New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2023-08-07 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC #1470: A Whirlwind of Pink in the Big Apple!

Hello my darlings! It's Emma here, writing to you from the vibrant, electrifying heart of New York City! Yes, your girl is back in the Big Apple for a week, ready to explore, shop, and maybe even get some serious ballet-ing in! You all know how much I adore this city - the energy, the endless possibilities, the never-ending stream of fascinating people... and let's not forget, the amazing opportunities to wear my pink tutus! Because let's face it, NYC is a city that embraces individuality, and a pink tutu is certainly a statement!

This week, I'm here to celebrate a momentous occasion - the 50th anniversary of the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater. Can you believe it?! Fifty years of incredible dance, innovation, and pure, unadulterated joy! I’ve booked tickets for their anniversary show and am seriously buzzing about it! This will be my second visit to the Ailey, and every time, the energy of the dance company just blows me away. It's not just their incredible talent - it’s the sheer power and passion that radiates from every dancer on that stage. It makes my soul sing, I tell you!

But let’s rewind a little. It’s Monday, so naturally, the first order of business was finding my bearings. Stepping off the metro onto the platform at Times Square (where else!?) felt like being catapulted into a sea of dazzling neon signs and hurried footsteps. It's an overload for the senses in the best way possible, and I was practically bouncing with excitement. That’s when I spied it – a beautiful little vintage store tucked away on a side street, bursting with retro clothes and accessories. I knew this would be the perfect place to get some new inspiration for my outfits, and trust me, I wasn't disappointed! The shop had a truly retro feel, with a huge mirror that reminded me of something straight out of the 1960s, and shelves piled high with dusty old boxes of gloves and hats.

This is when the hunt started for the ultimate statement piece for my stay. And it happened! My new, bright pink beret. It’s soft and stylish with a gorgeous oversized pom-pom on top! I felt like a sophisticated Parisian (with a dash of my trademark pink). It just made my outfit look complete, you know?

After finding that delightful vintage gem, my pink-loving heart needed to explore some of the bigger shops in New York, too. Now, for me, no visit to NYC is complete without a trip to Macy's. The flagship store is legendary, isn’t it?! A haven for any fashionista – the scale is overwhelming and the selection… well, it just goes on forever. This trip I headed straight for the shoe department. It felt like I was standing in a paradise of high-heeled heaven, with everything imaginable. As you’ve guessed by now, it wasn't just a visit - I had to add something new to my collection, right? And oh, you better believe it. I found the most gorgeous pair of bright pink sparkly heels – perfectly sparkly, but not too over the top! A timeless statement that I know will be a go-to pair in my shoe arsenal.

So, after spending my first morning shopping in this magical fashion city, I knew there was only one way to wind down: a trip to Central Park. The weather was perfect – clear skies, a warm breeze, and the smell of fresh green grass. It's hard to describe just how refreshing and calming Central Park can be amidst the city chaos. The best way to feel the New York vibe is on two wheels. A bike ride in the park with the sun on your face, people bustling around you… it was bliss. I made a beeline to the Strawberry Fields area for a quiet moment of reflection at the iconic John Lennon mosaic.

Now, it’s Tuesday evening, and I’ve been spending the afternoon getting ready to make my grand entrance at the Ailey American Dance Theater. Tonight is the big night, and I have this magnificent navy blue silk dress with silver embellishment. It's just a little shorter than a cocktail dress, so I’ll be pairing it with some lovely, comfy flats, to ensure I can appreciate the performance to the fullest without needing a second-hand dance teacher. For some added pink magic, I’ve slipped my favourite pink tutu over my dress! I am all ready for the sheer elegance and joy I’m certain tonight will bring.

Later in the week I will have the honour of seeing another legendary dance performance, by the one and only New York City Ballet. I always get excited about visiting the New York City Ballet, they have a way of transporting me to another world, like they're not dancing in a theatre but on some kind of heavenly, graceful cloud!

Of course, no trip to New York would be complete without catching a Broadway show! I am a huge musical theatre fan – I can get lost for hours just listening to cast recordings, so the real deal is a whole other level of brilliance! I have snagged a coveted ticket for "Hamilton", and trust me, I can't wait! The hype surrounding Hamilton has been immense ever since its release – and after hearing all the rave reviews and enjoying the cast recording endlessly, I’m really looking forward to experiencing it live!

While Broadway is a big priority this trip, I am also excited to catch some performances by less well-known companies, and even maybe have a go myself at some classes! There is a hidden world of wonderful dance tucked away in small studio spaces in the city that most people will never discover. But trust me - there's real magic to be found! I’ll let you know what I find, though finding my feet is literally a new concept to me in New York… I still find myself constantly having to ask "Excuse me, I'm new here…"

Talking of “new here”… one thing that strikes me about NYC every time I visit is the sheer amount of different cultures and communities. I have spent days in the heart of Chinatown and Greenwich Village. Both neighbourhoods are full of history, vibrant colours, amazing street food – it's so rich with fascinating details I could spend days getting lost.

If you follow me on social media, you know I love street art and have always been obsessed with its creative potential. It was so exciting to stumble across an artist busily painting a beautiful, abstract mural near my hotel. I was just admiring his work when he smiled at me and handed me a small card – apparently he has a gallery not far from my apartment, where he's hosting a "pink tutu inspired art night". Yes! A PINK TUTU ART NIGHT! The possibilities are endless, my darlings! You've gotta be kidding! This was meant to be!

While in New York, I made it my mission to immerse myself in the heart of its culinary scene. And, no, it doesn't all revolve around pink donuts, although you might not believe it if you’ve been following my Instagram! As much as I love a good sweet treat (hello, rainbow bagels!), this trip, I was also craving all the amazing flavours New York offers – from Italian pasta and classic cheesecakes to Korean barbecue and juicy burgers! It’s been an explosion of culinary joy - my taste buds have been on a rollercoaster, in the best possible way. My favourite find has been a tiny, unassuming café near Times Square, that does the best, homemade cinnamon rolls I've ever had! (Spoiler: They’re the colour of a glorious sunset).

So, all in all, my journey through the bustling city of New York this time has been a total whirlwind. From shopping for my new wardrobe to the breathtaking elegance of Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater and my heart-thumping "Hamilton" experience, the city has already enchanted me. It's impossible not to fall a little bit in love with New York City, and it's not just its iconic skyline or bustling streets; it's the heart and soul of the city that keeps me coming back for more. And for every visit, it's been amazing to feel my passion for ballet burn even brighter.

New York is a place where dreams take flight – literally! I have had so many special moments - dancing in Central Park, chatting with a random Broadway singer, finding the perfect vintage pink beret (how does that even happen?!)…. The magic is endless, so I am going to go out with a bang and treat myself to another evening at one of my favourite venues, the Met (that’s Metropolitan Museum of Art to you!) . I'm just a girl from Derbyshire, and the thought that I can see world-class performances here on a regular basis blows my mind!

Well, that's me signing off for this week! But don’t forget, I’m here to hear from YOU. Share your stories, tell me your fashion dreams! Are there any particular ballet or theatre shows I HAVE to catch in NYC? Let me know! You know I'm always happy to listen – after all, a true queen of pink is a queen of the people!

Until next time, wear your pink tutus loud and proud!


Emma xxx**

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2023-08-07 she danced in New York City