Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2000-08-19 Exploring Paris

Paris, Je T'aime! #PinkTutuBlogParis (Post #34)

Bonjour mes chéris! This week’s #PinkTutuBlogParis takes you on a whirlwind trip through the City of Lights, all the way from my humble beginnings in Derbyshire!

As always, it’s Saturday and that means one thing – a brand-spanking-new blog post, just for you, my fabulous followers. Let me tell you, getting here was an adventure in itself. The EuroStar is a marvel of engineering, whisking us from London to Paris faster than you can say "ooh la la!" And yes, I did manage to make my pink tutu work for the journey – let's just say, I made a few heads turn, especially with my trusty pink luggage (that matching set has never disappointed, and it’s a complete necessity for a girl on the go, don’t you think?).

Today, August 19th, 2000, we’re exploring the heart of Paris. It's been a glorious day, filled with laughter, a few (necessary) macarons, and an endless supply of inspiration. We began at the Louvre, which was absolutely brimming with artistic wonders – I even saw the Mona Lisa! Who knew a painting could be so captivating?

But for a true dance enthusiast like myself, nothing could compare to the magic of the Palais Garnier. The opulence of the Parisian Opera House just blew my mind! The gilded décor, the soaring ceilings, it's truly a symphony for the eyes! And of course, I couldn't resist striking a few poses on the grand staircase, even managing a twirl or two. I mean, who wouldn't take the opportunity to be the belle of the ball (or, let's face it, the belle of the opera!), right?

You might be wondering, what’s my ballet secret, how I get to travel the world, indulge in amazing shows, and explore glamorous cities like Paris? The answer, my dears, is simple: dance! I work hard at my ballet, performing for both large audiences and small, private groups, and using that passion to fuel my wanderlust. So every time you see me twirling around in my pink tutu, just know it’s not just for show, it’s also a love letter to the art of dance that allows me to live my dream!

After the Palais Garnier, it was time to delve into Parisian style. I’ve been told that every girl loves to shop, and oh my, this is shopping heaven! Boutiques line the streets, each brimming with unique treasures. You could spend weeks here and never see everything. Naturally, I focused on the fabulous and feminine - and found the perfect pink dress for our evening plans. This little number will look just perfect for tonight’s ballet performance, don't you think?

As for our evening outing, well, it's a real treat! We're off to see "Le Lac des Cygnes" (Swan Lake). There's nothing like witnessing the grace and elegance of professional ballet, and experiencing a piece of Parisian cultural history firsthand.

So much for our first day in Paris! But let's not forget, this is only the beginning. More exciting adventures await, more Parisian delights to be discovered, more pink tutus to be worn. Don't worry, you’ll be hearing all about it next week – right here on #PinkTutuBlogParis! Until then, my darling readers, I encourage you to spread some joy and perhaps embrace a little bit of pink into your own lives. You never know, you might just find yourself dancing with a tutu of your own! Au revoir, chéri(e)s!

Paris, Je T'aime! (Part Deux!) #PinkTutuBlogParis (Post #34 Continued)

Okay, everyone, let’s rewind and go back to where we left off! We’re in Paris! A whole city of charm and fashion at our fingertips. After our dreamy tour of the Palais Garnier, my shopping bags overflowed with beautiful goodies – silk scarves, vintage jewellery, and a beautiful pair of pale pink heels that are perfect for my evening out.

I know some might think it's silly to go shopping for fancy new clothes after spending the day at an opera house. But let's be real – Paris is about embracing every facet of beauty. From the stunning architecture to the timeless artistry of dance, and of course, the endless charm of haute couture.

Now, back to "Le Lac des Cygnes" (Swan Lake) at the Palais Garnier. As we took our seats, the stage was already buzzing with energy – the orchestra was tuning their instruments, a sea of murmuring voices anticipating the spectacle to come. As the lights dimmed, anticipation filled the air. We held our breaths and a wave of excitement passed over the audience. This is the power of ballet, the ability to connect people through the sheer artistry and emotion it evokes!

The performance was mesmerizing – a perfect blend of elegance and power, a ballet I’ll never forget! The dancers moved with effortless grace, their steps echoing the graceful swans, every twist and turn expressing their emotions, drawing the audience into a world of pure beauty. Honestly, it felt as if the whole audience was holding its breath, mesmerized by every turn, every leap. You could hear a pin drop!

As the curtain fell, a wave of applause filled the room. The whole experience – from the ornate theatre, to the dazzling performance, to the elegant dresses and jewels, just... it just left me speechless!

After a late night at the Palais Garnier, the next day dawned with a new wave of excitement – a chance to explore Parisian history, a different facet of this captivating city. Now, you’d think a girl like me would prefer to stay inside a museum dedicated to fashion, wouldn’t you?

Well, we went to the Louvre. Imagine my surprise when I saw a room dedicated to ancient Egyptian history – not just some random artifacts, mind you, but genuine mummies! And even if they were shrouded in layers of linen, I felt a pang of admiration for them. After all, who doesn’t love a touch of ancient history? They say that even ancient Egyptian princesses, when they were alive, loved wearing jewelry and delicate decorations, quite like modern ballet dancers!

After our historical trip, we found ourselves near the beautiful Tuileries Garden, its vibrant blooms blooming like a colorful spectacle. Of course, any trip to the garden wouldn't be complete without a picnic, so we spread our blanket on the grass and enjoyed the delightful scents of fresh bread, a little cheese, and a bottle of chilled apple juice – a simple pleasure perfect for the warm Parisienne sun.

The city of lights seems to draw you in with its energy – an explosion of cultural experiences that you never expect! I've never seen a city that could blend such beauty and grace with a raw, artistic vibrancy. I suppose, this is why the Parisian spirit resonates so strongly with dancers like myself.

Speaking of Parisian spirit, let’s talk about the charming cafés I stumbled upon during our travels. Honestly, the only problem is choosing where to sit. Imagine quaint Parisian corners with warm lighting, a delightful array of pastries, and coffee so strong it could fuel a dancer’s wildest dreams – It’s enough to make a girl fall in love, not only with the city but with life itself!

And for those of you who know me well, I have some truly amazing news: yes, my love for the color pink knows no boundaries, even the Parisian coffee culture has been caught up in its vibrant glow. A pink latte with swirling, delicious froth, served in a cute pink ceramic cup? Yes, please! Even though some of the cafes are decorated in a more classic style, don’t worry, those pink tutus are a must-have accessory wherever you go. You know how much I love to spread that pink love, and nothing makes me happier than seeing everyone else rocking their own unique flair.

The streets of Paris are filled with inspiring street performers - buskers, artists, singers, and dancers, all captivating their audiences with unique talent and creative energy. It's always incredible to see such dedication to their craft, and it reminds me of why I love to dance, to share the beauty of movement with others.

Just as we sat on a bench in front of a street performer (the man played beautiful melodies on a vintage piano), we saw a little girl staring, completely entranced. The girl's face was a mirror to the raw emotion emanating from the piano chords - and we watched her transform with each note. It's a magical sight, the power of music and performance - I swear I can still feel the rhythm dancing in my veins!

After another day of adventures, we sat on the banks of the Seine watching the Eiffel Tower glitter under the moon. The sky above was painted with an ethereal light, the night air filled with the sounds of the city, creating a perfect harmony, an unforgettable ending to another unforgettable day.

There’s just something about Paris that steals a girl’s heart. The magic, the romance, the joie de vivre. As I sit here, the pink glow of my laptop screen reflected in my pink-painted nails, I realise that the real beauty of travel, of being a part of such a dynamic city, lies not only in exploring historical landmarks, but in finding that piece of Paris that resonates with your heart. For me, it's dancing, it's ballet, and yes, even a healthy dose of pink tutus! I truly believe that these are just some of the things that make Paris – Paris!

Remember to stay tuned for more amazing experiences next Saturday – the #PinkTutuBlogParis will be back with more adventures in the City of Lights, more shopping finds, and, of course, more inspiring stories from the heart of the French capital. A bientôt, mes chéris!

Don’t Forget to Share the Love!

How do you think you’d like a trip to Paris with your favourite ballerina blogger? Would you try some of the same activities? Share your experiences in the comments below – I can’t wait to hear what inspires you! Remember, you don’t have to wait for a blog post to follow me! Follow my adventures on all the popular social media channels at

Let’s all take some inspiration from Paris and embrace a little bit of "joie de vivre" every day. Don’t forget to #LiveLifeInATutu and wear your own fabulous sense of style - I hope that you, my darling readers, always remember: every day is a performance.

Until next week, Au revoir, mes chéri(e)s!

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2000-08-19 Exploring Paris