Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2004-07-10 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu Blog: Paris - Post #237 - Saturday 10th July, 2004

Bonjour, mes chères amies! The City of Lights is calling, and Emma's here to answer. After a magical Eurostar journey – all that sleek design and whizzing through the French countryside, how utterly divine! – I’ve arrived in the most romantic city in the world. Oh, Paris, how I’ve missed you! I just know this weekend is going to be bursting with fashion, beauty, and a whole heap of tutu-inspired loveliness.

This trip, darling, is all about a whirlwind exploration of Paris through the lens of a pink-tutu-wearing ballerina. Forget those boring guide books and tours - I’m on the hunt for hidden gems, captivating performances, and couture shopping sprees that'll make even the most seasoned Parisian fashionista blush!

You might be wondering what a pink tutu girl like me is doing in Paris. Well, aside from the undeniable allure of this city, it’s a hub for some of the world’s most famous ballet companies. And, my dears, let me tell you, a weekend in Paris wouldn’t be complete without an evening at the Palais Garnier, witnessing the graceful artistry of the Paris Opera Ballet. Imagine a dazzling stage bathed in soft lights, the iconic building with its magnificent facade – it’s a ballet fan’s dream! This weekend, it’s "Giselle" taking center stage. How thrilling is that?! I just know those ethereal dances and poignant storytelling will be simply mesmerizing.

Speaking of mesmerising, how could I possibly miss the opportunity to visit the Musée Carnavalet? Tucked away on the charming Rue de Sévigné, this museum is an enchanting journey through Paris’ history. It's bursting with tapestries, sculptures, furniture, and fascinating exhibits showcasing the city’s vibrant past. Think swirling patterns and elegant silhouettes – absolute fashion inspiration! I can’t wait to soak up all that artistry and beauty, and to perhaps glean some ideas for my next pink tutu creation.

Now, every ballerina knows a Parisian weekend needs some indulgence. That’s why I’ll be venturing into the fashionable labyrinth of Le Marais and Saint-Germain-des-Prés. A vintage hat, a silky scarf, a delicate pair of gloves - I can already feel my shopping senses tingling! The delightful boutiques lining these streets will have me on a serious fashion hunt. And, who knows, maybe even a new, pink tutu-worthy outfit? After all, a ballerina always has to keep her wardrobe refreshed, wouldn’t you say?

Oh, the Parisian spirit of cafes and patisseries calls to me! Think of perfectly brewed coffee, delicate croissants, and the delicate artistry of those heavenly macarons. It's a truly delicious way to soak up the ambiance of Paris.

But before the delectable delights, a true Parisian experience calls! How about a leisurely horse-drawn carriage ride? Imagine gliding through the romantic streets, the clip-clop of horses’ hooves and the city’s unique charm surrounding you. And what a fantastic way to get the perfect Insta shot for my followers - that pink tutu will be twirling beautifully against the backdrop of Paris’ architectural beauty!

So, dear friends, my tutu is packed, my camera is ready, and my heart is full of anticipation. Join me next Saturday, where I’ll spill all the details on my Parisian adventures – the delectable finds, the inspiring performances, and maybe even some secret tips for embracing that Parisian flair. Remember, darling, Paris is for everyone, but you just have to find the magic in your own pink tutu moment.

Until next week, keep shining!

Emma xx

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2004-07-10 Exploring Paris