Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2002-10-05 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu Paris - Post #145: A Whirlwind Weekend in the City of Lights!

Bonjour mes amis! It’s your favourite pink tutu-clad traveller, Emma, back with another whirlwind update from the most magical city in the world - Paris! This week's Parisian escapade was all about twirling through history, soaking up the art scene, and of course, indulging in some truly delectable Parisian fashion!

This Saturday, October 5th, started bright and early with a very civilised cup of coffee and croissant, which is the only way to fuel a day in the City of Lights, you know! It’s quite funny really, I'm still a little giddy from my Eurostar journey – I’ve become quite attached to those high-speed trains. You simply cannot beat hurtling through the countryside on a train with all your lovely ballet things packed neatly, it feels so luxurious. It really sets the tone for a trip abroad, don't you think?

Speaking of "toning", I was determined to spend a morning getting back into that "prima ballerina" mode before tackling Paris. Luckily, my beautiful Airbnb flat is just a stone’s throw from the Gare de Lyon, which meant my morning started with a fabulous ballet class! How lovely is it that I can combine my love of travel and dance?! It's truly my little slice of Parisian paradise.

Of course, once my muscles were limbered up, the afternoon called for a bit of fashion therapy. How could I resist the charming boutiques lining the Rue de Rivoli? Imagine - vintage Chanel handbags, frothy silk scarves, and those irresistible Parisian hats! It's almost impossible to leave the shops empty-handed! (I certainly didn’t!) I know some of you might think this trip was all about shopping, and while I did buy one or two "little" things for my ballet bag… the day was truly about the magical aura of Paris! It truly is the city that inspires you, the city that gets you dreaming, and the city that allows your inner fashionista to bloom.

But the day wouldn't be complete without experiencing the heart and soul of Parisian culture! We ventured to the stunning Théâtre de la Ville for an incredible evening performance - The Nutcracker! How delightful, even in October, this seasonal ballet just seems to be right at home in this magnificent city. It truly took me right back to my childhood days of pirouettes and pointe shoes. And to top it off, the French ballet dancers… they truly had me spellbound! Their elegance, grace, and passion... Oh my!

Later, a little moonlight walk along the Seine and an impromptu picnic with some local fromage and wine (of course!) made for a perfect end to a spectacular day. I could just feel the magic in the air, like I was in a movie!

Let’s be honest, Paris really has it all! But for me, it's about the unique vibe and the feeling you get walking through these historical cobblestone streets. Paris makes me want to wear my most fabulous pink tutu and twirl into the night, like I am a princess in a fairytale! That’s the real magic of the City of Lights – it brings out the sparkle in every heart.

Oh, I nearly forgot! In this week's "pink-tastic" feature, I want to know: what's YOUR favourite memory of Paris? Send me a message or tag me on Insta @pinktutuemma. I’m desperate to know!

And remember, don’t be afraid to twirl, darling. Every single day is a chance to add a dash of pink to the world! See you all next week!

Emma's Outfit Inspiration

This weekend I felt truly French chic with this look:

  • A silky blush pink top and high-waisted black trousers – perfect for dancing!
  • A delicate black ballerina-inspired belt with a gorgeous floral buckle
  • My lucky vintage pink beret (and, of course, it’s perfect with any outfit!).
  • And, my beloved pink ballet shoes (no performance without them!).

Don’t forget to check out my latest Pink Tutu style guide on, and let me know what you think!

PinkTutuParis #Paris #BalletLove #EuroStar #FashionInParis #ShoppingParis #PinkTutuInspiration #Theatre #CityOfLights #FrenchFashion #ParisianDreams

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2002-10-05 Exploring Paris