Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2003-12-13 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu Paris - Post #207 - Saturday 13th December 2003

Bonjour mes amies!

Well, here I am in Paris, the City of Lights! I can't quite believe it's finally happening, I've been planning this trip for ages. The EuroStar journey was just dreamy - I sat next to a lovely French couple, who, naturally, thought my pink tutu was absolutely divine! They were quite captivated by my plans for the weekend - a whole trip dedicated to ballet and fashion! (And possibly, just possibly, a little bit of wine.)

As you all know, Paris is basically the Holy Grail for tutu lovers. I'm bursting with excitement to see the ballet at the Palais Garnier, browse the vintage fashion boutiques in Montmartre, and maybe even catch a show at the Moulin Rouge! (Oh, the Parisian can-can...just thinking about it makes me want to pirouette down the Champs-ÉlysĂ©es!)

I'm here for the entire weekend, so I've got plenty of time to see everything! My trip was made possible, as always, by a series of rather spectacular ballet performances at home in Derbyshire. I absolutely love dancing – it's the only way I can truly express myself. So, my little side hustle as a ballerina really does make all my dreams come true. After all, how else would I be able to indulge in all things pink and glamorous?

And let’s be honest, there's no better time to visit Paris than the lead up to Christmas. The city is already aglow with festive decorations - twinkling lights, stunning Christmas trees and a charming Christmas market that looks straight out of a fairytale. Everywhere you turn there’s an opportunity to stop and admire a twinkling, shining, brightly lit boutique or Parisian street corner with its iconic wrought ironwork draped in festive twinkling.

So, buckle up, my lovelies! Today, we're going to explore some of Paris' most fashionable haunts. We'll see what the latest trends are, get some shopping tips from a French stylist (oh, là là!), and I'll even teach you a few dance moves to get you feeling extra confident. Plus, I have a feeling I’ll be sharing lots of pictures of amazingly decorated, glittering shops, glittering Parisian shop windows, sparkling lights and some gorgeous festive displays and oh yes – Paris really does twinkle like a fairyland when it gets dark!

And, just for you guys, I’m planning a little Parisian giveaway. So stay tuned for all the details, it’s going to be a pink-tutu-tastic treat!

Saturday Afternoon – Exploring Montmartre and Ballet Class

The first stop on my Parisian adventure had to be Montmartre. The artistic atmosphere in this area is incredible. Imagine cobblestone streets filled with artists and musicians, gorgeous Parisian architecture, beautiful cafés and quaint little boutiques showcasing vintage treasures
 and let's not forget the beautiful views of Paris from the Sacré-Coeur Basilica - simply breathtaking. I did, however, get a little distracted by a gorgeous antique tutu I found in one of the vintage shops...a vintage pink tutu, of course! It's now sitting in my suitcase ready for tomorrow's Parisian adventures.

After all that excitement, I went for a quick pit-stop at a delightful tea room - imagine dainty cakes and hot chocolate! They had an amazing strawberry macaroon which I absolutely demolished. I think it was even a little too good to be true – maybe that's the magical atmosphere of Paris!

To wind down, I headed to a ballet studio close to my hotel. I'm trying to fit in at least one class each day here in Paris – the Parisian style is divine! I can’t get enough of the elegance of the classes and the passion of the teachers! The studio I found in Paris had amazing dance classes in various genres and even a lovely “beginners” class to help out people who weren’t too experienced. I learned quite a lot about new routines, a couple of stretches and even how to use different types of footwear for classes in different genres of ballet.

Oh, one more little note on Parisian shopping, while I was in Montmartre, I also bought the most gorgeous beret and a beautiful little scarf - both perfectly pink!

Saturday Evening - At The Moulin Rouge - La Vie En Rose

And tonight
 tonight we dined and watched a cabaret performance at the Moulin Rouge. How absolutely fabulous! The Can-Can was spectacular! You can't help but feel happy as you take it all in. So many colourful costumes! I’ve already had a quick go at doing my own version of the Parisian can-can in the studio today
 maybe you guys would like to see a short little clip in my next video? Just a little peek!

Parisian life just keeps getting better and better! I think I need to make a plan to bring the whole family to see a Parisian cabaret performance. They would love this place, just a little tip from me – it’s even better at night! They create a whole little world for you – almost like stepping into another magical realm!

Anyway, it’s getting quite late and my darling pink tutu needs some sleep. After all, we've got an exciting day planned for tomorrow - shopping and theatre in Paris.

Goodnight! Until next week’s Parisian blog - au revoir mes amies.

And just for you
 it’s my pink tutu-tastic Parisian giveaway
. A little bit of Paris brought home for you.

The prize will be an exclusive, limited edition “Pink Tutu Paris” t-shirt with the Parisian Eiffel Tower at the back of the shirt! What a fab prize and perfect for keeping you warm during winter! So go over to now and comment with why you would love to have a “Pink Tutu Paris” t-shirt to join my Paris giveaway! I will choose the best three comments from the next week's post – good luck everyone!

And stay tuned for tomorrow's blog
 more shopping, more fashion, and maybe even a little bit of ballet at the Palais Garnier - don’t you just love how pink tutu is going to help us find all these places!

Yours in pink tulle, Emma xx

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2003-12-13 Exploring Paris