Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2004-04-03 Exploring Paris

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Post 223: Paris, oh Paris, you're simply magnifique! 🩰💖

Bonjour mes amies! 🇫🇷 It's Emma here, back from a whirlwind trip to Paris, and oh, my darling dears, it was simply fabulous!

This past week was filled with all things pink, twirling, and fabulous – my three favourite things! You know how much I adore a good ballet show, and you're right, nothing compares to seeing the magic unfold in Paris. This weekend I felt like a character straight out of a Parisian fairytale, and the city's romance made everything just a little bit extra magical.

So, let me whisk you back with me to my Paris adventures!

The EuroStar Journey 🚄

I kicked things off with a bang, hopping onto the EuroStar for my Parisian escape. Now, I love trains – the clickety-clack and the window views are so enchanting. But you know me, I had to make a grand entrance. My outfit? Why, a vibrant pink tutu, naturally, adorned with silver sequins! It was my way of making the whole carriage feel like a magical carriage ride. After all, what's the point of going to the City of Lights without a little sparkle, eh?

Fashion First: Parisian Shopping Therapy 🛍️

We all know Paris is a fashion capital, and honestly, it doesn't disappoint. On my first full day, I made my way to the glorious department stores. My Parisian adventure began with a luxurious stop at Galeries Lafayette, where the windows were as stunning as anything you've ever seen. After, I skipped along to Printemps Haussmann for a bit more shopping therapy. My bags were bulging, but honestly, is there a better problem to have than too many beautiful things? The pink tutu got a good work out that day!

A Trip Back in Time: Montmartre & Sacré-Coeur ⛪️

Montmartre. Ah, just the mention of that name transports you to another time, don't you think? A hilltop filled with artistry and bohemian vibes – truly the heart and soul of Paris. My dear friend Beatrice, who I met on a recent tour of Derbyshire, and I went to discover the magical streets. It was absolutely breathtaking - cobbled lanes overflowing with charming cafés and quaint boutiques. Beatrice was very impressed and said that "Paris felt like a scene out of a romantic film." I felt the same way!

After our Montmartre stroll, we decided to see the beautiful basilica of Sacré-Cœur, a masterpiece of white stone sitting atop the hill, overlooking the cityscape. You feel a sense of awe and peace up there, as if the entire city is bathed in the soft glow of hope and serenity.

Ballet Under the Eiffel Tower: The Paris Opéra Ballet

Can you believe I saw the Paris Opéra Ballet, at the Palais Garnier, right on my second day? You guys know how much I adore a good ballet, and I simply had to see one in Paris, especially under that gorgeous golden chandelier – like a dream come true. It was exquisite!

The dancers were absolutely magnificent, their movements fluid and graceful, a pure expression of artistry and elegance. Honestly, you couldn't help but be swept away by the beauty and emotion they poured into every performance. The costumes, the sets – it was pure magic! Beatrice looked stunning wearing her navy blue ball gown. It made me think that Parisian evening events need a touch of pink – how about we start a movement with the ballet girls wearing pink tutus? I have to discuss this with the Ballet teacher and my dance friends when I get home. The thought made me giggle. It would be brilliant.

The Majestic Notre Dame ⛪️

Speaking of majestic Parisian architecture, let’s talk Notre Dame Cathedral! The first thing that struck me was its size – simply breathtaking! Inside, there’s so much history to discover – beautiful stained-glass windows, ornate carvings, and ancient stories whispered through the stone. The sheer power of it was captivating, and I honestly felt overwhelmed by the spiritual atmosphere inside the building. You felt as if you were walking into a cathedral straight out of a film.

An Afternoon Stroll: The Seine and the City's Lights 🌃

The Seine, the heart of Paris, a beautiful ribbon of water snaking through the city – and the perfect spot for a leisurely stroll with Beatrice. The gentle breeze carried the scent of fresh bread and flowers as we took in the beautiful scenery, I really appreciated seeing all of the bridges and the ancient buildings along its banks – it’s easy to imagine history playing out on those very banks, isn’t it?

We finished our afternoon off with a relaxing boat trip along the Seine, enjoying the sights of the city as the sun started to set. It felt like a truly Parisian experience, you know, soaking in the scenery, the soft music, the twinkling lights – just magical!

A Day Trip to Versailles 🏰

On Friday, I took a trip to the Palace of Versailles. You simply have to experience the majesty of this historic landmark, and after all, what’s a Parisian adventure without a little touch of history, right? Versailles was magnificent! Imagine, just imagine, all that history, all that splendour – walking around, exploring the halls and gardens. Every room, every window – just a history book waiting to unfold.

Beatrice asked me if I thought the Queen would have liked pink tutus. She giggled. I told her it was quite possible! The pink tutu would certainly have looked fabulous at Versailles!

Final Thoughts: Paris in Pink 💓

Paris, oh Paris, you leave a little bit of magic in my heart, and in every photo I took! The romanticism of the city, its stunning architecture, and the effortless elegance of the people – everything felt utterly captivating.

I just have to share my favourite Parisian experience. We discovered this cute little Parisian tearoom. Beatrice chose a delicious piece of lemon meringue and I of course went for the decadent chocolate éclair! It was all so delicious! We savoured each bite as we sipped our perfectly brewed tea, feeling so incredibly happy in this small, perfectly Parisian café, all about the details and elegance of French living. It was delightful!

My heart already aches a bit to be back in London, but at the same time, I’m already dreaming of my next Parisian escapade. Oh, and, of course, you all can count on another exciting Paris blog post from yours truly!

Until then, my darling dears, embrace all that’s beautiful, embrace your own unique flair, and of course, always find a reason to twirl – even in a pink tutu! 🩰💖

A bientot, Emma

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2004-04-03 Exploring Paris