energy, that symphony of yellow taxis, flashing billboards and buzzing streets, makes you want to burst into a joyous twirl.

A Waltz through Fashion and Art

The first thing on my list, naturally, was a spot of retail therapy. I found myself at a little boutique Iā€™d heard whispers about ā€“ The Ballet Boutique. Oh, darling, you wonā€™t believe this place! Everything from hand-crafted tutu creations fit for the grandest of ballets to darling ballerina shoes you simply HAVE to get your hands on, if you understand what I mean, sweetie. Iā€™m sure I caused quite the stir, a pink cloud of tutus and twirls amidst the carefully curated, sleek fashions of the shop. The sales assistants were charming ā€“ it was a true dream for any girl who loves tutus as much as I do.

And of course, no trip to New York City is complete without seeing a world-class performance. The Bolshoi was in town, and their rendition of Giselle at Lincoln Center was an absolute triumph! I was enchanted by the sheer beauty and athleticism of the dancers. The performance was absolutely stunning. Even without a pink tutu in the theatre (not entirely unheard of, trust me, you can wear a tutu anywhere you dare! ), thereā€™s nothing like being completely engrossed in a ballet and letting the music and the emotion carry you away.

But beyond the world of performance, this city holds a myriad of hidden treasures waiting to be discovered. That same day, I had the good fortune to wander into a secret little alley off Fifth Avenue, tucked between a bookstore and a gallery - it felt like it had been plucked straight from a fairytale. A charming old brick courtyard, cobblestones, with a dainty wrought-iron gate, blooming ivy vines climbing up the walls, and a little cafe on the side. It felt like a slice of Old World charm nestled within the bustle of the city.

The Subway and My Tutu: A Love Story

And you simply cannot ignore the energy of New Yorkā€™s iconic underground! That screeching sound as the trains speed through the station always gets me excited! Thereā€™s nothing quite like a long ride on the New York subway to really appreciate the spirit of this city. A journey on the 7 line always makes my heart sing. Every turn, every station is brimming with life, each stop revealing a new piece of the city's fascinating tapestry. It feels like a little adventure in itself.

Now, some may wonder, ā€œHow does one navigate the New York subway with a voluminous, full-length tutu, dear?" It does require some maneuvering, you'll need a few tricks up your sleeve! For those curious, Iā€™ve found that the trick lies in strategically timing your steps - it's all about taking your cue from the rush and keeping it moving!

New York Moments: Tiny Sparks of Joy

Even the little things, dear readers, bring their own dose of charm to this bustling city. Finding a quiet corner at Central Park to sip a warm cappuccino, my pink tutu catching the morning sunshine, it's those simple joys that truly make New York City feel like home.

For this week's photo opportunity, I went for a more casual approach, focusing on the delicate pastel pink hues of a cherry blossom tree, their petals a beautiful contrast to my vibrant pink tutu. It felt right to add a little soft pink to my bright, dramatic wardrobe for a change, but trust me, the pink wasn't going anywhere. It's all about adding a touch of the magical!

My mission? To inspire you all!

Now, as always, darling, remember that you are beautiful and unique just as you are, and this city embodies that spirit like no other. Donā€™t be afraid to embrace your inner tutu-wearing ballerina! Itā€™s not just about the pink, my dears - itā€™s about that twirling, magical spirit! Itā€™s about reminding ourselves of the child in each of us, and celebrating the wonder of a world filled with so many incredible stories and breathtaking sights! Letā€™s spread joy and kindness ā€“ just like my mission to inspire you all to find your inner ballerina!

Have a fantastic week, and until next Monday, stay pink and stay twirling, my darlings!



*P.S. You can catch me next week on my favourite YouTube channel: ā€œBallerinas In Motionā€ as a featured dancer ā€“ canā€™t wait to see you there! *

And be sure to catch up on the blog from the week before ā€“ I ventured to a little ballet festival outside of Paris - quite a whirlwind of pink tutus, dancing and fashion ā€“ you won't want to miss it, I promise! It's at www.pink-tutu.com/blog - see you there, darling!

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2023-03-20 she danced in New York City