Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2002-05-25 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu Blog - Paris: Bonjour, Darling! #126

Saturday, 25th May, 2002

Oh la la, my darlings! Bonjour from the City of Lights, Paris! This Parisian adventure is just as sparkly as my brand new pink tutu! It took me a thrilling, dreamy journey on the Eurostar to reach this magical city. All those plush seats and the gorgeous scenery made the journey even more whimsical than usual!

It’s such a thrill to be in Paris, especially this weekend because the "Grand Prix de Paris" takes place this Sunday! Imagine, a glorious race around the magnificent Hippodrome de Longchamp! I can almost hear the roar of the crowd and the excited whinny of the horses!

But don’t worry, my lovely readers, I won’t be watching any racing from the sidelines this time – I’ve already purchased tickets to the Paris Opera Ballet performance of "Giselle"! I am simply bubbling over with excitement! You see, I am, as you all know, a huge fan of ballet, so you can imagine how giddy I am to be witnessing such a world-renowned performance. It will be simply breathtaking, a masterpiece of art and elegance!

This week’s Pink Tutu Blog post is all about exploring the magic of Paris and capturing that Parisian essence of style and sophistication! After all, what’s more glamorous than a pink tutu?

First Impressions

My first glimpse of Paris, from the window of the Eurostar, left me breathless. There it was, that iconic Eiffel Tower, so graceful and beautiful against the crisp blue sky. Paris is truly a city where dreams come to life!

The first thing I did was step out onto the cobblestones, inhale the aroma of fresh croissants and coffee, and find a cosy cafe to get my French fix! The streets buzzed with the rhythm of Paris - laughter, music, the clink of glasses. I was right where I belonged!

And of course, I couldn’t resist slipping into a Parisian fashion haven, the Galeries Lafayette. You should see the magnificent stained glass ceiling! And the window displays were a dream - the outfits, the mannequins, the atmosphere... it all makes me feel like I’ve stepped into a fashion magazine! You know how much I love pink and, oh my goodness, there were so many delicious pink garments! And guess what? A pair of sparkly pink ballet flats danced right into my bag!

I’ll be sharing some of my Parisian shopping finds on so stay tuned for those posts. They're bursting with colour and just a bit of Parisian chic.

Adventures in the City of Lights

This city, my darlings, is a magical playground. I’ve already explored so many corners and fallen in love with every single one! I strolled along the Seine, so romantic, and paused to admire the Louvre, just as majestic as you'd imagine.

This weekend, I’ll be heading to the Champs-Élysées, which promises to be a vision of grandeur. There's a beautiful shop on this avenue with a huge display of all kinds of amazing hats. I shall have to stop in there! Of course, the Arc de Triomphe, looming over the bustling intersection, will be my first stop! The historical significance and the stunning view from the top promise to be quite an experience!

The streets are a sea of artistry - street musicians fill the air with enchanting melodies, artists paint beautiful canvases, and street performers, some dressed as mimes, bring joy and laughter to the streets.

Tonight, I'll be watching a charming performance of ballet street near the Palais Royal gardens. I just have to share it with you! It’s all so enchanting - ballet in a completely different light, right there on the Parisian cobblestones. And of course, I’ll be rocking my new pink ballet flats. It just wouldn't be a Pink Tutu Blog adventure without a sprinkle of ballerina magic!

Finding Parisian Perfection

Each day in Paris brings something new and delightful - a charming flower market, a delicious patisserie, or the stunning view from the Sacré-Cœur basilica, with Paris spread out before you like a masterpiece.

Speaking of masterpieces, my darlings, I simply cannot leave Paris without witnessing a spectacular show. The Moulin Rouge calls! Oh my! Imagine the costumes, the dance routines, the incredible atmosphere - it’s like a kaleidoscope of colour and elegance! And yes, a touch of pink, naturally! I simply must capture the essence of Parisian cabaret and share it with you all!

And now for some extra sparkle!

Paris has awakened the girly-girl in me, making me even more infatuated with pink and everything tutu! As you know, my aim in life is to spread the pink tutu love throughout the world, and Paris seems to be right in tune with that mission.

Don't forget, you can follow all my adventures and fashion finds on

Until next Saturday, remember, life is a beautiful dance. Embrace the sparkle, and dare to wear pink!



*PS: I'm planning a special Pink Tutu Paris Photo Diary. Let me know what places I should visit or things you want me to do for my next blog post! *

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2002-05-25 Exploring Paris