Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2002-09-07 Exploring Paris

#PinkTutuBlogParis: Post 141 - The City of Lights, and Love, and Pink!

Bonjour mes amies!

It’s Emma, back from another fabulous adventure! As you know, this week I’m taking you on a journey to Paris! I know, I know, I've been dying to come back to this enchanting city for ages, and finally, I made it happen! Now, don't think for a minute that I flew here in a sweaty, stuffy airplane! No, darling, this glamorous girl opted for a EuroStar train ride instead! You wouldn't believe the stylish outfits I saw onboard - so chic and effortless. Definitely gave me inspiration for my Parisian wardrobe!

Anyway, arriving at Gare du Nord felt like stepping straight into a French movie, bustling with locals, taxi drivers honking, and, of course, my favourite shade of pink everywhere you looked! Now, if there's one thing I absolutely adore, it's a bit of romance, and what could be more romantic than Paris?

And speaking of romantic, can I just tell you about my hotel?! It's the most exquisite little boutique hotel nestled in the heart of the Latin Quarter - think cobblestone streets, charming cafes, and oh-so-lovely shops selling Parisian treats like macarons (yum!). I've been waking up each morning to the sound of laughter from the market down the road, a symphony of street musicians, and the faint aroma of fresh croissants (already a fan!) You can bet that I’ve been stepping out each morning in a gorgeous new outfit - gotta show off those Paris fashion vibes! My latest love affair? A blush pink tweed coat I snagged at a vintage shop. Absolutely darling, and pairs perfectly with my signature pink tutu!

Right, now, about the highlight of my day… I just had the most enchanting experience at the Musée Rodin. You know I adore sculptures, and this place is filled with the most exquisite works of art by the great man himself, Auguste Rodin. I’ve been spending ages in this beautiful, calming space. Let me tell you, I have never been inspired to dance like this before! All that artistry, beauty, and passion - my creative juices are flowing! I must tell you, it reminded me of the amazing sculpture gallery I went to see in Florence - the most perfect backdrop for a dance class. Speaking of, I took a ballet class here last week at one of the most beautiful studios you've ever seen! Such grace, such elegance… my tutu almost floated away with all the twirls! I'm feeling inspired by Parisian ballerinas, so graceful and fluid, almost as if they were born dancing!

Okay, I simply have to share my fabulous find of the day with you, my lovely #PinkTutuFam! Remember how I mentioned I adore pink? Well, darling, you wouldn't believe the gorgeous pink beret I found nestled amongst the other Parisian treasures at a quirky vintage shop in the Marais. Let me tell you, this is no ordinary beret, this one is made of the most decadent, plush velvet, with the softest, most perfect blush pink you could ever imagine. It's almost impossible not to wear it every single day!

Speaking of pink, oh, my darling friends, you must go and see the most incredible pink dress I found in one of the many designer boutiques around the Champs-Élysées. This one was crafted from the finest silk, in a shocking, bright, Barbie pink! So extravagant and elegant, I nearly had a heart attack. Of course, I was determined to snag this fabulous creation and am planning a whole blog post dedicated to it! You’ll just love it. (And don’t even ask how much it cost! I don’t want to spoil the mood, haha!).

Oh, I can't let the day slip by without mentioning my Parisian adventure at the beautiful Musée d’Orsay! Imagine this, a treasure trove of beautiful art, breathtaking views over the city, and an atmosphere so enchanting it almost feels like a fairy tale. The perfect backdrop for some afternoon tea! (This is a little bit of an obsession for me!). There's just something about indulging in a beautiful teapot full of floral tea, scones with clotted cream and raspberry jam that feels just utterly perfect for me. (Don’t you love it too?) It's like stepping back in time to another era. (It must be the French vibes!) It was honestly all so perfectly delightful and enchanting - a real highlight of my Parisian adventure.

Tonight, my lovelies, I'm off to the most amazing ballet show I've been dreaming of seeing. The Opéra Garnier! Talk about a Parisian icon! Can you even imagine how stunning it must be, especially lit up at night, it really is breathtaking. As I sit down in the theatre and feel the excitement buzzing through the air, I can’t wait to let my feet take me back to another era. The theatre is such a great way to escape for me, a real escape from the outside world. You really get to become someone else for an evening and lose yourself in the magic. Of course, the music, the costumes, and the stunning choreography never fail to take my breath away!

I'm planning to share some photos with you in my next blog post of my amazing ballet adventure! I really can't wait to share it with you.

That’s all from my #PinkTutuBlogParis this week. Stay tuned, I’m so excited to continue my Paris adventures. Don't forget to head over to my Instagram page @PinkTutuEmma for a sneak peek into my journey. See you next Saturday!

A bientôt! Emma xo

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2002-09-07 Exploring Paris