New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2023-04-03 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC: Post 1452 - New York, New York!

Hello darlings! It’s Emma here, your favourite pink-loving tutu enthusiast, and I’m positively thrilled to be back in the Big Apple, for a whirlwind trip full of tutus, Broadway shows, and of course, loads of shopping!

This is my 1452nd post from my Pink Tutu Blog, and as always, I’m posting every Monday at - a platform dedicated to the magic of tutus and everything pink! My trip to New York is, of course, all thanks to my delightful performances – dancing my heart out with the New York City Ballet – a truly magical experience, and one that gives me the freedom to explore the wonders of this phenomenal city!

Monday 2023-04-03

My little toes are still tapping from the brilliance of the New York City Ballet’s performance of “Swan Lake” last night! It was simply exquisite. I adored the breathtaking choreography, the powerful performance of the swans, and of course, the utterly gorgeous costumes - I especially loved the iconic white tutus, so classically elegant! And who can resist a good ballet, with its delicate beauty and elegant strength? It really did put a spring in my step – or should I say a tutu in my step?

After the show, my friend Anna (fellow tutu-enthusiast and avid New Yorker) took me for a divine bite to eat in the most adorable little cafe in Greenwich Village. It had the most whimsical decor – I swear I even saw a vintage ballet poster! It felt just like stepping into a fairytale – maybe it’s all those pink roses around me! The food was absolutely divine, especially the quiche – utterly delicious!

Tutu Travels: The Metro Adventure!

Now, anyone who knows me knows I am absolutely obsessed with the subway – it's such an exciting, vibrant part of this city's charm! And what better way to get around New York than by hopping on a train and feeling the thrill of navigating those incredible lines? It's like a grand adventure every time, complete with its own symphony of sounds - the whirring wheels, the clickety-clack, and of course, the ever so interesting conversations you overhear!

Speaking of vibrant – have I told you about the newest, absolutely delightful clothing shop I discovered near my apartment? Oh darling, the Pink Princess Boutique is absolutely divine! It’s filled with the most gorgeous pink outfits, glittering jewels, and delicate tutus - the owner, a truly charming woman named Lily, even had a whole section dedicated to sparkly tutu accessories! Of course, I came home with several bags of goodies - some absolutely stunning pastel-pink tulle dresses and a feather boa so delightful I'm planning on wearing it everywhere!

Shopping for Ballet Style

Shopping in New York is an absolute joy! And for someone who adores fashion as much as I do, there’s simply nowhere else on Earth I’d rather be. Today, I went on a fashion pilgrimage, a mission to seek out the latest ballet-inspired outfits. The designers in this city are simply fantastic at incorporating ballet into fashion!

I started with a stroll down Fifth Avenue – a beautiful parade of the most gorgeous windows I've ever seen! They really know how to put on a show! And, of course, I had to pop into a few of those glamorous department stores. One boutique, in particular, really caught my eye! It was adorned with a whimsical display of fluffy pink tutus! This darling store even had a section dedicated to ballerina-inspired sportswear! Of course, I couldn't leave without a stunning new leotard! I chose one that reminded me of the dancers from "Swan Lake" – elegance and movement embodied in a garment.

From Fifth Avenue, I made my way to the SoHo district, a fantastic little hub for trendy independent stores – the perfect spot to pick up a truly unique accessory! There, I found an adorable shop crammed full of headbands, barrettes, and hair combs – all adorned with delightful little sparkly tutus! It was almost as if they were designed for a ballet-inspired photoshoot! And I did need to add some dazzling touches to my pink tutu outfits – after all, my hair simply cannot be left out of the fun!

Later that evening, my friend Anna and I visited the most delightful little theatre on Broadway, where we saw a play called "The Phantom of the Opera." The performance was fantastic, the costumes gorgeous, and I loved the theatricality! There's something truly magical about experiencing the magic of theatre – a special connection between the actors and the audience – especially for a girl who grew up dreaming of dancing on a grand stage!

The Importance of the Pink Tutu

Did you know that I've actually made a bit of a mission out of spreading the joy of the pink tutu? It's my personal mantra - tutus aren’t just for ballerinas! I truly believe everyone has a tiny bit of the ballerina within them, and wearing a pink tutu is like embracing that inner child, letting go, and having a little fun! It's all about expressing yourself through a little bit of whimsy!

While in New York, I have actually managed to persuade a few of my fellow New York City Ballet dancers to add a touch of pink to their daily wardrobe! They looked so delightful! One even told me it actually makes her feel more confident on stage, almost as if she's performing with a magical touch!

And let’s face it - when else do you have an opportunity to wear a truly unique outfit with such panache and pizazz? It’s a reminder to always be unapologetically you, even if it means strutting around New York City in a pink tutu!

And so, my dearest blog followers, until next week, keep shining, and never forget that a little bit of pink in your life always makes it much brighter!

Much Love, Emma

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2023-04-03 she danced in New York City