New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2023-09-25 she danced in New York City

#PinkTutuBlogNYC: New York City, September 25th, 2023 - Post 1477

Hello lovelies! I'm Emma, your friendly neighbourhood pink tutu enthusiast, and today I'm bringing you all the dazzling delights from a truly magical Monday in the Big Apple. Let's get started, shall we?

A Touch of Pink in the Concrete Jungle

As a Derbyshire girl at heart, you'd think I'd be missing the rolling hills and quaint villages of home, but I have to tell you, the energy of New York is simply electrifying. I swear, the very air is fizzing with excitement here. I love how even in the heart of the bustling city, nature makes a comeback with those vibrant splashes of green in Central Park. I spent my morning soaking up the autumn sunshine and feeling inspired, it was the perfect start to a day filled with tutus, glitter and glorious fashion finds.

The Art of the Ballet

My afternoon was all about dancing! I headed to Lincoln Center to catch the breathtaking performance of 'Giselle' by the New York City Ballet. It's not just about the graceful pirouettes and soaring leaps, it's the artistry and the passion that these ballerinas exude. It left me utterly mesmerized, a feeling I try to bottle and take with me wherever I go. The ballet is definitely my go-to stress reliever, it's like an emotional cleanse for the soul. And if you ever get the chance to see a performance here, do! The talent is extraordinary.

Shopping Therapy with a Side of Glamour

A ballet performance always works up an appetite, and of course, a trip to the Big Apple wouldn't be complete without some fabulous retail therapy. I ventured down to 5th Avenue, feeling like Cinderella at a royal ball with all those dazzling boutiques and charming little shops. The entire street seemed to be glittering! It's such a spectacle for the senses; I swear I could almost hear the cash registers ringing, just from walking down the street.

This time, my shopping was focused on finding some special, sparkly things to bring back for a very important occasion – my mother's 60th birthday! I’m thinking something with that signature pink and sparkle that only NYC can offer. I love finding the unique treasures that make for the perfect gifts. Maybe something a little glittery for my mother’s birthday party outfit? Ooh, wouldn't that be fabulous?

Finding Fashion Inspiration Everywhere I Go

And oh, my lovelies, I'm absolutely loving the fashion scene in NYC. I feel so much more confident about experimenting with my own style here. This city doesn’t have the stuffy restrictions some of the European cities can have. Just think: bold colours, dazzling textures, dramatic statement pieces - all welcomed and embraced with open arms!

In fact, the other day, I spotted the most gorgeous ensemble on a young woman strutting her stuff along Broadway. Think fuchsia and floral, with an outrageous statement necklace. I swear she could make an ordinary Tuesday feel like a Saturday night in Paris. The thing about New Yorkers is that they truly understand that fashion is an art form – an opportunity for self-expression. And it's infectious, I'm finding myself feeling bolder, more willing to step outside of my comfort zone, just by observing their confidence.

Fueling the Tutu Dreams on the Subway

I can't talk about New York City without a mention of the iconic Metro. It's like a moving gallery, crammed full of interesting people from every walk of life. Each journey on the subway is like an anthropological exploration, which adds so much texture and diversity to this magnificent city. You know, it's funny, I've always found that the most inspiring people I meet are the ones with the most fascinating stories. Maybe that's why I love New York City so much. The stories just spill out onto the streets and down into the subway tunnels!

Speaking of stories, have I mentioned that I'm working on my own little book of short stories? It's still in its early stages, but I find that inspiration hits me most unexpectedly. The other day I was catching the subway home and I witnessed this truly lovely interaction. An older gentleman with a gentle smile was giving his granddaughter a warm hug at the station and, even in the hustle and bustle, there was such a tender sense of love and family. I instantly jotted down a note on my phone – it might just be the inspiration for one of my tales.

Life's Little Luxuries: Tea with a Side of Sparkle

No New York trip is complete without an afternoon tea experience. It's a touch of classic charm in the midst of this modern metropolis, and a chance to slow down and truly indulge in the simple pleasures. This time, I opted for The Russian Tea Room. Everything about it felt like a vintage fairytale! From the luxurious interiors to the impeccable service and the delightful, delicate sandwiches and scones.

Naturally, I made sure my outfit was up to the occasion! I felt completely enchanting twirling through the tearoom in my pink tutu and a vintage feathered hat that would have made even Marie Antoinette blush. There’s nothing like a little pink to add a bit of drama, and some vintage sparkles can certainly brighten even the dullest afternoon tea!

Dreaming Big & Spinning my Dreams

I'm off to a performance later tonight, this time at the Broadway Theatre. It's 'The Phantom of the Opera' – one of my absolute favourites. You can bet your bottom dollar I'll be dancing down the aisle in my most glamorous pink tutu!

What I love most about the Big Apple is that it embraces so many cultures and creative expressions. And there's that little spark of magic to be found everywhere you look. So let's get that pink sparkle going in your life, lovelies. If you see a pink tutu, don't be afraid to dance along with it – I promise you, life’s a whole lot more fun in pink!

As ever, don’t forget to pop over to my website for more sparkly musings from New York City. See you all next Monday!

Sending love and pink,

Emma xx

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2023-09-25 she danced in New York City