Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2002-11-16 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu Travels: Paris Calling! - Post 151

Bonjour mes chères lectrices! It's Emma here, and it's time for a très magnifique new Pink Tutu post! You know, I just love a Parisian weekend - it's the perfect mix of elegant culture, fabulous fashion, and of course, delicious food.

And let's be honest, there's no better way to get there than on the EuroStar. It's such a luxurious way to travel, don't you think? All that plush seating, the free wifi, and let's not forget the delectable croissant served with coffee that feels just like stepping into a Parisian café! My little pink tutu was very well behaved on the journey too - no getting trodden on this time, thank goodness!

This weekend, my schedule is packed with pink-tastic fun! Remember I told you about those lovely French dance classes I was keen to try out? Well, I'm finally there! The Palais Garnier Opera House has these amazing workshops every Saturday morning and I’m signing up for ballet - in my best pink tutu, of course. Can't wait to share the steps and all the glitzy-glamorous goss with you next week.

But Paris is all about shows, isn’t it? On Friday night, I went to the Grand Rex cinema - just picture it - a massive screen with a giant orchestra playing the soundtrack - how fabulous! And you know me, I was ready with a pink scarf and a little pink sparkly broach to really give it some Parisienne flair. We saw the newest Pixar film, and I was just swooning over the animation. You’d think after all this time, the magic would wear off, wouldn’t you? But no, the whole thing just reminded me of why I fell in love with the arts. And let's not forget those gorgeous Parisian cinemas! Just sitting back in the dark, lost in the story with all those fancy velvet chairs and dim lighting is like something out of a classic film, only better!

Speaking of film, you simply must visit the Musée du Cinéma, even if it’s for just one hour. It’s just behind the Hôtel de Ville, down a cobbled side street that’s completely magical! I went last year and couldn’t resist a gorgeous pink, vintage velvet scarf at the shop.

I must be honest - shopping here is almost unbearable for me! Everything just seems so pretty - all those cute Parisian boutiques with their delicate dresses and quirky shoes… and oh! You know I had to find a pink hat, perfect for the winter weather. Don’t get me wrong, I am very happy to share my favourite shops in Derbyshire, but you can't compare the choice. Even the perfume stores just feel magical! It's like breathing in a fairytale - that warm, spicy, comforting scent! I was tempted to just buy a whole selection of them just to be safe, but luckily, I got a beautiful rosewater handcream instead - still counts for something!

Of course, a true Parisian adventure wouldn’t be complete without some delicious pastries. Imagine me sitting at a cafe - a perfect latte with a giant pink-frosted croissant... my little pink tutu on a tiny stool next to me! Don’t you love how life can sometimes just feel like you’ve stepped right out of a storybook? My favorite little shop so far has to be that cute pâtisserie just around the corner from Notre Dame! Their rosewater eclairs are absolutely heavenly - think melt-in-your-mouth gorgeous.

I have to say, sometimes it's a bit overwhelming to just be in such a magnificent city. Every corner, every street just feels like a painting. And you know how much I love a good painting! Oh my goodness, the Louvre… that museum truly took my breath away. It was quite intimidating to be honest. All that stunning art just seems to come to life in the way they display it! But, I'll be honest with you - the highlight for me was the beautiful little boutique at the end, selling a cute little, vintage rose pink teapot for a bargain! Who knows what delicious adventures that might spark?

Don’t you just love how a Parisian weekend allows you to lose yourself in another world, surrounded by stunning architecture, breathtaking beauty, and endless style? Every nook and cranny is bursting with history and artistry, which, for a true artist like myself, just fills my cup to overflowing! It really makes you appreciate how much creative passion we have in the world! And I always try and soak up every moment. My motto? Embrace every chance you get to be creative!

Talking of creative - have I told you about that theatre school I'm so keen on? Well, the ballet performance on Friday was just breathtaking! Seeing the young ballerinas twirling in those delicate tutus was truly awe-inspiring. And, of course, you can guess what I had on for the show, couldn’t you? My pink tutu was glowing! Even though my performances helped to fund this whole trip, nothing quite compares to watching raw, honest, pure talent on stage.

This weekend has truly been an unforgettable whirlwind of culture, art, and a whole lot of pink! Until next week, my dears! I can’t wait to share my latest Pink Tutu discoveries.

A très grand bisou!

Emma xxx

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2002-11-16 Exploring Paris