Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2001-04-28 Exploring Paris

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Post 70: Paris - Je T'aime!

Saturday, 28th April 2001

Bonjour, darlings! Emma here, writing to you from the City of Lights, Paris! I’m just buzzing with excitement, because finally, after months of planning and rehearsals, I’ve arrived.

The journey itself was magical, you know. A whizzing, swirling adventure on the Eurostar - all sleek trains and champagne - feels so much more glamorous than the usual flights, don’t you think? Plus, the windows! My view of the countryside was painted with springtime green, the trees a blur of hopeful new leaves, and even a dash of baby blue sky, peeking between clouds. It felt just like one of my favourite ballet scenes.

I did wear my special tutu, of course, a delicate blush pink with swirling layers of tulle. It was just the right amount of pink to announce my arrival in Paris without being over-the-top. After all, I’m a delicate English rose, right? But even better, the delicate movement of the layers felt like little happy dances all through the journey. Oh, I did make some eyes pop, that’s for sure!

I just adore how Parisian fashion is always so feminine and chic. My wardrobe was definitely ready, with lots of little black dresses, silky scarves, and even some bright pink pieces for a touch of my trademark colour. I must admit, I brought a whole extra suitcase just for tutus. Because one just isn’t enough for a Parisian adventure, wouldn’t you agree?

Now, the most exciting bit: Paris has been waiting for me with open arms! I already spent a good few hours getting lost in the Marais district - think charming cobblestone streets lined with enchanting shops and hidden cafes, a symphony of Parisian scents, laughter echoing from the window, and the gentle strum of a guitar coming from a street musician. There are just too many lovely things to see, to touch, to smell!

But enough about my dreamy arrival – let's dive straight into all the things I’ve already ticked off my Paris bucket list, because this little ballerina is a very efficient little traveler, indeed!

First up, Ballet of course!

What else? Saturday afternoon was all about experiencing the exquisite magic of the Opéra Garnier. I'd booked seats in the coveted loges, with velvet upholstery, views of the dazzling chandeliers, and the best of the orchestra’s music, my love for ballet just exploding with every twirling movement on stage. We watched “Swan Lake”, an eternal classic, full of passionate romance and beautiful, fluid movements that left me spellbound.

Even after the show, I found myself just lingering, mesmerized by the opulence of the opera house itself - think rich wood carvings, glittering golden chandeliers, plush carpets and balconies overlooking the stage. And of course, it's the kind of setting you can’t resist pulling a graceful, twirling pose for a little impromptu ballet photo shoot. I know, I'm so silly. But that's me, always dancing through life!

Speaking of which… my heart leaped with excitement when I found a cute little dance studio hidden away in Montmartre - it even had a charming rose-filled window box and tiny Parisian balconies with views across the city! I couldn't resist a little ballet lesson, and you won't believe it – I ended up doing pirouettes next to the most stunning, beautiful French ballerinas! Their elegant style, the soft French language, everything felt incredibly artistic. And of course, my teacher was charmed by my tutu – she even showed me some of her special Parisian moves, a blend of ballet and modern dance, full of Parisian flair. My muscles may be aching, but oh, my heart is absolutely bursting!

But what’s a Paris adventure without some fabulous fashion and food?

As an early bird, I was ready to catch the sights and scents of the city at the break of dawn. It’s magical, you know - the city just waking up, the streets practically empty, just the scent of fresh croissants filling the air, the charming cafe owner setting out the day’s pastries… it just sets my soul alight. I felt as light and free as the delicate pastry I treated myself to – an almond croissant! My morning treat! And, let's just say, a tiny little dance session in my tutu on the way to the cafe didn’t go unnoticed – there were many smiles and enthusiastic claps, as people said 'Magnifique!’ I couldn’t help myself - my love for pink, for ballet, for France – all combined in this one glorious morning!

For lunch, I treated myself to a light, delightful picnic in the Jardin du Luxembourg, you know? One of my favourite Paris locations! I ate a perfectly delicate French baguette, spread with herbed butter, some gorgeous cheese, and a generous portion of local berries, just the thing for a sunny afternoon. Of course, there was a lovely touch of pink in my picnic – a dainty little pink blanket. I watched families enjoying a leisurely picnic on the soft green grass, young children chasing after pigeons, old friends chatting in animated gestures – the very picture of peaceful Paris.

Oh, and the day just had to end in one of my favourite Paris places, so very chic! I spent an afternoon wandering around the incredible fashion house of Christian Dior. Even if I didn't leave with any extravagant shopping bags, just the air of creativity and style here – the elegantly designed dresses, the vibrant colours and exquisite fabric – was all the inspiration I needed for my own style and outfits, the perfect Paris daydreaming session! Of course, I found the time to grab a delicious hot chocolate in a stylish cafe - all part of the Paris experience!

Now, with this post, it's time to rest my little dancing feet and catch up with some exciting plans for the week. The schedule is already jam packed – think vintage shopping on Rue de Seine, a show at the legendary Moulin Rouge, and the beautiful sights of the Louvre. It's a truly magical experience!

Oh, I’ve still got to visit the iconic Eiffel Tower – a ballet tutu under a twinkling tower sounds like a stunning photoshoot – keep your eyes peeled for photos on Instagram!

Keep checking in to #PinkTutuBlogParis - I’ll be updating all week with Parisian adventures, Parisian fashions and a whole lot of twirling! I just can't wait to show you what I discover next in this stunning city!

Stay pink and twirl, Emma xx

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2001-04-28 Exploring Paris