Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2003-03-01 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu Blog - Paris #166 - Saturday 1st March 2003

Bonjour mes chéris!

The sun is shining, the birds are singing, and I’m absolutely buzzing because I’ve landed in Paris, darling! That's right, I'm back in the City of Lights, and this time, I’m feeling especially fabulous!

Remember that beautiful pink tulle tutu I bought last month? It's going to make an appearance in my latest YouTube vlog this week, showcasing all the incredible outfits I packed for this Parisian adventure! After all, one simply can't be in Paris without a tutu, can one?

But I'm getting ahead of myself! I know you're dying to hear about my journey. I whizzed through the countryside on the Eurostar, a luxurious pink-tinged carriage to match my pink-tutu-loving soul. You've never experienced such comfort on a train!

And arriving at Gare du Nord… oh mon dieu! It's such a vibrant station, filled with energy and bustle. Right away I knew I'd fallen back in love with Paris all over again.

This time, I've got a whole week to explore everything the city has to offer! I've got a few ballet shows pencilled in, including "Le Corsaire" at the Palais Garnier. Talk about an extravaganza! Oh, and I absolutely cannot wait to experience a traditional ballet street performance – there’s just something magical about those beautiful dancers under the Parisian moonlight!

Speaking of magical, the Louvre is calling my name. This weekend I’ll be waltzing my way through its hallowed halls, surrounded by masterpieces and perhaps catching a glimpse of the Mona Lisa. The way she stares at you is something special… almost as if she’s judging whether your outfit matches the perfect shade of pink!

Then there's shopping. Ah, the shopping! It's almost criminal to come to Paris without hitting the fashion districts! Just a few minutes ago, I discovered the most fabulous boutique in the Marais filled with exquisite pink and purple lace, satin and sequins! My heart is fluttering with the sheer delight of finding so much inspiration! Think vintage tutus, whimsical dresses, and perhaps even a little something for my YouTube viewers! I’m tempted to wear everything I can get my hands on – Paris makes you feel daring!

Speaking of YouTube, if you're a budding ballerina or a tutu enthusiast, do check out my last vlog! I just released a new routine to 'The Pink Panther', a little ballet homage to my beloved city! Just search for "Emma and the Pink Tutu" – you can't miss it.

This Parisian adventure is going to be legendary. It's not only a journey for my ballet soul but also for the fashionista within. You know I'm on a mission, spreading pink tutu magic across the globe.

I'm posting new adventures daily, so stay tuned for more pink tutu stories from the City of Lights!

Until next week,


P.S. Just spotted a delightful patisserie! Imagine my surprise when I discovered they have a "Pink Tutu" special this week: pink macarons filled with raspberry jam! Can you believe it? It's almost too good to be true. I’m having it now for a post-Eurostar pick-me-up.

Don't forget to check out my new pink-tutu-tastic outfit! My little black tutu gets a new life with my dazzling pink feather boa and this Parisian, vintage black velvet beret!

It's time for an afternoon walk, Parisian sunshine awaits, so I'll see you in my next blog!


#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2003-03-01 Exploring Paris