New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2023-10-02 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC: Post Number 1478

Monday, 2nd October, 2023

Good morning, my darling tutu twirlers! Emma here, your favourite pink tutu-wearing ballerina, reporting live from the concrete jungle – that's New York City to you, my non-ballet-loving friends. 😉

Oh my goodness, you won't believe what a whirlwind of a weekend I've had! From soaring through the air on pointe at the Metropolitan Opera House to catching a Broadway show with my bestie, Clara, New York City never fails to surprise me with its dazzling energy and captivating allure. And, of course, it's not New York City without a trip to the delightful vintage clothing emporium, 'Thread of Time,' on Bleecker Street. I bagged myself a glorious ruby red velvet dress, just begging to be paired with a little black tutu for an evening stroll around the iconic Central Park. Sighs dreamily

Speaking of tutus, darling readers, my latest obsession is, you guessed it – a stunning coral pink tulle tutu. It’s perfectly preened for waltzing beneath the twinkling city lights, and it practically calls out to be adorned with tiny sparkly butterflies, wouldn’t you agree? And while we're on the subject, I do hope you’ve all embraced the 'pink tutu' life! Because believe me, it's not just about a piece of tulle, it’s about embracing your inner sparkle, your love for the beautiful and the dramatic, and never being afraid to twirl in the face of life's challenges! (Yes, even in the midst of navigating the busy subway at rush hour, I daresay a bit of twirling can inject a little lightheartedness!).

So, without further ado, let me fill you in on all the delightful details of my weekend escapade…

A Weekend in the City That Never Sleeps

This weekend, I embarked on my annual pilgrimage to New York, and as usual, I'm positively overflowing with excitement! You see, the city is my creative playground – where imagination dances wild and dreams become reality. And of course, what’s a ballerina’s weekend in New York City without a ballet performance?

A Grand Evening at The Met

I secured the most enchanting tickets for a special performance of Swan Lake at the Met, and oh my dear readers, I must tell you, the entire performance was a ballet dream! The graceful ballerinas swirled and twirled in the most dazzling tutus, the costumes were absolutely exquisite – the colours, the beading, the sheer craftsmanship! I can't stop thinking about how delicate and breathtaking the ballerinas were, their every move so effortless, like feather-light wisps of air. And the music! Oh, the music! I simply could not resist tapping my foot along with the captivating melodies – my toes are itching for my own private ballet performance in the studio back in Derbyshire, where I could truly let loose in the comfort of my own tutu-clad bliss!

* Broadway Bound*

Following the breathtaking performance of Swan Lake, my dear friend Clara and I made our way down to Broadway – a magical place where the lights always shine a little bit brighter, and dreams come to life on stage. Clara has been dying to see "Wicked" for ages, so this time we indulged in that particular theatre treat. It’s always so captivating watching performers take centre stage in all their theatrical glory. And with the fantastic sets, stunning costumes, and truly remarkable musical numbers, it's no wonder “Wicked” is a Broadway institution.

A Vintage Fashion Feast

What's a weekend in New York without some serious shopping? This time, we made a beeline for Bleecker Street. I love scouring vintage clothing shops for treasures - you never know what delightful finds you might unearth! I adore a vintage piece – there’s something undeniably enchanting about finding a unique outfit with a story to tell. I have quite the collection, of course. You see, when a ballerina is on stage, she needs to stand out. A vintage dress – paired with my favourite pink tutu, of course, creates that truly unforgettable silhouette. This time around, it was an elegant ruby red velvet number - simply divine. I felt a queen, a princess, a goddess – a little of each in fact!

Subway Surfing

No trip to New York would be complete without experiencing the rush of its legendary metro. I swear there’s something about zipping under the city, beneath the buildings – a sense of anonymity, of adventure, and that delightful hint of chaos. The city unfolds with each stop and each new sight – a new face, a new discovery. The Metro is the heartbeat of New York, a vehement reminder that it never sleeps. I must confess, I often enjoy getting my tutu a little more than a little dirty – it's a fun touch. Just watch your feet. And your bags.

Taking a Dip in Central Park

No visit to New York would be complete without a little visit to the iconic Central Park, a vast and verdant escape in the middle of this frenetic city. The beauty of Central Park truly captured my heart this weekend – the vibrant autumnal colours, the laughter of children, the romantic ambience of the park's serene corners It's a place for contemplation, and I’m sure I was not the only one taking the opportunity for a stroll - the city was full of life on this beautiful Saturday afternoon.

And a Little Bit of Ballet Class, For Good Measure

I wouldn’t be true to my inner ballerina if I didn't sneak in a ballet class. The sheer joy of being at the barre, the effortless grace of arabesques, the graceful arc of a pirouette, the beauty of barre work! Oh my, the ballet studio in New York is the perfect setting for reconnecting with my body and the magic of dance. I must say that I can't resist taking every opportunity to grace the stage, in any way I can. So yes, a spot of ballet at Dance NYC studios – with my tutu, naturally – to keep those dance muscles supple and ready for any spontaneous street-side performance, a chance to showcase my dance skills in my favourite city of New York.

* A Little Bit of Derbyshire, in the Big Apple*

A part of my heart will always remain in my sweet, little home county – Derbyshire, England, but a weekend in New York always renews my sense of wanderlust and creativity. My roots will always ground me but travelling to new places will always spark my inner creativity, and there's no place more vibrant, exhilarating, and exhilaratingly chaotic than the City That Never Sleeps.

Embracing My Inner Ballerina: Sharing the Pink Tutu Love

My dear readers, my love for tutus is all about celebrating life, expressing ourselves, and spreading a bit of joy wherever we go! Why shouldn't we embrace that bit of extra magic that twirling brings? That’s my motto: Embrace your inner sparkle and let your true colours shine through, whatever they may be, and remember - life's much better with a little pink tutu. It’s never too late to become the graceful ballerina within.

*Next week: *

I’m heading to the ballet studios in New York – more on that next week! I’m trying to pick up a few moves and improve my barre skills for my upcoming dance showcase. I have a bit of a challenge: my current tutu isn't ideal for spinning and leaping. But don't you worry, I’ve found the perfect piece – it’s a dreamy ballet tutu, made for both performance and my street-side routine. Stay tuned, dear readers, for the unveiling next Monday!

Keep your twirls strong and your spirits bright!

Until next Monday,

Your loving pink tutu-clad blogger, Emma

*PinkTutuBlogNYC *

Let's Chat!

Have you ever visited New York? Do you have a favourite pink tutu – or have you found a lovely vintage piece lately? Let me know in the comments below! I’d love to hear about your recent finds! And if you have any pink tutu questions, feel free to get in touch! I'll happily share my insights – because sharing the magic is what I love best.

Love, Emma

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2023-10-02 she danced in New York City