Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2002-11-09 Exploring Paris

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 9th November 2002: Bonjour from the City of Lights!

Post #150

Bonjour mes chers amis!

As the crisp autumn air nipped at my toes and the scent of freshly baked bread filled the EuroStar carriage, I couldn’t help but feel an excited flutter in my stomach. This week's adventure, my lovely readers, is to the magical city of Paris, a place that has always held a special place in my heart.

For those who may not know, my name is Emma, and I'm a young ballerina from Derbyshire, England. My passion is for all things pink, frilly, and twirly, which you'll know if you've been following me on, where I post my Parisian musings every Saturday. This week's journey was funded by a thrilling performance in London, where I absolutely slayed as a sugar plum fairy in the most fabulous pink tutu you’ve ever seen!

Now, back to Paris. The train journey was a blur of gorgeous scenery and charming cafes, and soon enough, I found myself in the heart of Paris, the city that seems to whisper poetry to your soul. The cobblestone streets, the aroma of freshly baked croissants, and the endless chatter of Parisians – all adding to the undeniable Parisian charm.

As soon as I settled into my hotel, I just had to explore! Of course, my pink tutu had to come with me, as it always does, because a girl’s gotta stand out, right? The moment I stepped onto the Champs-Élysées, it was like the entire city burst into colour. Think glistening glass buildings reflecting the warm glow of the sun, cobbled sidewalks lined with elegant shops, and, most importantly, endless opportunities for photo ops in my favourite shade of pink!

The Eiffel Tower, which glowed against the sunset sky, looked even more incredible than I imagined! Honestly, it's like something out of a fairytale, a beautiful structure that stands as a symbol of Parisian romance. And oh, the architecture! Each building was a work of art, boasting grand arches, intricate carvings, and ornate details that sparkled with elegance and charm. I spent hours just strolling around, marveling at the craftsmanship, my eyes drinking in every detail.

What else did I do? You ask! Oh, well, you know I’m a girl who loves fashion. It's my biggest weakness. So naturally, I found myself drawn to the haute couture stores like a moth to a flame. All those delicate fabrics, beautiful embellishments, and unique cuts, oh my! You simply cannot imagine the spectacle.

Then there was a delightful visit to the Garnier Opera House. I mean, how could I be in Paris and not visit this architectural masterpiece? Its magnificent interior was jaw-dropping - shimmering gold, cascading chandeliers, plush velvet seating, and exquisite ornate detail – truly the epitome of grand design. You can just imagine the magical operas that have played out on that stage, echoing with music and romance.

To complete the ultimate Parisian experience, I couldn't leave without enjoying a traditional Parisian "Afternoon Tea." Picture this: a delightful little tea room, dainty pastries, steaming tea, and my favourite pink tutu – what could be more heavenly? The atmosphere was so elegant, and the staff were absolutely charming.

Oh, and of course, I also had to see the ballet show at the Paris Opera. The performance was breathtaking - every ballerina moved with such grace and elegance, the choreography was simply captivating. And, yes, I found myself utterly enmeshed in the performance, captivated by the art of dance, as I always am!

Speaking of dance, how about some Ballet Street fun? Paris was the perfect backdrop for twirling and pirouette, so I grabbed my best friend, and we embarked on a street dance spree. People were so charmed. They all gave me enthusiastic smiles and thumbs-up as we glided down the streets!

Paris was pure magic! Each day held new adventures and countless opportunities to be swept away by the city's romance. It truly is the City of Lights for a reason.

Tips for future pink tutu travellers

  • Be sure to pack a pink tutu! I know it’s a statement piece, but you'll stand out and make heads turn – believe me!
  • Embrace the Parisian cafe culture! Grab a delicious pastry and a coffee, sit back, and soak in the atmosphere – it's part of the magic.
  • Don’t forget to take advantage of the Parisian fashion – it’s like stepping into a fairytale, full of unique creations and timeless elegance.

Before I go, let me just say – I absolutely fell in love with this city all over again. Paris truly has a way of captivating your heart and inspiring your dreams!

Until next week, mes chéries, stay chic, stay pink, and remember: Life's too short to wear beige!

*P.S. * I will be returning next week for my birthday with my parents. Stay tuned for post 151 where we go exploring more and find out more fun Parisian activities for those with a little bit more age on them (I promise to still wear pink, of course).



#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2002-11-09 Exploring Paris