
Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2001-08-11 Exploring Paris

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Post 85: A Parisian Whirlwind!

Bonjour from the City of Lights! Itā€™s Saturday, 11th August, 2001 and I'm back in Paris, my favourite city in the world. Paris always seems to pull me back with its charm, its romantic cobbled streets, and, of course, its amazing fashion. And, letā€™s be honest, where better to twirl in your pink tutu than the capital of fashion itself?

This week, I took the EuroStar from London, whizzing through the countryside and leaving behind the British drizzle for the sunny French skies. Itā€™s a luxury I can afford now and again, thanks to my ballet performances. Iā€™m so lucky to be able to earn a living from something I absolutely adore.

Once I arrived at Gare du Nord, a wave of excitement washed over me. Paris is a whirlwind of creativity and inspiration! Even the air feels different here. This time, Iā€™ve rented a darling little apartment in Montmartre, the artistsā€™ quarter. It's full of charm, with a window overlooking a quiet cobblestone courtyard.

A Day at the Theatre

Right after unpacking, I went straight to the Palais Garnier to watch "Swan Lake" by the Paris Opera Ballet. Seeing it performed in such a majestic setting was breathtaking! The intricate choreography, the grand costumes, and the sheer talent of the dancers... it left me utterly spellbound. Afterwards, I had the chance to meet a few dancers after the show and discuss their artistry, which is a highlight I always cherish. Itā€™s amazing to be able to connect with these talented souls on a deeper level.

The Art of Fashion

Of course, no trip to Paris would be complete without a bit of retail therapy. I love getting lost in the beautiful boutiques, from the vintage treasures on Rue de la Verrerie to the chic, modern pieces in the Marais district. I bought a beautiful vintage hat with a pink feather plume for a touch of whimsical Parisian charm. I simply cannot resist a good hat - it completes a look, donā€™t you think?

The fashion scene here is absolutely buzzing. I even spotted a street performer twirling in a pink tutu, complete with a feather boa! Now thatā€™s my kind of street theatre!

The Perfect Parisian Evening

Last night, I went to a delightful little bistro called ā€œLe Petit Creux.ā€ The ambiance was fantastic and I had a lovely conversation with the owner, a man who loves the ballet. He spoke of seeing "Giselle" with his grandmother as a young boy. Iā€™ve added it to my must-see list, if only to understand how deeply the love for ballet permeates Parisian culture. My favourite Parisian meal, though? CrĆŖpes! You can't come to Paris without savoring a delicate, light crĆŖpe. This time, I enjoyed one filled with hazelnut spread and a cup of creamy cafe au lait. I found a little spot on the banks of the Seine and just watched the city come to life under the moonlight. I canā€™t get over the Parisian romance. It feels like every corner of this city breathes art and beauty.

Finding Inspiration Everywhere

One thing I find fascinating about Paris is how the city breathes life into even the most ordinary places. Even the simplest of objects - a weathered door, a quirky bench - become part of an artistic scene. Paris has that effect on you! The city sparks creativity, urging you to express your individuality, to step out of your comfort zone, to experiment and discover new forms of self-expression.

Tutu Inspiration

Of course, itā€™s easy to find inspiration in a city where so many incredible designers and stylists have graced the streets with their creations. Everywhere I look, I find new ideas for tutu creations. Whether itā€™s the colours, the patterns, or even just the overall silhouette of a garment, Parisian fashion is endlessly inspiring. My own tutu design is going to have to include some Parisian inspiration!

Don't Forget to Follow!

Of course, this week has only been the beginning of my Paris adventure. You know how much I love sharing my adventures with all of you, so keep checking my blog each Saturday! I have so much more to show you, including my plans for a magical day trip to Versailles. And who knows, maybe Iā€™ll even pick up a few more Parisian treasures along the way!

And don't forget, let's all embrace our inner twirling diva! Put on a pink tutu, grab your best friends, and explore the world with joy and elegance. Letā€™s inspire a whole new generation of pink tutu lovers! Until next Saturday!

XOXO, Emma

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2001-08-11 Exploring Paris