Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2003-11-29 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu Blog - Paris: #PinkTutuBlogParis

Post 205 - Saturday 29th November 2003

Bonjour mes amis! Bonjour Paris!

This week, I’ve taken the Eurostar from dear old Derbyshire and am, of course, twirling around the most fashionable city in the world, Paris. This Parisian adventure is funded, as always, by my performances - nothing like a beautiful ballet to pay for the thrill of Parisian delights.

It’s a grey day today in Paris, but I’m sporting a shocking pink tutu that is defying the gloomy clouds! I swear, every single day is a ballet class in Paris - the cobblestones, the narrow streets, the sheer energy of the place!

I arrived in the early hours of this morning and even the station felt glamorous, all art deco tiles and flickering lamps. There was even a tiny street performer in a feather boa and sequins doing some impressive juggling. Paris is simply a wonderland of the unexpected!

I had just a few hours to spare before heading off to the ballet studio - ahem, I mean before a visit to my lovely Parisian apartment I’m renting. Imagine my delight at finding a Pink (naturally) bicycle just waiting outside for me! It's a testament to my fabulous style - wherever I go, it just finds me.

Parisian Pink Delights

Speaking of my amazing style, did you see my latest Instagram post from the train? That little pink tutu - with a chic Parisian beret and my favourite oversized sunnies (which are pink, obvs!) - really made the journey even more fashionable! The Eurostar carriage was basically my personal fashion show, everyone staring with admiration. (Though let's be honest, a lot of those stares were probably because I was wearing a tutu on a train. I do attract attention!)

My trip to Paris is mostly about the performances. In fact, that's why I'm here - there's a beautiful production of "Giselle" happening tonight. You know, those beautiful, heartbreaking scenes of doomed love and betrayal. How tragic! sob I love how emo ballet can be - but that's not all - I’m excited about some lovely, vibrant, show-stopping choreographies as well. Paris knows how to keep you on your toes (literally)!

But before all that, I’ve been browsing some boutiques and you wouldn't believe the outfits! There were pink sweaters, pink scarves, pink dresses! All ready to make a statement! I also picked up some lovely little ballet shoes from a hidden boutique near the Seine. Let's just say that my pink-loving self is going to be very well-dressed for this Parisian adventure!

Ballet Delights: Seeing & Performing

And speaking of ballet, my darling ballet class at the gorgeous Parisian studio was such a joy this morning! All these amazing dancers with their stylishly pulled-back hair and elegant moves… but none were sporting a pink tutu. I guess there's always room for improvement! Maybe I’ll bring them all some pink tutus, a little gift to introduce a bit more whimsy into their routine.

This evening, I’ll be performing at the gorgeous Palais Garnier - you know, the iconic Paris Opera House. You won't believe this – I was performing as the Sugar Plum Fairy and had this amazing moment with my prince, we were twirling under the glittering chandelier, surrounded by all these people… it was just magical. And in true pink-tutu-style, I had a little glitter falling down on my dress… oh la la, just another beautiful moment in this magnificent Parisian adventure.

The Parisians love their pink tutus, too! I can see so many on the streets already. I’m a massive fan of how the street becomes the stage in Paris. Every time you cross the street, you might see a couple twirling romantically like they’re on stage. Who needs ballet shoes?

I can't wait to tell you all about the Giselle performance later tonight, so be sure to check back on this blog tomorrow!

A demain! (see you tomorrow!)



A pink tutu in Paris

Part 2 of Emma’s Parisian diary – Sunday, 30th November 2003

Bonjour again, my dearest tutu lovers! I had a magnificent day yesterday – oh, what a dream of a day it was in Paris!

A Dance with Giselle

I was just as excited about last night’s "Giselle" ballet as a child going to a fairy-tale story. My Parisian ballet friends came along to see the show with me, and even they couldn’t help but get a bit swept up in the dramatic emotions!

Let’s just say there were definitely a few tears – or perhaps even dancing tears. I won't spoil the end for those of you who haven’t seen the show, but it’s all about a delicate balance between love, loss, forgiveness and just the tiniest hint of redemption. It really was the most wonderful show I have seen. Plus they had some dazzling costumes. There were some pink tutus on the dancers. Obviously - how else would they achieve perfection?

After the show, we celebrated at a cafe, and yes I indulged in some incredible pastries! If anyone thinks about skipping those delights, stop right now! Pastries in Paris, especially with pink tutus and glitter, are essential! I know I’ll always be remembering that evening; we giggled, shared our favourite moments from the show and dreamt of our future ballet performances… I loved every single minute!

A pink and elegant ride in a cab

Today, we went horse-drawn carriage riding around the streets of Paris. Oh my, what an elegant journey through the most gorgeous architecture – think Notre-Dame and the Champs-Élysées. And, of course, I couldn’t help but twirl around while being drawn around by such incredible steeds. This Parisian experience just keeps getting better and better! I swear, these streets just make you want to dance.

Parisian Pink Inspiration: Shops and more

After our carriage ride, we spent the entire afternoon hopping from shop to shop. You won’t believe all the gorgeous boutiques! I felt like I was inside a fairytale. And the things they had! Pink handbags, pink scarves, pink shoes... a whole world of Parisian Pink elegance, which I loved!

The entire world of Parisian style was open to me!

*What do I look for? *

Well, first and foremost, is it pink? And of course, it has to compliment my tutus - they should never clash with the magnificence of the pink!

Pink Parisian Picnic: Eating outside

I think this week I’ve eaten like a Parisian queen. My first foray into real Parisian cuisine was a delicious little picnic – cheese and bread (and of course a few delectable pastries!) at a park. You know, there is something quite delightful about just settling down in a place of greenery to soak up the Parisian atmosphere.

Today, I spent time searching through beautiful antique stores in search of perfect little keepsakes that remind me of this city. My room is definitely starting to feel a little Parisian. I have the sweetest little ceramic elephant wearing a pink ribbon, some porcelain flowers in a pink teacup and a miniature version of the Eiffel Tower, made of... you guessed it... pink stone. Everything has to have a little touch of pink!

I think I might be a Parisian princess – well, except the princess usually rides in carriages, I've chosen to ride in carriages! That doesn’t really matter – as long as there are horses involved!

Paris is pure joy - it's full of charm and beauty - the most beautiful and elegant city I have ever been to!

But tomorrow I return to dear old Derbyshire… maybe I should just buy a train ticket and keep twirling in the Parisian sunshine? What do you think? Maybe it’s time for me to find an apartment here, and let the magical fairy tale of Paris begin…

*Note: * This blog post was written in response to a specific prompt and uses a highly stylized writing style to suit the request. It features an enthusiastic, playful tone to reflect the persona of a pink-loving ballerina, Emma. This content is for illustrative purposes and does not necessarily reflect actual travel experiences, fashion trends, or historical accuracy.

To create a truly engaging and realistic blog, consider using factual information, authentic images, and engaging stories from real travel experiences.

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2003-11-29 Exploring Paris