Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2001-03-03 Exploring Paris

Paris, Oh Paris! Post #62: Tutu-ing Through The City of Lights 🗼💖

Bonjour, darlings!

It's your favourite pink-tutu-clad ballerina, Emma, writing to you live from the magical city of Paris! As you know, I live to explore, and what better place to embark on an adventure than the very city that's synonymous with style, romance, and of course, ballet!

This week, I'm bringing you the juicy details of my latest Parisian escapade, all spun into a blog post as sparkling as a freshly dusted tutu. So grab your favourite cuppa (or perhaps a glass of bubbly, because why not?), get comfy, and let's take a journey together…

From Derbyshire to the City of Love (by EuroStar, of course!)

It's hard to describe the feeling of anticipation that comes with heading to Paris. The EuroStar whisked me through the English Channel with a speed that matched the butterflies in my tummy. I adore travelling by train – something about the gentle rocking motion and the passing landscapes is so soothing and inspiring. I had a front-row seat to the changing scenery, a breathtaking kaleidoscope of colours and shapes, leaving Derbyshire's green rolling hills for the rolling plains of northern France.

Day One: A Touch of Magic in The City

Landing in Gare du Nord, Paris unfolded before me in all its glory. The first whiff of the Parisian air – that unique mix of boulangerie smells, perfume, and the unmistakable scent of old history – sent shivers down my spine! It's a feeling I never get tired of, even after multiple trips.

I had to start the adventure properly, so naturally, I made my way to one of my favourite haunts: the Galleries Lafayette. It's not just a department store; it's a work of art. The stunning stained-glass dome is something straight out of a fairy tale, and the collection of fashion houses within its walls are pure luxury heaven. There’s nothing more delightful than finding that perfect piece of pink amongst the racks and displays!

That evening, the iconic Palais Garnier beckoned me. As the glittering lights illuminated the exterior of the Opéra, I felt that familiar tingling excitement. A ballet show in Paris is pure magic. It’s more than just a performance; it's a sensory experience, an intricate dance of light, sound, and movement that takes your breath away. Tonight, the program featured Tchaikovsky’s Swan Lake, the epitome of grace and romance, which was perfect for a ballerina's soul. I couldn’t help but take inspiration from the choreography and elegance, which had me mentally composing new ballet-inspired outfits and pondering how I could inject some more grace and elegance into my everyday tutu-ing life back in Derbyshire.

Day Two: Montmartre & A Glimpse of The Artistic Soul of Paris

Saturday morning, my plan was to delve deeper into the heart of Paris, exploring its artistic pulse. First stop? The enchanting Montmartre district with its winding streets, bohemian charm, and views of the city from the Sacré-Coeur Basilica. You can’t visit Montmartre without feeling its artistic energy. The area breathes with inspiration, from the artists hawking their work on the bustling Place du Tertre to the countless cafes that once housed literary greats like Van Gogh and Picasso.

After a leisurely stroll through the heart of Montmartre, it was time for a bit of Parisian pampering! You simply cannot visit Paris without indulging in some joie de vivre and indulging in some delicious, delectable treats. The Patisserie Ladurée was calling my name, tempting me with delicate macarons that seemed to melt in my mouth with each bite. They weren’t just macarons; they were edible works of art, each bite a tiny symphony of flavour. (But you can bet that the packaging was the first thing I planned to repurpose for the Pink Tutu collection later on!)

Day Three: Fashion and Ballet: A Perfect Fusion

The beauty of a Parisian adventure lies in the ability to intertwine two of my passions – fashion and ballet – at every corner. Sunday started with a trip to the Musée Yves Saint Laurent. Yves Saint Laurent was a true revolutionary in the world of fashion, especially for his use of pink! Seeing his original designs and sketches up close was breathtaking – the intricate details, the luxurious fabrics, and his genius for blending elegance and playfulness. I came away inspired, feeling even more empowered to spread my own tutu-love for the world to see!

And then, in a dramatic finale to my Parisian escapade, I visited the Palais Garnier once more for another breathtaking performance, this time, it was a stunning modern ballet. While ballet can be a truly timeless tradition, seeing the art form infused with new creativity and vision left me buzzing. There was a new energy, a playful, contemporary feel that echoed throughout the Palais Garnier, reminding me that the world of ballet is constantly evolving, offering endless possibilities to create new expressions.

Pink Tutu Magic & Spreading The Tutu-Love

There’s a special magic to Paris that seems to sprinkle a bit of ‘je ne sais quoi’ on everything, making everything just a little bit more dazzling, elegant, and fun. From the chic Parisian women with their impeccably put-together outfits, to the grand boulevards lined with shops and galleries, everything felt infused with elegance and joy. It was in Paris that I realized, once again, just how important it is to find that thing that makes you feel truly yourself, that sparkle in your eye. For me, that sparkle is wearing my pink tutu everywhere, every day! It's a symbol of freedom, of confidence, and a playful embrace of life. It’s a testament to the beauty of expressing yourself.

So here’s to all you wonderful women out there. I urge you to embrace your unique selves and to dance with joy and confidence! I can't wait to see more of you rocking those pink tutus and sharing that beautiful spirit with the world. And remember, my dear readers: the magic of Paris lives within each of us!

Until next time, darling!

Emma xoxo

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2001-03-03 Exploring Paris