Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2003-08-09 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu Blog Paris: Post 189 - A Tutuful Parisian Adventure! (2003-08-09)

Bonjour mes amies! Emma here, back from a whirlwind Parisian adventure and ready to share every fabulous detail with you! The Eiffel Tower? Check! The Louvre? Check! My tutu-tastic wardrobe? Check, check, check! (Oh, and a whole lot of delicious pastries - that’s a must for every Parisian excursion!).

This week's journey was all about embracing the romantic heart of Paris. Remember the magic of "An American in Paris"? Well, imagine that feeling, multiplied by a thousand! It was simply divine.

My trip started with a little bit of a fairy-tale, thanks to the Eurostar. It felt so elegant, slipping out of London's bustle and heading towards the City of Lights with the chic Parisians all around. Think of a ballet performance, but with more comfy seats.

The first stop was a shopping spree of epic proportions. Oh, how my heart fluttered in the elegant boutiques! The French really know how to make pink blush. Imagine this: silky fabrics, whimsical patterns, all perfect for my pink tutu ensemble. It was truly heaven! I stocked up on tulle for my upcoming London ballet production. You can expect some truly gorgeous outfits in those performances!

Of course, no trip to Paris is complete without a little bit of ballet. This Saturday, I had the absolute pleasure of seeing the Paris Opera Ballet at the Palais Garnier. It was magnificent! It was so elegant, the costumes were so glamorous, and the performances were just chefs kiss. The theatre itself was an absolute masterpiece - think opulence, grandeur, and sparkling chandeliers! The final curtain call almost had me dancing in the aisle. Almost. Let's just say that tutu or not, you could feel the magic of dance throughout the entire theatre.

But let’s talk food. After the ballet, I indulged in the most delectable French pastries - ooh, so divine! We sampled macarons, a decadent chocolate cake (called a "Gateau Chocolat"!), and some incredible pain au chocolat that was flaky, buttery, and oh-so-French. Parisian bakeries have mastered the art of pastries, let me tell you. I swear, I could’ve easily become addicted to their delightful sweetness.

And let’s not forget the breathtaking scenery! We walked along the Seine, taking in the beauty of the cityscape. Every turn offered something new to capture - from the imposing Notre-Dame Cathedral to the elegant bridges. It was like a scene straight out of a romantic novel. I'll admit, my inner ballerina even considered leaping over the Pont Alexandre III... It's definitely in my travel bucket list.

My Parisian adventure wasn’t just about the glitz and glamour, it was about rediscovering the magic in the simple things. From a simple picnic beneath the Eiffel Tower, to a horse-drawn carriage ride, each moment was truly precious. And of course, a quick selfie in front of the Mona Lisa couldn't be missed!

Returning to England, I am filled with memories, filled with inspiration, and most importantly - filled with Parisian fashion. I have so much to share with you, and many more tutus to be unveiled.

Until next time, darlings!

Always remember, "The world is your stage", and that every woman, everywhere can wear a tutu!

A bientôt!

P.S. Have a fabulous week! Remember to "Like" my blog on I also post regular updates on my instagram @emmalovespinktutus. And if you love fashion as much as I do, I highly recommend checking out some vintage boutiques on the Left Bank, it's full of Parisian gems just waiting to be discovered.

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2003-08-09 Exploring Paris