Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2001-11-03 Exploring Paris

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 3rd November 2001: Bonjour from the City of Lights!

Post 97 - A Pink Tutu Takes on Paris

Darling readers,

Well, here I am, finally in Paris! The City of Lights, the City of Love, the City of… Tutus?

Well, perhaps not quite yet, but I’m hoping to spread a bit of tutu-fied magic in this romantic and fabulous city.

I caught the Eurostar from London St Pancras this morning - such an exciting way to travel. The whole experience is so stylish and modern, with everyone looking effortlessly chic and Parisian. And yes, I was wearing my pink tutu, of course!

Honestly, the Eurostar is an absolute dream! It’s a bit of a shame we didn’t stop at the Champagne region. Just think, travelling in my pink tutu with a glass of bubbly. Now that would be a perfect Saturday!

I arrived in Paris Gare du Nord feeling like a princess - just like a ballerina arriving at the Royal Opera House for a performance!

Speaking of performances, it was actually my last performance last week at The Lowry Theatre in Salford that funded this whole Parisian adventure.

Honestly, sometimes I can’t believe I get to travel the world in a pink tutu. It seems like a crazy dream - except it’s not! My life is actually just like the ballerina storybooks I read when I was little. Only my pink tutu and dancing are real!

It’s also fantastic that I get to share it with all of you - I feel like this blog is a little bit of my fairy godmother magic. I just know we are spreading a whole lot of joy together!

Speaking of magic, just being in Paris feels magical. The energy here is so different - exciting, romantic, stylish and just a little bit scandalous. I have to admit I feel a little nervous as well as thrilled to be here - the Parisian chicness seems to come in layers like an onion, so there are hidden depths, layers and expectations I need to peel back and understand.

I must say, as soon as I got here, I knew this wasn't going to be your average travel blog post.

It’s already clear Paris is an extraordinary city. It's a mix of old world grandeur and edgy, cutting-edge fashion. Everywhere you look, there is something new to explore, something captivating. I felt a definite air of magic as I stepped off the train - there's a whole new story waiting for me here, and I can't wait to live it, capture it, and share it all with you!

First stop, a spot of lunch! A croissant? Ooh, maybe a delicate little quiche, and a cup of that delicious, strong French coffee - something I will need to get used to.

Here’s a sneak peek into what's on my agenda for this pink-tutu Paris adventure:

  • The ballet, of course! My dear Paris, with the Palais Garnier, The Opéra Bastille and a host of other world class dance venues - you must have some magic on the ballet scene that’s calling to me. How could I resist, I must try to get a ticket!

  • Parisian shopping. Ooh la la, what to do! There are just so many designer boutiques and charming little shops here. I’ve already made a note to check out the stunning Christian Dior boutique. I might be going shopping in a pink tutu – it’ll be rather striking, a pink tutu and a couture shop – quite an amazing juxtaposition, I feel!

  • Exploring the Champs Élysées. Just a fabulous stretch of beautiful avenues lined with stunning architecture, designer shops and bustling cafes, I simply cannot wait!

  • The Eiffel Tower! I just can't visit Paris without seeing the iconic Eiffel Tower at night all lit up. How wonderfully romantic. It would make the perfect picture - I just need to get my photographer friend in Derbyshire to send me his old Olympus digital camera. Hopefully he will remember he's keeping it safe for me. It would make my blog pics sparkle with magic.

A Tutu-fully Fashionable Wardrobe:

Well, darling, let me tell you, packing for Paris is a big job! You can never overpack in the city of couture and chic. So, naturally, I have brought every fabulous pink tutu I own. Oh and don't worry, I packed the sparkling diamanté headbands to match, with the new pair of lavender silk gloves - simply divine.

Here’s what’s gone into my suitcase:

  • My signature, feather-trimmed pink tutu (with a hidden pocket for a discreet lipstick!)
  • My Parisian black-and-white tutu for the Opera, of course - for this very Parisian affair, this is my lucky tutu!
  • My silver ballet shoes for dancing and shopping. They’ll be perfect for nipping in and out of those boutique doors - very Paris chic, don’t you think?
  • A bevy of silk scarves – for those extra special, fabulous outfits, the colour of silk has always played a key part of my pink and red tutus and costumes, so I had to make a stop for some silk scarves at my favourite shops in Derbyshire on the way to London.

And of course, I couldn't possibly leave my trusty black bag from Liberty at home! A good strong bag is crucial for a fashion-loving ballerina. I like a good roomy bag with compartments for all my special items like my tiny notebook and my camera. That’s why I can’t wait to get a new vintage camera in Paris - one of my special bucket list treats. A vintage camera will be a great addition to my tutu and handbag wardrobe - Paris is going to be the place to look!

Following the Paris Dream - #PinkTutuParisAdventures

And there you have it! A bit of my Paris dream coming true. I can't wait to tell you all about the adventures to come - it will be amazing!

Every day in this city feels like a fairytale, a love story waiting to be told. It is the city of my dreams, I truly believe it will inspire the new tutu collections I am designing. Paris really does live up to all the hype! It's a city of passion, of creativity, of beauty. And in the heart of all of it, dancing and twirling in a pink tutu is my most wonderful wish. I'm certain this is going to be a weekend filled with romance, beautiful discoveries, shopping and - of course, ballet! I’ll be writing to you again on Saturday with the latest news of my #PinkTutuParis adventures, and my top 10 Parisian treats – including, of course, a fantastic shop for vintage camera lovers, in case my Derbyshire friend never returns the Olympus to me!

Remember, you can find all my adventures on! Until next time, remember to twirl like you mean it and dare to dream big. You never know what amazing adventures are waiting for you - in your own life or, indeed, in Paris!

Emma xxx

This is post #97. The Paris posts go out on Saturday morning. You will find me and the other posts at Feel free to comment here or to get in touch with me through my website. Have fun! You can catch me on stage as well, look at the links on my website for venues and times, plus how to buy tickets.

*I get to see the ballet in Paris as I’ve earned it through dancing – I’m always booked for performances. Do you enjoy seeing live performances or are you more of a concert person? Tell me what your favourite performances are or your favorite bands! I love to see musicals – they are magical! It’s all part of my big life mission. My life is all about making everything feel magic and being more fabulous - with a pink tutu. This includes my writing. So feel free to have your say, as all my posts include a part for your input.

* If you enjoyed this post, you may enjoy reading my post about our English country trip and the beauty of the countryside. I love taking trips out to the English countryside - especially by train! I do believe a journey on a train can feel so magical, like a fairytale, in Derbyshire especially, when you can see the wonderful rolling hills and green meadows, and then stop for tea! Have a lovely weekend - especially if you happen to be in the wonderful city of Paris! Oh! If you enjoy Paris as much as me then you can read about my wonderful time spent in Paris – which was almost as magical as my pink tutu! Until next time, dear reader, don't forget to embrace your inner twirl! - Emma xxx

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2001-11-03 Exploring Paris