Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2000-08-12 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu Blog Paris - #33 - Parisian Whirlwind!

Bonjour, mon petit choux! It's Emma here, back from a magical whirlwind of a trip to the City of Lights. Paris, you say? Oui oui, and you bet your little ballet shoes I wore my pink tutu on every single Parisian adventure!

As I mentioned last week, this Parisian escapade has been funded by my recent flurry of performances – oh, the joys of a double bill at the Derby Theatre and then a charity gala at a grand manor house! All those fancy folk lapping up my pirouettes while I secretly dreamed of Parisian streets and boulangeries. It’s all worth it though, trust me. This city really is magic!

I even journeyed in style, a little taste of how the Parisian ladies do it, arriving by the glorious EuroStar train! Fancy, eh? It was the perfect start to my pink-tutu Parisian escapades.

Saturday 12th August, 2000 - Ooh La La!

This past Saturday started with croissants and café au lait at a little patisserie around the corner from my gorgeous Parisian apartment. Don't tell anyone, but my apartment actually has a balcony overlooking the Seine. So dreamy!

After breakfast, I took a stroll through the Tuileries Garden, a haven of elegance and calm amidst the Parisian hustle and bustle. It's a perfect place for a Parisian picnic – next time, I'll be sure to pack a hamper. Oh, and you know I was twirling and spinning in my pink tutu amidst those lush green lawns!

Then it was off to the Louvre! My Parisian highlight so far. Oh, how I adore museums. They're so much more fun than going to see a movie. My favourite thing? Watching everyone marvel over Mona Lisa’s mischievous smile, she just knows she's got the best seat in the house! The Louvre, however, can be a tad overwhelming, with all its masterpieces. It’s so packed with amazing art, one tends to get dizzy!

Lunch at a small bistro was filled with the aroma of freshly baked bread and buttery delights. The owner, a lovely woman named Madame Rose, treated me to some delectable little onion tarts - a delightful and typical French treat. Madame Rose, I must add, adored my pink tutu! She said, "it reminds me of my granddaughter, and she's such a little ballerina!" How cute!

And, no Parisian journey would be complete without a trip to the Garnier Opera House. My goodness! This place is incredible! The interior was pure Parisian grandeur with grand chandeliers, marble staircases, and a huge velvet-covered stage – it’s a setting fit for a queen, and my tutu certainly felt the part. It reminded me so much of the Royal Opera House in London. Even the balcony and box seating was spectacular, with their gold embellishments! It's hard to imagine ballet performances ever getting old – such pure artistry.

Sunday 13th August, 2000 – Shopping Shenanigans

Sunday morning started with another French breakfast. The Parisians sure know how to make a delightful breakfast!

I spent the morning wandering through the chic streets of Saint Germain des Pres. Paris is certainly the home of some of the most fantastic boutiques I’ve ever encountered! I am talking divine shoes, bags, accessories, dresses and outfits, so exquisite! The window displays, the colors, everything was so vibrant and fashion-forward. I practically begged them to let me wear my tutu while I shopped, but alas, a certain Parisian store manager felt I should leave it behind! Maybe next time!

It wasn’t all high-end shopping, I can tell you! There were cute little stalls full of beautiful hand-crafted treasures - dainty jewellery, delicate floral patterns, gorgeous pottery… even miniature French tutus, I might have splurged on a few of those! My heart is overflowing with treasures from those amazing shops, and they won’t just gather dust in a cupboard, I tell you. My trusty suitcase is full of Parisian gems ready to grace Derbyshire streets when I’m back.

It's amazing to just let your eyes wander through this Parisian beauty!

After my morning of retail therapy, it was time for some more cultural treats! The Sacré-Coeur Basilica, perched atop the Montmartre hill, was breathtaking! This white-domed basilica, soaring high above the city, has an incredible interior of beautiful mosaic tiles and stained glass windows – a wonderful reminder of Paris’ religious past.

Monday 14th August, 2000 – A Picnic in the Park

Monday's breakfast started the usual way with croissants and coffee. My Parisian diet seems to consist of little else! This morning’s was even more delightful, as I sat with the window wide open enjoying the bustling city below. I couldn’t wait for my morning stroll and to finally experience a Parisian Picnic!

Paris really does have a park for every occasion. Today it was Jardin des Plantes! This park was incredible! With its sprawling gardens, greenhouses, menagerie, and a grand palace with displays of various scientific objects, I couldn't have been happier! Even the pink tutus felt very at home there! This was definitely one of my favourite parks in Paris. So serene, so calming, and such stunning sights to see!

Picnic time! My little picnic was so charming, filled with baguette, cheese, fresh grapes and cherries! Of course, I'd packed a lovely French bottle of wine. What more could you want? I sat near a gurgling fountain in the centre of the park. The soft murmur of the water, the fresh air, the smell of summer and the light chatter of tourists around me made the experience so lovely.

For an evening of entertainment, I went to a beautiful ballet show at the Opéra Garnier. This time I saw a spectacular production of Swan Lake! I was so impressed with the incredible costumes, and the sets were out of this world! Watching these performers move effortlessly around the stage, expressing emotions with their bodies is so truly captivating! I simply couldn’t resist a few twirls in my tutu while admiring their work!

Tuesday 15th August, 2000 – Wandering Wonder

Every single day has been a perfect little Parisian escapade so far. It’s time for me to be a proper tourist today and discover more about Parisian life!

As usual, my day started with breakfast – croissants, coffee – you get the picture!

Next, it was off to discover the hidden wonders of Le Marais. I was greeted by cobbled streets, chic shops, quaint cafes and ancient churches – it truly is a treasure trove!

Every corner you turn there’s a little cafe spilling out onto the pavement with chatter, laughter, the aroma of freshly baked goods, beautiful floral displays and tourists enjoying the vibrant atmosphere. I found some charming boutiques offering antique jewellery and trinkets - just the perfect Parisian souvenirs. Oh, I did buy another mini-tutu in a bright green colour today, how could I resist?!

Of course, my pink tutu stayed in the forefront! Le Marais was also great for shopping. You know I always like a little treat! I picked up the cutest vintage earrings! Now, how am I going to cram them into my already overflowing suitcase?!

This Parisian escapades isn’t all about fashion and shopping – so it was onto the Seine river! A wonderful tour in a traditional Bateaux Mouches. A magical cruise! I could just about see Notre Dame cathedral towering over the city in the distance! The sights, the sights, oh! The Seine at sunset is a spectacular sight! Oh, I also managed to snag a wonderful vintage photobook of Paris! Such wonderful memorabilia!

Later on, I dined like a Parisian! Dinner in Le Marais! Oh, a delicious platter of smoked salmon, brie cheese, and fresh French bread – a delightful treat! I certainly hope to gain a few Parisian pounds – after all, everyone knows French pastries are simply the best in the world!

Wednesday 16th August, 2000 – A Taste of Culture

Paris! The city where history literally spills out into every nook and cranny! Today’s breakfast included more Parisian delights: a pastry full of blueberries and whipped cream! Delicious!

First on my itinerary was the Musée d’Orsay. This elegant museum is housed in a former railway station, it boasts a stunning collection of Impressionist and Post-Impressionist masterpieces, the likes of which I could never have dreamt of! It's so mesmerising! Oh, and to top it off – there were more Parisian tutus to buy in the gift shop – pink and purple and every shade in-between!

For lunch, I ventured to a little cafe by the river Seine, a spot I found earlier this week and simply had to visit again. Today’s delicious Parisian meal consisted of a salad – I certainly deserved a little break after all those indulgent pastries!

I then visited the Musée Rodin – an exquisite collection of sculptures by the famous French sculptor, Auguste Rodin, his masterpieces – the Thinker, the Kiss and the Gates of Hell were incredibly moving and left a lasting impression on me.

In the evening, I joined an evening picnic along the riverbank, and shared delicious baguettes and cheese with some wonderful fellow tourists. As dusk descended over Paris, casting a golden glow over the city, we all watched the Eiffel Tower light up in a beautiful spectacle of lights, such a remarkable view. And the perfect ending to a perfect day.

Thursday 17th August, 2000 - Montmartre Mania

On Thursday, it was a visit to the iconic Sacré-Coeur basilica. What better place to start my Parisian escapades with my pink tutu, eh?! Oh, and another lovely breakfast with coffee and fresh fruit!

I discovered Montmartre – the artistic district! I truly felt transported back in time with its narrow, cobbled streets, buzzing cafes and vibrant art scene – you could feel the creativity flowing throughout. Of course, I snapped loads of photos! And you know I even struck a pose or two for some ballet-inspired pics – and there was not a soul on the street who batted an eyelid! Parisians are such hipsters, no one seems to be shocked by a girl wearing a pink tutu these days!

My quest to find Parisian street artists and unique gifts led me down quaint little alleys and into the many stalls around Place Dalida, Place du Tertre and Place du Abbesses, - an experience I won't forget in a hurry!

A quick coffee and then to Musée Picasso – this magnificent museum showcased Picasso’s creative genius, his life’s work is simply breath-taking! You know I bought a couple of colourful miniature paintings to add to my already very full suitcase!

Back at my apartment and for my dinner, it was back to French classics: a tasty onion soup and fresh bread. And what could be more Parisian than cheese, fresh fruit and wine while I looked over the twinkling lights of the city and sketched in my Parisian travel journal? And with a very contented feeling in my heart, I fell fast asleep, the Eiffel Tower still shining down at me like a silent sentinel.

Friday 18th August, 2000 – Back to Derbyshire

Oh, I can’t believe my time in Paris has come to an end. Paris, you really have stolen my heart! This amazing city has given me memories I'll cherish for years to come. Paris is pure magic!

My last Parisian morning was, as always, a delicious breakfast. The fresh Parisian baguette and croissants will always have a special place in my heart! My last Parisian journey included another wander down Rue des Francs-Bourgeois, I snapped a few last photos and, as the city began to awaken, I boarded the EuroStar with a heavy heart – ready to share all my amazing tales of Paris!

I hope you enjoyed my Parisian adventures as much as I did. Now it's time to return to my beloved Derbyshire, the land of rolling hills, picturesque countryside, and ballet studios, my tutu ready for more performances. Don't forget to check in next week, to discover my latest sartorial adventure.

Until next time, remember - the only way to wear a pink tutu is with a smile!

With Love,

Emma x

P.S. Please pop over to – there’s lots more Paris photos to discover and to inspire you to unleash the pink tutu within you!

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2000-08-12 Exploring Paris