New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2024-08-12 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC: Post #1523 – A Ballerina's New York Dream

Good morning, darlings! It's Monday, which means it's time for another instalment of Pink Tutu Blog NYC! Today's post is all about my fabulous adventures in the Big Apple, where I’m living out every ballerina’s dream - twirling in the city that never sleeps!

You've heard it before, "If you can make it here, you can make it anywhere," and this week I'm really living by that motto! After all, I, Emma, the Derbyshire-born, pink tutu-clad, ballet-loving blogger, am officially conquering New York City, one twirl at a time.

This week, darling, my calendar was bursting with ballerina bliss:

Monday saw me stepping into a beautifully lit, charming boutique off Madison Avenue, which, after much deliberation (and with the assistance of the friendly, well-dressed sales assistant) yielded a new pair of champagne-coloured pumps with the most perfect little bow at the toe. What’s a ballerina to do with beautiful shoes but wear them to an exclusive Broadway preview on Tuesday?

Tuesday night's preview of "Something in the Air" (which shall remain spoiler-free) had me completely spellbound. The dance sequences, my dear readers, were absolutely divine, full of elegant movements and such heart-stopping passion, all captured in an almost otherworldly, luminous setting. The music, my dear, truly touched my soul! I may have even shed a tear (a very controlled one, of course, no smearing the mascara!), moved by the emotions poured out on that stage.

Wednesday was, shall we say, a more sedate affair - I spent the day exploring the wonderful new book and dance studio, "Ballet By The Book." Honestly, I'm quite obsessed with its charming ambiance, a complete contrast to the hustle and bustle of the streets outside! Their collection of antique ballet books had me completely mesmerised - some even date back to the Victorian era! And as the cherry on top of this charmingly curated oasis, they had a selection of the most beautifully restored vintage dance costumes – just begging to be worn again.

Thursday saw me exploring New York City's incredible Ballet archives. And let me tell you, dear readers, it is a treasure trove for ballet fans, with an extensive collection of photographs, sketches, costumes, and props, telling the story of this art form. It's fascinating to see how ballet has evolved, but the love and dedication to movement and storytelling remained consistent.

Friday I headed into the heart of Brooklyn, the bustling, artistic epicenter, to visit the delightful “Dancing Brooklyn” – an entirely new ballet studio which offered not only classes in all styles of ballet (from classical to contemporary to my beloved Street ballet) but also dance-wear that brought back nostalgic memories of childhood days in a Derbyshire dance school! A fabulous boutique featuring new, and some even vintage (in excellent condition, I'm sure!) ballet outfits and dance gear, and it's a truly stylish hub. The "Brooklyn Black Swan" street ballet classes, my dear readers, were sensational!

And this brings us to today, Saturday, a wonderful mix of urban adventures and artistic explorations, with a touch of sartorial delights thrown in, of course.

A Glimpse of My Day

This morning, I began my day with a spot of (much-needed!) retail therapy. A brisk walk down Fifth Avenue, browsing window displays at chic boutiques. Nothing screams New York fashion more than the stunning array of designer shoes, from delicate kitten heels to sky-high stilettos. A pair of bright red peep-toe pumps seemed to be calling my name - so of course I had to answer their siren song!

After lunch (which involved a delightfully pink grapefruit iced tea from a tiny cafĂ© near my favorite tutu shop), it was off to an afternoon of dance. I had booked myself into a “Ballet Bootcamp” class at the magnificent Dance Manhattan Studios, situated in the trendy Meatpacking District.

This wasn’t your average ballet class! We pushed ourselves, perfecting every turn, plies, leaps and relevĂ©. And while my muscles may have been screaming (a little!) it was an invigorating experience, leaving me feeling a little bit more like the ballerina of my dreams, with a smile on my face and an energized step to my twirls.

As the evening descended on the city, my eyes were drawn to the illuminated glow of the Theatre District. What was more tempting than catching a live musical on Broadway? I went with a vibrant show titled "Sparkling Dreams," a whimsical, charming, and utterly endearing piece about following your passions, and it was the perfect ending to a fulfilling Saturday.

The dancers were breathtaking – they seemed to glide across the stage, every step flowing effortlessly, a dance symphony in motion. And then there was the music, the soaring melodies, the heartfelt lyrics – it truly took me away on a fantastical journey. The production value was top-notch – stunning costumes and dazzling special effects. This show left me feeling hopeful, joyous, and undeniably inspired.

Tomorrow's Plans

And now, my dear readers, with a new week stretching before me, brimming with possibilities, I'm excited for the week to come. I have a visit to the "New York Ballet & Fashion Archive," a renowned museum, on my schedule, an immersive tour of the intricate designs that have graced stages around the world, from tutus of ethereal elegance to those bold statements of pure movement and power. The stories and the people behind these incredible designs captivate me – so I’ll definitely be sharing my discoveries in next week's blog post!

I have booked tickets to see the ballet company's upcoming production of "Giselle." As a lifelong lover of ballet, this story of love, betrayal, and ultimately, acceptance is one of my absolute favorites, a story woven through the exquisite movements of dancers. I am absolutely smitten with the captivating beauty and emotional depth of the piece, a combination of romantic and classic ballet. I cannot wait to experience its enchanting story on a New York City stage!

And, as I always say, my darling readers, I will not forget the most vital part of a trip to New York City: a dash of retail therapy! You’ve seen my shoe-hunting adventures today, and as for fashion, there’s always a reason to refresh the wardrobe! New York is the place for spotting the latest trends and picking out something unique and charming. Maybe, a hint of something pink (with just a hint of tutu-inspiration!). So, do join me again next week, darling, to read about my adventures, a blend of ballets, boulevards, and boutique brilliance!

I can't wait to tell you all about it!

With twirls and cheers,

Emma xx

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2024-08-12 she danced in New York City