Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2000-08-26 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu Blog Paris - Post 35: Paris, Ooh La La!

Bonjour mes amies! It's Saturday again and you know what that means? A brand new Pink Tutu Blog post from your favourite ballerina in pink, right here in the most romantic city on Earth! Yes, I’ve made it to Paris and let me tell you, I'm in my absolute element here!

EuroStar: Whizzing through the Channel

After a whirlwind of ballet classes and performances back in Derbyshire, it was time to take to the rails once more! This week, it was the EuroStar's sleek, silver carriages that carried me to Paris. I love the EuroStar, don't you? There's just something about zipping through the Channel Tunnel at lightning speed that sets my heart a-fluttering. It felt like a glamorous portal into a world of fashion, romance, and oh, those buttery croissants! I think it’s the pink, you know? The EuroStar always has those little pink touches… just like me!

Arriving in the City of Lights

My arrival in Paris was like stepping into a fairy tale! As soon as I stepped off the train and saw the gleaming Eiffel Tower rising majestically against the bright blue Parisian sky, my heart did a little pirouette. I mean, can you imagine a more picture perfect scene for a pink tutu wearer? It was simply enchanting!

Finding My French Quarters

I found my hotel in a quiet little side street tucked away from the hustle and bustle of the main boulevards. This place is a little gem. All vintage-y with dusty velvet curtains and mirrored walls. You can't move for antique lace, feathers, and French silk… and I feel right at home!

A Spot of Tea and Some Truly Beautiful Ballets

My very first afternoon in Paris involved a perfectly brewed cup of Earl Grey and a plate of delicate petit fours, all enjoyed at a charming tea salon just around the corner from my hotel. My friend from London met me there. She's a real Parisian expert so I'm so lucky she's willing to show me around. She told me we needed to book tickets to see a show tonight and after looking at the schedules for several companies, I was so excited. We ended up booking tickets to the Palais Garnier for a performance by the legendary Ballet de l’Opéra de Paris. I’m going to see La Bayadère! I can barely contain myself.

The French Love Pink Tutús… No, Really!

I went out in the early evening and the French really do embrace the joy of pink, believe it or not. My tutu attracted so many smiles, some enthusiastic hand gestures, even a few excited "Oh La Las!" You know, those little gestures that just melt my heart? It’s so refreshing.

Dress Up And Show Off

One of the first things I wanted to do was head down the iconic Champs-Élysées. There are shops there everywhere. Let’s be honest – my Parisian visit wouldn’t be complete without a shopping spree, now would it? I love to combine ballet fashion and classic Parisian styles. My pink tutu wouldn’t be complete without a sophisticated black jacket and a perfect pair of French-designed shoes!

Paris By Night… Underneath a Glittering Sky

For dinner I’ve treated myself to a tiny, but decadent bistro, one of those little hidden Parisian treasures that serves up truly delicious food. The aroma of garlic, rosemary, and truffle oil floating in the air made my stomach rumble! You know the French really love food. Just like me!

Later in the evening, as I sat beneath the starry sky with a glass of crisp Chardonnay in hand, I watched the City of Lights shimmer with its millions of twinkling lights. It was such a beautiful sight. Everything here is so inspiring!

Pink Tutu Fun… The Heart Of The City

There’s a Parisian spirit, you know. The art, the fashion, the way the buildings seem to reach out and touch the sky. It all has a magic all its own! And you know, Paris feels like it embraces the pink tutu. Like the tutu is the perfect symbol of all the magic and colour of this amazing city. The Parisian vibe and the Parisian fashion, there's a really playful spirit here - so I think my little pink tutu is perfectly at home in this incredible city.

My Plans - It’s Only Saturday Night!

There’s a lot to look forward to in Paris this weekend! A lovely brunch at the Boulangerie next door (they do a delicious croissant filled with a special creamy chocolate filling) with my friend from London before we hit the sights again. There's a magical-looking museum, a famous café in a stunning setting that's going to have delicious chocolate-filled treats, and oh… a whole lot of fashion shopping! My friend thinks I need a Parisian beret, or a silk scarf that flows behind me as I twirl my way down a cobblestone street. I have a few outfits planned that really need the perfect Parisian accessory.

I've already spotted a few little French cafés I want to visit, complete with cobblestone sidewalks, quaint bistro chairs and maybe a friendly tabby cat or two napping outside. Every little bit adds to that Parisian romance. Of course, no Paris adventure would be complete without visiting the stunning Sacré-Cœur Basilica. I love all the architecture and history in this beautiful city.

I'm excited! Come with me

That's it from me in Paris for this week! Make sure you’re on the lookout for my next post, I can’t wait to show you more of the incredible adventures I have planned! Remember, follow me on! Come with me on my travels, and hopefully you’ll start feeling the inspiration too!

Bisous! Love Emma xx

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2000-08-26 Exploring Paris