Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2000-08-05 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu Blog - Paris Post #32: Bonjour, Paris! (2000-08-05)

Bonjour, darlings! It's Emma here, your resident pink tutu advocate, ready to take you on another whirlwind journey. This week, I've swapped the Derbyshire rolling hills for the cobblestone charm of Paris, a city that practically pulsates with culture and romance, two things that make my ballerina heart sing!

I travelled to Paris in style, of course. The Eurostar, a silver bullet slicing through the English countryside, is the perfect way to travel for a girl who enjoys a touch of elegance. The anticipation of arrival is almost as enjoyable as the destination itself. Donning my favourite hot pink tutu for the journey, I knew I was on my way to an adventure!

Arriving at Gare du Nord, I was instantly swept away by the city's undeniable energy. Paris in August has a unique allure - the sun paints the streets gold, and the scent of freshly baked croissants hangs heavy in the air. I couldn't wait to explore every nook and cranny!

The first thing I did, of course, was seek out a "salon de thé" (a delightful French term for a tea salon, imagine a delightful shop overflowing with beautiful cakes, pastries and of course tea! The perfect stop for a pink tutu-wearing girl!) to indulge in a spot of tea and delicious pastry, watching the Parisian life unfold before me.

Then, off I went to my favourite part of Paris – the Tuileries Garden, a sprawling oasis of green right in the heart of the city. A symphony of sunshine, shade and blooming flowers, it's like stepping into a fairytale! The fountains shimmer, children giggle, and lovers stroll hand-in-hand, and what could be better than finding a secluded bench, tucking into a delectable picnic (I packed it myself – sandwiches, cheese, delicious French fruit, and, of course, a pink cupcake for the road!), and watching the Parisian scene unfurl before me? Truly blissful! I think it's fair to say I was feeling très chic!

A Cultural Dose!

The magic of Paris goes far beyond beautiful parks, though. Every corner offers a glimpse into the city's vibrant cultural scene, which is precisely why I was thrilled to have secured tickets to see the National Ballet of Paris perform the "Giselle" this evening.

Speaking of tickets – you know me, a little bit of “pink tutu flair” never hurts, so I used a pretty pink satin ribbon to decorate my tickets for a little added whimsy. I feel that when you're embracing the elegance and artistry of ballet, you need to match the sophistication of the performance with a dash of your own personal style.

And the ballet? Oh my, it was divine! Giselle’s hauntingly beautiful story, the exquisite dancing, the graceful choreography - it took my breath away. For those few hours, the theatre became a world of dreams, beauty and grace. I simply had to add this breathtaking experience to my already bursting "Pink Tutu Blog Paris" album!

Fashion and Fun!

After the ballet, it was time to indulge in a bit of Parisian fashion therapy! Of course, I couldn't resist adding to my wardrobe with a beautiful, pale pink vintage coat I found in a charming boutique, a chic straw hat, perfect for shielding myself from the Parisian sun, and the cutest pink ribbon bow to add to my hair. These treasures were the perfect souvenir for this enchanting city, ready to be worn again and again!

Of course, what would a Pink Tutu Paris adventure be without a spot of Parisian cafe hopping? Later that evening, I took a stroll along the Seine, sipping a decadent hot chocolate (topped with fluffy pink whipped cream, naturellement!) in a cozy cafe, feeling that delightful sense of peace and contentment that Paris brings.

It truly was the perfect end to my first full day in Paris, and I have a feeling there’s much more pink-tutu-worthy adventure to come! Stay tuned for next Saturday’s blog for more stories from my Parisian adventure.

Au revoir, darlings! Stay pink, stay stylish and dream big!

Emma xx

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2000-08-05 Exploring Paris