Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2000-06-24 Exploring Paris

Paris Diaries: Post #26 - A Pink Tutu In The City Of Lights (And Love!)

Bonjour mes chéries! It's Saturday again, which means it's time for another Parisian adventure on your favourite pink-tutu-clad blog,! This week, I've been absolutely twirling with excitement. You see, the EuroStar whisked me away to the City of Lights on Wednesday, and let me tell you, I'm completely smitten!

This trip feels like a dream come true. It's been a long time coming – years of dreaming of Paris, years of scribbling in my diary about my future Parisian adventures, years of tucking away every penny I earned from my ballet performances for this very moment. And here I am, a pink tutu-clad whirlwind ready to conquer the City of Lights.

Now, as you know, my dear readers, my obsession with Paris has a lot to do with the ballet. Oh, the history! The majestic theatres! The legendary dancers! This week, I had the honour of seeing The Sleeping Beauty at the Palais Garnier, a true icon of ballet and Paris. My eyes literally popped out of my head, they were that wide! The sheer scale of the theatre is truly breathtaking. The ornate décor, the incredible costumes, the flawless performances, the energy – I could feel it radiating from the stage and filling the auditorium. I just had to buy a souvenir programme!

The best bit was seeing the little girls in their own ballerina dresses watching with mesmerized faces, their eyes wide with awe. My heart melted! It just goes to show, that pure love of ballet starts from the very beginning – it's truly infectious! I felt such a strong connection with these little girls – after all, they could very well be the next generation of ballerinas twirling in the bright lights of the Palais Garnier. Maybe they will be the ones sporting the latest Pink Tutu collection! Wouldn't that be lovely?

Speaking of the Palais Garnier, did you know there is a whole floor devoted to ballet classes for aspiring ballerinas? Naturally, I had to check it out! It felt incredible to be surrounded by such talented people, their dedication shining in their every move. I even got to join in for a little pirouette in the barre class – they didn't seem to mind the bright pink tutu interrupting their lesson.

But Paris isn't all about ballet, although it should be! I also ventured out into the heart of the city, enjoying the most delicious croissants (smothered in strawberry jam, of course!), the quaint boutiques overflowing with French charm and a delicious plate of crêpes overlooking the Eiffel Tower.

Today, I took a scenic walk down the Champs-Élysées. There is something so iconic about this Parisian street. And as luck would have it, it just so happens to be the perfect spot to find the most wonderful boutiques. Let me tell you, my heart did a little skip when I spotted that pink sequined top that practically shouted 'buy me, buy me!' You know I had to pick that beauty up! My suitcase is filling up fast but there’s still room for more gorgeous things I just know. The Paris air has something magic to it, don’t you think? I just have a feeling my pink-tutu wardrobe is about to explode with even more incredible fashion treasures!

Tomorrow, I plan to visit the Musée Rodin and admire his iconic sculptures. His The Thinker seems rather preoccupied, don't you think? I think he could learn a lot from ballet, how to be fluid, light and free!

And oh my goodness, did I mention that tomorrow night, I'm going to the Théâtre du Châtelet to watch a ballet show featuring some of the most talented dancers in the world! Oh, I am beyond excited! I feel so very lucky. Paris is already full of magic for me. Maybe I should write a book about my pink tutu adventures in the City of Lights… laughs

But that's it for this week's Parisian update! Until next Saturday, darlings! Keep twirling, stay positive, and don't forget, life is a beautiful dance! And please don’t forget to leave a comment below, let me know if you love Paris as much as I do!

À bientôt!

Love, Emma xxx

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2000-06-24 Exploring Paris