Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2003-12-06 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu Blog: Paris - Post #206

Bonjour from the City of Lights! My fellow pink tutu devotees, I've done it! I've finally made it to Paris! My trusty little pink suitcase is nestled beneath the plush EuroStar seat (you know how I love the smooth glide of train travel!) and my trusty ballet flats are tapping excitedly in anticipation.

This week has been all about ballet and travel prep. Two spectacular performances in Derby brought me enough pennies to make the dream of Paris a reality. And honestly, there's nothing more magical than funding a trip through the power of dance!

For this Paris adventure, I’m embracing the city’s romantic aura with a tutu that is utterly magnifique. Picture this: the softest blush pink silk, layered with delicate tulle and sparkling with tiny silver stars. It's everything a Parisian night could be.

Of course, my trusty little notebook is brimming with Parisian ballet delights! I'm eager to see:

  • Ballet OpĂ©ra de Paris: Their famous Swan Lake is on the bill, and I'm told their productions are exquisite. Imagine: a night filled with swan tutus! Sighs dreamily
  • Les Ballets de Monte Carlo: They are known for their experimental work, pushing the boundaries of ballet, and I'm always up for a challenge. Plus, Monte Carlo is a must-see!

But beyond the stage, my Paris itinerary is packed with delights. This weekend is the start of Christmas Markets, with twinkling lights, delicious French pastries, and of course, an endless supply of souvenirs. Did you know that a French beret is practically a must-have accessory for the pink tutu?

Let's talk fashion, darling! My bag is bursting with French inspired outfits, and I can’t wait to let loose! A flowing blush pink dress with a Parisian beret, or perhaps a cropped jacket paired with a high-waisted skirt? And don’t forget the finishing touches – pearl earrings, a chain bag and my ever-present pink tulle scarf!

As we say in Derbyshire, "Now then, my lovelies, keep your eyes peeled!" I'm going to be updating you with pictures, Parisian tidbits, and of course, my thoughts on the very best hot chocolate in all of Paris (and trust me, that’s a competition!).

So settle in with your own cuppa (or perhaps a cheeky glass of champagne!), put on your tutu and get ready to indulge in a Parisian fairy tale, through my pink-tinted lens!



Day One: Parisian Delights

Bonjour again, my dear tutulettes! What a day! Paris has welcomed me with open arms, and frankly, it’s all too enchanting.

As I arrived at the Gare du Nord (so many grand, ornate buildings!), the city unfolded before me, a tapestry of golden light and whispering Parisian charm. The crisp autumn air held a hint of spice, and the cobblestone streets hummed with life.

It wouldn’t be Paris without a little dose of adventure. A dashing Frenchman (with impeccable style, of course) suggested I try La Vie en Rose, a cafe near my little hotel. Their pastry chef creates works of art – little pastel cakes with whimsical flowers that rival my tutu. I’m already convinced, I'm never going home!

My afternoon was a whirl of shopping! Who could resist a detour through the Galeries Lafayette? I confess to having snagged a stunning vintage pink satin ribbon to adorn my hair for the ballet show this evening. You've gotta see the gleam – it practically reflects the city lights. I found an absolutely divine tutu shop too, nestled away in a tiny courtyard. The sales assistant actually gave me a wink and said, "We are all princesses in Paris, mademoiselle!"

Parisian ballet: it's what dreams are made of! Tonight, I’m headed to the Opera to see Swan Lake. As the sun set, bathing the city in a soft pink glow (how incredibly appropriate, isn't it?), I slipped into my blush pink silk tutu, and stepped into the magical world of dance.

Every step felt light, and every twist was filled with a newfound grace, a perfect match to the Parisian atmosphere. It was breathtaking! The costumes! The dancers! And that swan-shaped lake... Honestly, I'm floating on clouds!

My dear tutulettes, Paris has truly captured my heart. The ballet, the sights, the smells...even the language has a sweet melody to it. And let's not forget the croissants! Oh la la! The food alone is worth the journey.

Stay tuned, my loves, for more Paris adventures. We’re going to have a spectacular week.



Day Two: Parisian Whirlwind

Good morning, darling tutu-lovers! I’m bursting with Parisian sunshine this morning (though it must be admitted, that Parisian sun does a lot less shining than its English counterpart).

The Parisian energy is a symphony – the chattering cafe patrons, the symphony of horn honks and the gentle strumming of a lone violinist, his notes drifting across the cobblestone square. My soul is overflowing with the sheer magic of this city.

Today, I indulged in one of Paris’ most legendary activities – a boat trip along the Seine! And not just any boat, a Parisian barge. Imagine: warm sunlight streaming across the Seine, the wind in your hair, a perfect view of the Eiffel Tower (all while gracefully twirling in a blush-pink tutu). It was, of course, as delightful as it sounds.

And speaking of delights, lunch on a barge was a feast for the senses! My favourite was the creamy Brie cheese with toasted baguette – absolute heaven. Of course, I also indulged in a slice of exquisite chocolate cake. This, my friends, was truly a chocolate dream, made even more so with the view of the Notre Dame cathedral!

As for my evening, I stepped back into a realm of sheer enchantment with a ballet show at the Theatre du Chatelet. It’s a truly stunning venue – you have to see it! The sheer elegance of the space, the soft lights that bathed the stage... oh, and did I mention that the show featured a pink tulle ballerina gown? It’s almost as if the universe conspired to bring me to this particular show.

Tonight, however, I’m embracing the city’s charming nightlife. We’re off to Le Chat Noir! It’s a bohemian jazz club that is overflowing with character, filled with artistic souls and a touch of Parisian mystery. I'm sure you'll agree – what better setting for a tutu-wearing Parisian adventure? Stay tuned, lovelies!



Day Three: A Day for the Ballet

Good morning, my dearest tutu enthusiasts! I'm feeling positively effervescent after my delightful evening in the heart of Parisian night-life. Le Chat Noir was absolutely incredible! The jazzy tunes, the clinking of glasses, and the captivating conversation of Parisian locals
 The Parisian experience never disappoints!

Today, my schedule is all about the ballet! Paris is bursting with opportunities to embrace this most enchanting art form, and my to-do list is as pink as my favorite tutu!

I started my day with a visit to Ballet OpĂ©ra de Paris’s beautiful boutique. This elegant shop is a haven for every ballet devotee! From ballerina-inspired accessories and clothing to exquisite souvenirs, I simply could not resist. You know how I love finding the most perfect ballet shoes and toe pads, even if they're not for my own feet! It's simply too lovely!

I took a stroll through the Palais Garnier, admiring its grandiose architectural beauty and feeling its theatrical spirit. My darling, they’re simply majestic and I can't help but feel a sense of excitement – as though a curtain is about to rise, unveiling a spectacular stage filled with dancers in pink tutus!

And then, it was time to take centre stage
 (Or should I say dance centre stage?). I finally joined a ballet class at the famous Ecole de Danse. What an exhilarating experience! The instructors, a graceful duo of ballerinas with the most impeccable technique, took us through a series of exercises and techniques that left my muscles begging for a moment’s rest!

Imagine twirling with Paris’ most talented dancers! In that grand Parisian ballroom, my heart skipped a beat. It felt like being in a film! And then, to round out my day in perfect ballet-style, I dined in style. Imagine a traditional French restaurant with twinkling chandeliers and the sound of violins. And guess what? The entire staff even donned ballerina pink ribbons for a Parisian twist! The night has begun with a fabulous three-course meal, culminating in a perfectly sculpted petit four, an exquisite finishing touch to my perfect day of Parisian ballet.

This weekend has been so magical, I feel as if I'm floating on a cloud of tulle, and that’s precisely what we all need – to feel like ballerinas, full of life and grace. Let's all try it! If you have a chance, a ballet class can bring out your inner grace, your inner ballerina. You know it.



Day Four: Parisian Treasure Hunt

Bonjour, my tutulettes! I’ve always said – every city has a treasure map, waiting to be unveiled! Paris is brimming with hidden gems and delightful surprises.

I spent my morning navigating through a captivating world of colours, scents and artistic charm. The vibrant Latin Quarter, a bohemian haven of bookstores, art galleries and buzzing cafe’s had me exploring every hidden corner, embracing the magic of Parisian storytelling. It's amazing how much beauty can be found in the unexpected - hidden street art, tiny antique shops tucked away, and of course, more charming French bakeries. I admit, my bag is now slightly heavier but so worth it!

Paris truly is a haven for a ballet enthusiast like myself. My afternoon brought me to MusĂ©e Rodin! Oh, to be amongst the magnificent works of Auguste Rodin! From the famous “The Kiss” (you can't miss this romantic sculpture!) to “The Thinker” (who can resist a moment of deep thought?), it's a sanctuary for art and inspiration.

But you can’t spend a day in Paris without visiting its most famous landmarks! Standing in the shadow of the Eiffel Tower, its steel frame against the sunset, feels so wonderfully poetic! And of course, I had to grab my Parisian beret (pink, naturally) to take some iconic photos of this truly incredible Parisian treasure.

As the night set in, I reminded myself of why Paris is known as “The City of Lights”! A delicious dinner with a magical Parisian view was followed by a captivating show at *Bobino Theatre, which transported me into the glitz and glamour of cabaret! * It's pure Parisian elegance, showcasing talent in dance and music – and honestly, who doesn't love a bit of glamour, especially when dressed in your most fabulous tutu!

Stay tuned, my dearest tutulettes, for more Parisian wonders, and even more pink tutus, of course.



Day Five: The Parisian Art of Eating

Bonjour, my tutulettes! In the world of Paris, my friends, one thing is for certain - eating is an art form!

For today, my darling tutulettes, I've planned a gastronomic journey - exploring Paris’s vibrant foodie scene!

My journey began with a delicious breakfast. Oh, the pastries – a croissant, a pain au chocolat and a buttery quiche. A French breakfast, served in the heart of a charming French patisserie
 I could hardly ask for more!

From buttery pastries to delicate crepes - Paris is truly a haven for delicious delights. As I ventured through charming neighbourhoods and cobbled streets, I found myself swooning over le crÚme brûlée at a cozy corner café, marveling at the artistry of a skilled French baker! I dare you not to try it, darling.

For lunch, I joined the chic crowds at a Parisian bistro. The simple yet sophisticated dishes - classic French cuisine, elegantly presented, made each bite a culinary adventure. I had to sample the famous onion soup - a delicious combination of flavours - a classic French favourite, of course, with a dash of my pink ribbon for that extra touch of ballerina charm.

To cap it all off, a *dinner at one of Paris’ most renowned restaurants was a culinary feast. * Each course - the exquisitely presented starter, the perfectly-cooked main course, and the delicious dessert was like a dance in its own right, an explosion of flavour that left me in complete delight! Honestly, a true ballet of food!

*I must say, Paris has made a believer out of me! * This city is not just about art and architecture but also an expression of the finer things in life - the art of eating, of course!

And, speaking of fine things, my dear tutu enthusiasts, let's take a moment to reflect on all that makes this city truly special. From its breathtaking sights and delightful foods, to the graceful movement of a ballerina in a Parisian show, this city embodies a love for art, culture and sheer beauty!



Day Six: Paris Fashion - A Love Affair

Bonjour, my dear tutu lovers! I've always said: fashion is an extension of our personalities, and here in Paris, it’s a dazzling ballet! Every turn, every glance, reveals a style that's both elegant and daring, classic yet utterly modern!

This Saturday morning began with an elegant stroll through the Marais district - the epicentre of vintage boutiques, unique stores, and stylish cafés! Fashion, you see, is an integral part of this city's heart. I find myself drawn to its timeless chic, its air of effortless charm.

I love browsing through small boutiques bursting with vintage treasures, trying on retro dresses and swirling through their silk fabrics! It feels like stepping into a film scene - and for every look, a tutu just begs to be included, wouldn't you agree?

Oh, the sheer joy of spotting a bold pink fedora at a tucked-away boutique or a chic pearl necklace with a delicate silver ribbon, or a gorgeous pair of pink gloves ! I could get lost for days in this shopping wonderland!

For the afternoon, a Parisian lunch in the Latin Quarter was just what I needed - classic French cuisine with a side of serious style inspiration. Surrounded by stylish Parisian women, I was transported to a world of vintage coats, silk scarves, and dainty shoes - *and, of course, I was delighted to find an incredible store overflowing with the most gorgeous vintage tutus! *

I just couldn't leave Paris without a new tutu! I decided to indulge and purchase a beautiful piece with silky layers of pale pink tulle that sparkles under the city lights ! (As you all know, a tutu must be suitable for both dancing and sightseeing)!

Today's adventures are all about the joy of Parisian style. Parisian style, you see, isn't just about dressing to impress - it's about feeling confident in your own skin and embracing your individual sense of self. And with a tutu on your hips, you can express yourself in the most beautiful way!



A Farewell to Paris

Bonjour, my beloved tutu enthusiasts!

Paris, mon amour, you've captured my heart! The magic of this city, its enchanting architecture, the delightful taste of croissants (oh, the croissants!), and the graceful swirls of ballet, it’s been a ballet dream come true. But like all things good, our Parisian ballet must end, and as I write, the train is gently rolling, taking me away from this city I've grown to adore.

You see, dear tutulettes, my French adventure was a reminder that we can always find magic in the ordinary, grace in the everyday. My time here has been full of dancing dreams, pink tutus and stylish inspiration !

I will never forget the twinkling lights of the Christmas markets, the Parisian sunshine falling on the Eiffel Tower, the sheer joy of ballet performance in grand halls and small studios.

Paris will forever hold a special place in my heart, a city where dreams come true! And, of course, I will always remember that even when wearing a pink tutu - you can be yourself, you can find your own style, and you can always find a little bit of magic in the world.



*P.S. * Visit to see pictures of my time in Paris, and to follow my next ballet adventure, which starts soon !

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2003-12-06 Exploring Paris