Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2003-06-21 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu Blog Paris - Post #182: A Parisian Dream in Pink! 🩰🇫🇷

Bonjour mes chéries!

This week, I'm writing to you from the most magical city in the world, Paris! It’s hard to believe that just 24 hours ago, I was sipping tea in my Derbyshire cottage, dreaming of Parisian cobblestones and the smell of freshly baked croissants. Now, I'm here, surrounded by the exquisite sights, sounds, and – most importantly – the style of the City of Lights!

You know, I'm a firm believer that life is a ballet, and sometimes, you need to pirouette your way to a new adventure. This week's adventure was a Eurostar ride to Paris, a trip I'd been dreaming of since I saw a photo of the Eiffel Tower in my childhood ballet book (with a very, very pink tutu, of course).

Now, the Eurostar is pretty glamorous – imagine plush seats, twinkling lights, and views of the rolling countryside. It felt like a journey into a storybook! My little suitcase (a beautiful rose pink, obviously) was stuffed with my most stylish tutus – you never know who you might meet on a train!

Speaking of style, let's talk fashion! It's no secret that Paris is a fashion mecca, and it's not just the haute couture boutiques that make me swoon – even the everyday style here is incredibly chic. This week, I've been channeling a mix of Parisian chic with my signature Pink Tutu touch. I'm talking about whimsical tulle skirts over crisp white shirts, colourful vintage scarves tied with my signature ballet ribbon, and, of course, the perfect Parisian-inspired ballerina flats. It's been so much fun putting my own unique spin on the timeless Parisian elegance.

And let's not forget the food! As I write this, I'm nestled in a quaint café overlooking the Seine, with a delicious, flaky croissant (freshly baked, just like I dreamed!) and a pot of strong, black coffee. But I couldn’t resist a little Parisian treat – a scoop of the most divine pink ice cream (because, naturally!) in a beautiful waffle cone with a touch of lavender and edible pink flowers.

I know what you’re thinking: how does a ballerina, who travels via train and makes her money from performances, afford such luxuries? It's all about clever planning and a touch of fairy dust! The performance schedule for June is a whirlwind of shows – from ballet schools to community centres – and I’ve made sure to line up enough engagements to pay for my Paris adventure (with a bit left over for souvenirs!). It’s all about finding balance between fulfilling your passions and staying financially sound.

My Parisian Agenda:

June 21st: This week has been quite busy, full of exciting moments and encounters! This morning, I woke up early, ate breakfast, and did some stretches in the stunning apartment we found on Airbnb. It's a beautiful old apartment with an original balcony overlooking a little, cobbled square. After a leisurely breakfast, I embarked on a shopping spree (what else?).

First stop – a boutique selling exquisite ballet shoes and tutus. Oh, my! It felt like stepping into a fairy tale. They even had a limited edition pink tutu – you know I snagged one. You see, Paris inspires creativity, and my wardrobe isn't immune to the magical atmosphere.

After shopping, I met up with a fellow tutu-loving Parisian dancer at a café – a meeting I arranged via the #PinkTutuNetwork. She is just lovely, and I love her bright red ballerina shoes (I made sure I mentioned how much I love her passion!). We had a lovely time discussing all things ballet, Parisian style, and how to encourage the world to embrace the beauty of tutus – we're building quite the following, don't you think?

The evening ended with a performance at the Theatre du Châtelet, featuring the enchanting Swan Lake. Oh, how graceful the dancers were, the choreography exquisite, the music divine. I even caught myself sketching some of the ballerina's beautiful costumes in my journal, dreaming of future tutu creations (perhaps something inspired by Parisian romance?)!

My Paris Must-Dos (with a Pink Tutu twist, naturally):

  • Strolling along the Seine: What could be more romantic? And with the right pink tutu and ballet shoes, it becomes a dance in itself!
  • The Eiffel Tower: It's impossible to come to Paris and not climb to the top of this iconic landmark. I suggest finding the most glamorous spot to twirl your way through a breathtaking sunset, preferably with a backdrop of shimmering Parisian lights.
  • Shopping at Galeries Lafayette: Paris is the queen of fashion, and Galeries Lafayette is a fairytale wonderland for lovers of beautiful things. A Pink Tutu-themed day includes: indulging in some stunning vintage finds (I particularly love a little pink broach!), finding the perfect Parisian scarf for my tutu ensemble (my Parisian bestie helped me pick!), and, of course, getting lost in the luxurious fabric section, dreaming up my next pink tulle creation.
  • Seeing a Parisian show: Parisian theatres are absolutely exquisite! I adore taking in the captivating elegance and storytelling of their ballet productions. The emotions of the performance, the skill of the dancers, the exquisite music… It’s pure magic! And this is where my tutus truly come into play. I have a collection for every occasion - for classic ballets, modern ballets, even for a night of tango dancing (because everyone needs to dance like they are on stage)!

Tutu-Tips for Your Own Parisian Dream:

  • Embrace the pink!: I always say, more pink is always better. Be fearless, don’t be afraid to let your inner pink tutu warrior shine! From your clothing choices to your souvenirs, add a touch of pink to your Parisian journey – it will instantly enhance the magical experience.
  • Seek out the little moments of beauty: Paris is a treasure trove of hidden gems! Stop for a coffee at a charming café overlooking a bustling square. Take a quiet stroll through a blooming flower market. Linger over a beautiful window display in a historic building. These moments will give you a unique glimpse into the city's soul.
  • Take it slow: Paris is not meant to be rushed. Relax, soak in the ambiance, enjoy a leisurely lunch at a traditional French bistro, and be open to a world of inspiration. Let the city’s charm whisk you away and embrace every precious second of the experience.

As I close this week’s post, I must say: Paris truly is an enchanted city! The romantic charm, the fashion, the ballet… It's a dream come true! I know I’ll be back, for I have much more of Paris to discover!

And remember, darling – no matter where you are, you can always add a touch of pink tutu magic to your world!

Until next time,


P.S. Don't forget to check out the Pink Tutu website – – for photos of my latest tutu creations and Paris adventures!

P.P.S And stay tuned for next week's post from Paris, where we'll delve into the exciting world of vintage Parisian fashion – and I just know you’ll love what I’ve found!

Bisous! 💖

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2003-06-21 Exploring Paris