Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2000-07-29 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu Paris: A Day in the City of Lights (Blog Post #31)

Hello my lovely Pink Tutu darlings! It’s Emma here, back from Paris after another absolutely wonderful adventure in the City of Lights. I’m still buzzing from my whirlwind trip, and I'm dying to share every gorgeous detail with you. It was my 31st blog post from Paris, which I just had to mark with something truly spectacular!

This week, my train journey to Paris was extra exciting. You know how much I love travelling by train, especially on the Eurostar. It's so glamorous and romantic! Plus, it’s a real opportunity to break out my travel attire, which this time was a pink polka dot dress paired with, you guessed it, a blush pink tulle tutu! My favourite kind! Of course, no Parisian trip would be complete without a visit to my absolute favourite tutu shop in Paris. The shop has the most incredible range of pink tutus – I think I might have bought three this time. One for myself, one for my darling Nana, and one for a lucky follower on Instagram – more on that later!

Anyway, on to Saturday the 29th, my perfect day in the City of Lights. I’ve been thinking about how much I love that this particular date happened to be during the height of summer in Paris. So much going on in the city – just magical!

I began the day with a trip to the most charming patisserie in the Marais district – talk about Parisian chic! All pink and white and delicate, like a tutu itself! I even spotted a little pink bow above the door – fate, I say! Then, my friends and I were off to the Opéra Garnier. The performance that night was a magnificent rendition of “Swan Lake.” My love affair with classical ballet is no secret, and watching this performance was truly breathtaking. I felt myself transported back to the stage myself, leaping through the air as the beautiful ballerinas danced so effortlessly.

Afterward, the street performance scene in Montmartre called. What a sight! Jugglers, singers, musicians – a celebration of talent in the heart of the city. I even caught a ballet dancer in a pink tutu - my kind of inspiration! Naturally, we had to indulge in some of the local art – I am talking about the art of crepes. That beautiful delicate crepe-like lace with a bit of delicious sweetness. What's not to love?

I did manage to squeeze in some much-needed shopping time before returning to my quaint little hotel in the Latin Quarter. Shopping for French fashion, naturally, had to include some Parisian shoes! You can’t go to Paris without finding some divine pairs. I’m definitely not one for minimalist style when it comes to shoes.

Let’s talk food, shall we? The afternoon sun shining down on a charming bistro in the Latin Quarter felt absolutely divine, with a menu full of french classics like cheese and wine. Then, for dinner, a lovely stroll through the Eiffel Tower. A quintessential Parisian experience – watching the city light up from above! It was simply breathtaking. And of course, it wasn’t complete without a bottle of chilled champagne (which I had to have poured into my pink champagne flute).

For those of you keeping count, my Paris blog is now up to thirty-one entries and my love for this incredible city continues to grow stronger with each visit. If you ever get the chance to travel to Paris, you absolutely must! But most importantly, always remember, wear pink! And, don't forget the tutu!

And now for something truly special, to show my love for my amazing Pink Tutu followers, one lucky reader will get to wear a brand-new, blush-pink, Parisian tutu – my treat! All you need to do is comment on this blog post and share with me your favorite place to visit in Paris. I will be announcing the winner next week on my blog, and don’t forget to follow me on Instagram and Twitter. You can also check out my favourite places in Paris here: [link to Pink Tutu's Paris Blog]

Stay gorgeous,

Emma xo

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2000-07-29 Exploring Paris