Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2003-08-02 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu Blog Paris - Post 188 - Saturday, 2003-08-02: Paris, Mon Amour!

Bonjour, chérie! It's Emma here, back from another adventure, and this week, oh this week! We're in the City of Lights itself - Paris! The romance, the fashion, the food... Everything's just sparkling.

I've always been a bit obsessed with Paris. It feels like a fairytale city to me. I've read all the classics, Jane Austen, Dickens, Balzac, all set in this beautiful place, and dreamed of swirling through cobbled streets in my pink tutu!

This trip is all thanks to my lovely little performance at the Derbyshire Arts Festival, where I danced my heart out, to fund this lovely trip! And a trip by the Eurostar was just so much fun. Sitting in my little window seat, watching the English countryside turn into rolling French farmlands. I imagined I was on my way to meet a prince... whispers and I guess, I'm already in a kind of royal situation - with a beautiful Parisian apartment, courtesy of my ballet teacher, Madame Simone.

Madame Simone, you see, is an old family friend from my days at the Royal Ballet School. She is simply darling - a chic little woman with a penchant for fabulous jewellery, sharp wit, and perfectly manicured fingernails. She is the epitome of Parisian style and gave me a proper French welcome! "My dear," she greeted me with a twinkle in her eye, "a splash of champagne to wash away the train dust, and then - the real magic of Paris." And you know what? I haven't been disappointed.

Day One - Chic Shopping and A Touch of Magic:

I spent the entire morning trying on clothes, you see, I always do a little outfit shopping on the first day of any new trip - the city becomes the canvas for my inspiration. And, with Paris, darling, well... it's a rainbow of potential!

My favourite part? Well, of course, it has to be finding the perfect pink tutu in the famous, grandest, most beautiful shop of the city - Galeries Lafayette! Oh darling, the colours were bursting, I was positively overwhelmed by the choice. And after much deliberation (and the help of a very patient sales lady with exquisite taste) I found the perfect one - a beautiful dusky rose colour with delicate embroidered petals on the tulle. It was perfection, if I do say so myself.

And speaking of "perfect", how could I forget the ballet? Madame Simone, a former dancer herself, took me to the Opera Garnier. Imagine a majestic opera house, a glittering chandelier hanging over a golden and velvet hall, with the air filled with music, and a performance so graceful it could bring a tear to your eye. I have never seen such beautiful movements - the dancers floated on stage, they flew, they sang stories with their bodies. The whole thing felt truly magical.

And then, to top off the day, we wandered the cobbled streets, stopping for a little pastry in a quaint cafe, with my very special pink tutu nestled safely in its elegant, silk-lined bag... The pink glow of the sunset, the clink of glasses, the chatter in the café - I truly felt as though I was stepping into one of my favourite books.

Day Two - Wandering Through Paris, Art and a Parisian Picnic

"Emma," said Madame Simone this morning, "the secret of Parisian chic isn't only about fashion - it is the spirit, the sense of adventure. Today, let's embrace la vie bohème!"

So, we took the Métro to a little charming spot - Le Jardin du Luxembourg. Picture this, darling: Rows of gorgeous French gardens, sculpted topiaries, sparkling fountains. It was like stepping into an Impressionist painting, with sunshine pouring through the trees and the sound of children laughing in the distance.

But Madame Simone's true magic lay in planning the perfect Parisian picnic. A gorgeous wicker basket overflowing with artisan bread, juicy grapes, freshly-baked croissants, a creamy Camembert - oh, it was absolute heaven. We perched ourselves on a charming little bench and devoured our delicious picnic - just us and the city surrounding us, like a giant, beautiful playground!

Later, we took in the Parisian art scene at Musée d’Orsay, a magnificent palace with works by Manet, Monet and Renoir. Imagine paintings of sparkling light, dancing figures, scenes of Parisian life. It felt like a journey through time, the beauty of the city painted right before your eyes.

As dusk descended, casting a gentle glow over the Seine, I took a delightful horse-drawn carriage ride. Oh, to be surrounded by cobblestone streets, passing charming boutiques and the beautiful architectural wonders that Paris has to offer.

I'm still thinking about the magic of that Parisian evening. As I wrote down the final word in my travel journal, the Eiffel Tower gleamed in the night, with twinkling lights dancing in the air. The whole city felt alive with romance, and beauty, and laughter - a dream come true.

Day Three - A Feast for the Senses:

The true Parisian way of living isn’t only about art and gardens, dear friends - it's about indulging your senses. So we set off for a special, once-in-a-lifetime dining experience at La Tour d'Argent - one of the most iconic restaurants in Paris. Can you imagine a setting where elegance and fine cuisine collide? Imagine breathtaking views of the Seine, sparkling crystal glasses, and the tantalizing scent of delectable French dishes!

We ordered some beautifully presented delicacies, with exquisite, colourful arrangements. It was like dining in a symphony! We savoured freshly-baked French pastries and soothing cups of warm coffee.

Madame Simone confided in me: "In Paris," she said, "each day brings a new adventure. You never know what magical moments will unfold. And that, my dear Emma, is the beauty of it all."

And truly, my darling readers, how right she is!

Saturday Morning - And here I am, ready to return home, a little piece of Parisian magic embedded in my heart. I'm already counting down the days till my next visit. I must say, Paris is even more magical than I ever dreamed - filled with art, history, beautiful shops, and a love of beauty and grace.

I hope you’ve enjoyed my adventures in the City of Lights, darlings!

And remember, don’t be afraid to dream of swirling through cobbled streets, wearing your pinkest tutu - maybe in a fairytale Paris of your very own. I hope to see you back on next Saturday. Until then, au revoir!

Emma xx

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2003-08-02 Exploring Paris