Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2002-06-01 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu Blog Paris: #127 - A Day in the City of Lights

Bonjour mes amies!

Well, I did it! I’m in Paris. And guess what?! It was absolutely dreamy. It’s Paris, what did you expect, right? But I’ve got to say, after getting my first peek at the Eiffel Tower as we chugged into Gare du Nord on the Eurostar, it was like all those Disney cartoons I watched as a little girl, only real!

Oh, by the way, if you’re ever thinking of doing a Eurostar journey, trust me, it’s totally worth it. A few hours spent gazing at the beautiful countryside with a book in one hand and a glass of something fizzy in the other, it’s pure bliss! Just don’t forget your pink tutu, I always pack a spare for travel, you never know when you might get snapped by a paparazzi! It wouldn't do to be caught out in public without the Pink Tutu uniform now, would it?

Let me tell you, as soon as I set foot on Parisian soil, my inner fashionista went completely bonkers! Imagine being surrounded by the most gorgeous clothes, shops with window displays bursting with colour and charm, it was a visual feast.

And did I tell you about the bakery across the road from my hotel? I think I must have walked past it ten times on Friday just to take in the delicious smells and those beautifully decorated cakes, it's a wonder I didn’t have a sugar rush! The French know how to do good food and fabulous fashion.

Right, so where do I even begin with our fabulous Friday night in Paris?! I started the evening in the cutest little French cafĂ© with my darling friend Florence (she’s a little pink tutu aficionado herself, she knows where I get it from!), drinking this incredible lavender tea with a little honey and tucking into some of the most delicious chocolate-covered pastries. We giggled and reminisced about our favourite dance routines from our childhood ballet class in Derby. Florence tells me that there is a special event, a ballet street dance festival this week. Now wouldn't that be perfect?! We even managed to snag ourselves some pretty cute ballet skirts for the event from a shop near our hotel. Can’t wait to show off our moves!

Of course, no trip to Paris is complete without a visit to a real French ballet performance, so we’re going to see "La BayadĂšre" at the OpĂ©ra Garnier on Sunday, the music, the costumes, and of course, the dazzling ballet! Oh, I'm so excited! I’m going to wear a really special pink tutu, all layered with tulle and sequins for this event. Florence said she was thinking of wearing one with a silver shimmer!

We had booked our tickets for the theatre during the week. Such a shame we can't do it like I usually do when I get there, see a show last minute, that is more spontaneous and much more fun, but with "La BayadĂšre", it wouldn't do to miss this masterpiece! A proper French experience that will not disappoint! I promise!

Then we set off to discover the vibrant heart of Paris – Montmartre! We got lost in a charming maze of streets lined with quaint little boutiques and artistic shops. I got myself some stunning handmade Parisian earrings! After the shopping, we decided to check out some of the most spectacular sights on offer from Paris: the Eiffel Tower at night! We popped some champagne and were awed by its sheer grandeur. Such an inspiring and enchanting backdrop, I almost forgot to take photos of my pink tutu and my darling Florence, but then I remembered, “A photo a day keeps the tutu loving memories away,” is one of my mottos! I got some great photos, by the way, but you’ll have to wait till my next post!

Before the day ended, we headed to an authentic French bistro, indulging in the most mouthwatering escargot with garlic butter, oh la la, I tell you. We rounded it all off with an amazing CrÚme Brûlée. I am certain I must have inhaled it.

All in all, it was an absolute whirlwind, packed with amazing memories and Parisian charm! What an absolutely perfect start to my adventure in the City of Lights! I feel inspired to take a trip around all the famous Paris squares next weekend, maybe find some other dance or theatre events to attend! If anyone has any great suggestions let me know in the comments below! And you know, maybe even plan a weekend trip to the country in a few weeks, just to see the countryside.

Let me know what you would do if you were here. Don’t forget to wear a pink tutu!

Emma. x

Saturday, 01/06/2002

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2002-06-01 Exploring Paris