Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2001-07-07 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu Blog: Paris Adventures (Post #80)

Bonjour mes amies! It's Saturday, and you know what that means... time for a new post from your favourite pink tutu-wearing blogger, Emma, and this week, we're straight from the City of Lights!

Yes, that's right, darling! I've finally made it to Paris! It feels absolutely divine to be here, surrounded by the magic of this fabulous city. The Eurostar journey was oh-so-smooth, and I swear the carriage had its own little atmosphere of excitement! There's just something about trains that makes the adventure begin before you've even arrived, don't you think?

My adventure began with a whirlwind visit to the Galeries Lafayette. The architecture is breathtaking! Those glorious domes, the delicate wrought iron railings, and oh my, the window displays! Talk about inspiration for a budding fashionista like myself! My eyes popped wide with excitement, I practically pirouetted right into the store! They’ve got some spectacular outfits - everything a ballerina could dream of: tulle skirts in every shade, dazzling shoes, chic tops and of course, a few very tempting tutus.

Today was a day for exploring! And who better to explore with than a lovely pair of shiny, new pink ballet flats? I found them nestled among the fabulous shoes at Galeries Lafayette and they just had to come home with me. Pink, sparkly, and comfy - a must-have for any ballerina's Paris adventure!

Our first stop was the Louvre, and the queue was truly impressive - just as impressive as the artwork inside. The museum was absolutely mind-blowing. Seeing the Mona Lisa, the Venus de Milo, and countless other treasures in real life was truly special. And the best bit? They had a ballet exhibition in one of the halls. Just imagine: stepping from Renaissance paintings to graceful photographs of iconic ballerinas! What a delight!

After lunch at a charming cafĂ© on a cobbled street - croissant, cafĂ© au lait, and an Ă©clair - you know how I love a French patisserie, darling - we headed to the MusĂ©e Rodin. The sculptures were incredible! Especially the famous “Thinker,” that's such a strong and powerful image.

Later in the day, we took a walk along the Seine, with the iconic Eiffel Tower sparkling against the evening sky. Truly a scene straight out of a Parisian dream! The gentle murmur of the river, the aroma of freshly baked bread from nearby bakeries... and the twinkling lights of the Eiffel Tower - truly enchanting.

This weekend's blog post is a bit different. I wanted to let you see how a little bit of magic unfolds when I travel to Paris. Seeing those famous sights, feeling the French atmosphere and meeting new, interesting people is always amazing, but, I have to tell you - sometimes the best part of these trips is simply seeing something from a fresh perspective - even if it's as simple as how sunlight falls through a cafe window, or the delicate way a waiter pours coffee - it makes my heart sing.

I hope you've enjoyed reading my little piece of Paris, darlings! Join me next Saturday, same time, same place, for more Parisian adventures. Until then, remember - wear your pink tutus with pride, and never stop dancing!

Yours truly,


P.S. Have you seen "Moulin Rouge"?! The show I'm performing at next week is just around the corner from that iconic theatre. Can't wait to feel that magic again. More to come on that, though, next week!

(Now for the expanded 2500 words, with more details on her trip and interests. )

Pink Tutu Blog: Paris Adventures (Post #80)

Bonjour mes amies! It's Saturday, and you know what that means... time for a new post from your favourite pink tutu-wearing blogger, Emma, and this week, we're straight from the City of Lights!

Yes, that's right, darling! I've finally made it to Paris! It feels absolutely divine to be here, surrounded by the magic of this fabulous city. The Eurostar journey was oh-so-smooth, and I swear the carriage had its own little atmosphere of excitement! There's just something about trains that makes the adventure begin before you've even arrived, don't you think?

Being on the train with all those people, travelling from Derbyshire to this city of romantic dreams... It was almost like I could feel the energy shifting in the carriage - a sense of adventure, excitement and the possibility of discovering new and exciting things. You know that feeling when you leave your worries behind and jump on a train to somewhere completely new, with a sense of anticipation in your heart - just waiting to be surprised by all the beauty and wonder waiting for you at the end of the journey. It's such a lovely sensation!

And this is what Paris promises to deliver! As soon as I arrived at Gare du Nord and saw those iconic Parisian street scenes, with cobbled streets and streetlamps - even just walking to the taxi that was waiting for me, it felt like I had stepped into a beautiful movie. My Parisian adventure was just beginning!

Now, to get to Paris, you need a destination in mind - something to inspire you. You see, I’m always searching for new inspiration - especially in ballet. Paris is, of course, known for its elegant ballet shows, and that's where my trip took me. This journey was, as always, fueled by my passion for dance. And I don’t just mean ballet. Street performance, musical theatre - all these magical forms of entertainment make me truly happy. I want to learn and inspire, to share the joys of dancing with everyone! Maybe you will all wear a pink tutu one day! That would make my heart skip a beat.

And my favourite pink tutu, my trusty partner in crime, made its grand entrance with me in Paris. You can’t be a proper ballerina without the perfect pink tutu. You simply cannot go to Paris without wearing one! But I think my tutu was just as excited as I was! It felt that same thrill of the Eurostar journey; every swirl of tulle seemed to sing “Bonjour Paris!" as I stepped off the train, feeling like I had just stepped into a fairytale. You might think this sounds dramatic, but wearing my pink tutu feels as close to being a ballerina as I get in my day to day life!

Now, onto the real highlight of my day - Galeries Lafayette! A shopper’s paradise! A trip to Paris wasn't complete without a trip to one of the most famous shopping destinations on earth. You wouldn’t believe the window displays! There was this fantastic window full of gorgeous fashion, with these fantastic, graceful, mannequins, all dressed in stunning Parisian fashion. The clothes were just incredible!

I confess - I practically jumped for joy as I walked in through those stunning doors. That dome over the central atrium is breathtaking! Imagine a cathedral for shoppers! And the whole experience just felt magical, like stepping onto a grand stage! Every little detail - the sparkling glass of the atrium, the chandeliers hanging so high above - and of course the way the sunlight shone in and danced through it all. This is pure Paris, pure indulgence, and the atmosphere was electric with a sense of discovery and stylish inspiration.

I took my time exploring every corner of this Parisian treasure chest. The scent of high-end perfumes wafting in the air - like stepping into a cloud of luxury. But it wasn't just about the perfumes or clothes! There's a history in every little detail - the grand, old elevator, the cafe on the top floor overlooking the cityscape, it all creates such a feeling of time and fashion meeting and intermingling, and that is truly Paris, darlings.

I couldn’t leave without a new pair of ballet flats - pink, sparkly and oh so comfy! A new ballerina’s best friend. Now, there’s just one more thing that completes this Paris journey, a special occasion to get dressed for.

Today was a day for exploring! And who better to explore with than a lovely pair of shiny, new pink ballet flats? I found them nestled among the fabulous shoes at Galeries Lafayette and they just had to come home with me. Pink, sparkly, and comfy - a must-have for any ballerina's Paris adventure!

Our first stop was the Louvre, and the queue was truly impressive - just as impressive as the artwork inside. The museum was absolutely mind-blowing. Seeing the Mona Lisa, the Venus de Milo, and countless other treasures in real life was truly special. And the best bit? They had a ballet exhibition in one of the halls. Just imagine: stepping from Renaissance paintings to graceful photographs of iconic ballerinas! What a delight!

That exhibition was really exciting because it made me think about all those dancers who came before me! Every ballerina wants to learn from those who have gone before and continue the story of dance, you know? Every step you take feels a little bit lighter because you’re part of something so beautiful and full of life and you know the tradition goes on and on and on. I know some people feel intimidated by art or by those famous artists but really, I don’t - I feel connected and honoured.

Then after lunch - and a little afternoon tea because, yes, it was my birthday today! - at a charming cafĂ© on a cobbled street - croissant, cafĂ© au lait, and an Ă©clair - you know how I love a French patisserie, darling - we headed to the MusĂ©e Rodin. The sculptures were incredible! Especially the famous “Thinker,” that's such a strong and powerful image.

You know how I love art - there’s so much inspiration in everything around us and I think it’s important to look for that inspiration, whether in ballet shoes, ballet, paintings or sculptures, art is all around. We all need to discover what inspires us and what allows us to be a little bit better, a little bit stronger.

Later in the day, we took a walk along the Seine, with the iconic Eiffel Tower sparkling against the evening sky. Truly a scene straight out of a Parisian dream! The gentle murmur of the river, the aroma of freshly baked bread from nearby bakeries... and the twinkling lights of the Eiffel Tower - truly enchanting. Every time you catch a glimpse of that elegant tower, it is a reminder that Paris is simply full of magical moments.

This weekend's blog post is a bit different. I wanted to let you see how a little bit of magic unfolds when I travel to Paris. Seeing those famous sights, feeling the French atmosphere and meeting new, interesting people is always amazing, but, I have to tell you - sometimes the best part of these trips is simply seeing something from a fresh perspective - even if it's as simple as how sunlight falls through a cafe window, or the delicate way a waiter pours coffee - it makes my heart sing.

It makes me want to dance a bit, too - it makes me think about what kind of energy you feel as a dancer. It feels really connected to how Paris makes me feel, connected to this magic that hangs in the air. Every city you visit is filled with its own kind of magic - but Paris has an elegance and grace to it that feels almost unreal, sometimes. You get swept up in the emotion of the city and its beautiful people and feel the magic that runs through it all - especially the magical world of dance, which, I love.

I hope you've enjoyed reading my little piece of Paris, darlings! Join me next Saturday, same time, same place, for more Parisian adventures. Until then, remember - wear your pink tutus with pride, and never stop dancing!

Yours truly,


P.S. Have you seen "Moulin Rouge"?! The show I'm performing at next week is just around the corner from that iconic theatre. Can't wait to feel that magic again. More to come on that, though, next week!

Now let me tell you about my amazing opportunity!

I will be taking to the stage next week for a special performance - you see, I managed to get a part in a professional musical, right in the heart of Paris. That’s how this trip was funded! I am actually one of the lead dancers and will get to take on the challenge of some amazing choreography, and not just that - we get to perform just a little while down the street from Moulin Rouge, so of course we have some Moulin Rouge elements in the show. I am going to tell you all about it next week - I can’t tell you much about it yet, it’s a secret! But it's a beautiful stage, so I can’t wait to show you all what a proper ballerina looks like when she gets to be on stage.

I will be sharing with you all my favourite things about Paris, from those cafes that offer amazing pastries (the Ă©clairs are to die for! ) and where I buy my tutu, and of course my favourite hidden Parisian spots where a dancer might be lucky enough to find a charming and intimate little coffee house where you can see a little street theatre - like ballet!

Paris is where I found my dance passion, so that’s what I will focus on when we go back - maybe even find a Parisian ballet school to share a few tips and a lot of grace with other passionate ballet dancers. I hope I have brought you some inspiration, some beautiful pictures, and a sense of magic with my Paris blog, mes amies.

I can’t wait to share the beauty and wonder of this magic city with you - and next week, we’ll explore more hidden secrets that Paris offers to someone like me - a tutu-wearing ballerina - because dancing brings life into our every journey!

Happy Saturday from Paris, Mes Amis!

Emma xx

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2001-07-07 Exploring Paris