Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2000-02-26 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu Paris - #9: Bonjour, Paris!

Saturday 2000-02-26

Hello, darlings! This is Emma, your friendly neighbourhood pink tutu wearing ballerina, back from a whirlwind weekend in Paris. I'm finally sitting down after a long day of Parisian adventures and ready to share my Parisian exploits with you lovely lot on

This weekend has been a complete and utter dream. Imagine this: Parisian skies the colour of my favourite ballerina tutu, cobbled streets bathed in golden afternoon light, a symphony of sounds and smells, and the most delicious pastries you could ever dream of. Oh, and don't even get me started on the fashion!

So, let's take a little trip back to the beginning...

This time, my journey began in good old Derbyshire. It wouldn't be a trip without a spot of elegance, so I decided to travel to Paris in the most stylish way possible: by Eurostar. As the train chugged towards France, I donned my pinkest pink tutu and a fetching new Parisian-inspired beret (found at a vintage shop in my hometown – a bargain at a mere five pounds!). I was excited for the Parisian adventures ahead. As we whizzed past the English countryside, my fellow passengers stared, awestruck by the majestic sight of my tutu and my carefully curated travelling ensemble, complete with ballet flats, of course.

After a seamless journey, we arrived in Paris, and I stepped out onto the platform. The air was thick with the aroma of freshly baked croissants, and I instantly felt the magic of Paris, like the city was whispering, "Welcome, dear one." And with my pink tutu floating majestically behind me, I walked into the city, eager to embrace its delights.

Day One: A Dance with the City

The first thing I did, of course, was seek out the nearest boulangerie (naturally!). With my delicious pastry safely tucked away, my feet couldn't wait any longer to dance through the city streets. I strolled along the Seine, its shimmering water a perfect mirror for the clear Parisian sky. As I walked, I took in the sights: grand buildings with intricate facades, enchanting street performers, and little cafes teeming with Parisian life.

I finally reached the Musée d’Orsay, and my inner ballerina leapt with excitement. Here was art that celebrated movement, beauty, and emotion. It was the perfect start to my Parisian escapades.

But alas, there was shopping to be done!

This afternoon was a fashion feast, darlings! The bouquinistes along the Seine had the most incredible vintage treasures, from feathered boas to lace gloves. And my heart almost skipped a beat when I found the most beautiful pink tutu in a tiny shop in Montmartre. You see, my collection is never quite complete... and what is a pink tutu trip to Paris without a Parisian pink tutu, don’t you agree?

The evening saw me waltzing into the Theatre du Châtelet for a show-stopping ballet performance. The artistry of the dancers, the intricate choreography, and the beautiful music left me utterly speechless. I was swept away by the graceful leaps and turns, mesmerized by the elegance of the costumes, and awed by the power of dance to tell stories. The experience reminded me why I, myself, started wearing pink tutus, a life I couldn't imagine without.

Day Two: Parisian Treats

Day Two dawned with Parisian sunlight spilling across the cobblestones and a Parisian street cafe filled with the sounds of chattering customers and clinking china. This was Parisian life at its finest.

I set off to explore the iconic Champs-Élysées, my pink tutu flowing like a symphony in motion. I indulged in the most divine macarons at Ladurée - and let's face it, a trip to Paris isn't complete without those sugar-coated works of art!

Paris is a place that calls for dancing in the streets, so I spent the rest of the afternoon embracing the city’s joyful energy. I found myself giggling with glee as I attempted (not very gracefully, admittedly!) a little street dance in front of the Eiffel Tower, drawing cheers and laughter from nearby tourists.

After my impromptu dance routine, I treated myself to a sumptuous meal in a traditional bistro, filled with rich history, delicious wine, and the best cheese and onion soup I have ever tasted. Paris, I have to say, really does know how to do a good cheese and onion soup!

But wait! There's more.

After my decadent dinner, I was lured to the theatre, where I found myself laughing and crying along with the story unfolding onstage. It's not often that I'm moved by the stories told on stage, but the theatrical storytelling of Paris had a special magic all its own.

And, the good news is…it's still going! It's time to step away from my computer screen (and out of my comfy pyjamas, ugh) and get back into the thick of things. Tomorrow will be an afternoon of ballet, more exploring, and the ultimate treat – a Parisian horse drawn carriage ride. The thought of a horse drawn carriage is enough to bring tears to my eyes - such romantic grandeur, it's hard to describe!

Stay tuned next week, dears, to hear about my adventures with Paris, horses, and lots of Parisian treats! I'll be sharing some exclusive photos too (including a special snap of me in my new Paris pink tutu!)…

Love, Emma xx

P.S. I hope this week's Parisian adventures have inspired you to don your favourite pink tutu and embrace the joyful spirit of dance! Remember, you don’t need to be a ballerina to live life with a touch of pink tutu magic. Spread some love and happiness with a twirl and a smile! And never forget, darling: Pink is always the answer.

Follow me on next Saturday for more Parisian Adventures!

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2000-02-26 Exploring Paris