Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2001-06-30 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu Paris - Post 79 - Saturday, 30th June 2001

Bonjour, chérie! It’s Emma, and this is post number 79 in my Paris adventure, coming to you live from the City of Lights! This week has been utterly fabulous - filled with pink, tulle, and a dash of French je ne sais quoi. So buckle up, darling, because this is going to be a whopper of a post.

A Whirlwind Journey by Eurostar

My Parisian escapade kicked off with a journey on the fabulous Eurostar. It was my first time, and I must say, it was truly magical! As we zipped through the English countryside and then onwards through France, I felt like I was in a film – a particularly glamorous one, naturally. I had a perfectly pink champagne (a definite must on such a grand occasion), and, you won’t believe this, but I saw a French bulldog in a pink tutu, riding on its owner’s lap! You know I couldn't resist taking a snap, naturally - just another gorgeous day in the world of Pink Tutu.

My Paris Love Affair - Fashion, Shows & Shopping!

Landing in Paris was like a dream. Oh, how I love this city! There is such a vibrant energy here, so much creativity, and of course, exquisite fashion. My darling Pink Tutu couldn't resist venturing straight into the Marais, where we strolled down cobblestone streets, windows brimming with exquisite vintage clothing and boutiques bursting with avant-garde style. It's the kind of place that just makes your heart flutter and your creative juices flow, you know?

After a delectable (and pink, naturally) pastry, we made our way to the stunning Theatre du Châtelet to see the ballet Giselle by the Paris Opera Ballet. This, my lovelies, is what makes the trip truly worthwhile. I was utterly mesmerised by the dancers' grace, their precision, their sheer artistry! It's the pure passion and artistry that always reminds me why I love ballet so much, it's pure magic. The costume was sensational – it's no surprise the tutu is a recurring motif in my life!

But enough about ballet, for now! There's much more to discover. I simply have to share my incredible Parisian find – the most wonderful antique shop called "Le Salon Rose". It was just waiting for me, full of delightful trinkets and vintage garments, all in the most beautiful shades of pink, naturally. My Pink Tutu just couldn't resist a new pink feather boa and a beautiful porcelain ballerina doll with a tiny pink tutu - a true testament to my love for all things girly!

Living La Vie En Rose

I know what you're thinking, “But Emma, aren't you supposed to be visiting Paris? Why are you shopping so much?” And my response is, “My darling, it’s Paris! Shopping here is like visiting a museum.” Every shop has a story, and I have to share these wonders with you all! Plus, you know that when you find the perfect outfit for your ballet performance, you simply must get it!

A Sweet Treat to End the Day

No Paris escapade would be complete without some delicious French delights. After a lovely stroll along the Seine, we indulged in some delectable macarons. Let's be honest, it wasn't a true macaron if it wasn't pink, was it? These little beauties were from the most wonderful pâtisserie, with intricate swirls and a divine delicate taste – utterly divine. It's these little moments of happiness that truly make travelling so wonderful.

Onward to My Next Pink Tutu Adventure!

That's a wrap for this week, my dearest readers! I've already started planning my next Parisian escapade. There are so many new shows to see, so many cafes to visit, and of course, so many shops to explore! And who knows, perhaps I'll even find another darling dog wearing a pink tutu.

Remember, my beautiful pink tutu warriors, keep on dancing, keep on dreaming, and above all, don't be afraid to wear a pink tutu wherever you go! And do join me next Saturday for another pink-filled adventure on the website.

Until next time, darlings!

Emma xx

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2001-06-30 Exploring Paris