Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2004-10-16 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu Blog - Paris: Post #251 🩰🇫🇷✨

Bonjour mes chéries! It's Emma, your pink-tutu-clad travel companion, and guess where I am? Yes, you guessed it - the City of Lights! Paris! I know, I know, I can't quite believe it myself! This is a dream come true for any ballet-obsessed, fashion-loving gal like myself.

I touched down (or rather, chugged into) Paris yesterday, via EuroStar. It's always an exciting adventure taking the train, watching the landscape blur by like a fast-paced ballet, and let's be honest - it's way more glamorous than flying. Plus, no airport security shenanigans - I managed to squeeze in a little pre-trip practice in the train carriage with a couple of cheeky pirouettes and some high kicks.

Speaking of glamour, Paris itself has this air of elegance about it, even when I'm simply trotting along the streets in my (obviously) pink tutu. Everyone seems to have an air of chic - the cafe owners, the grandmothers shopping at the market, the dogs! It's incredibly inspiring for this budding ballerina and I swear I'm seeing shades of pink everywhere, just like I had predicted!

So, how did I make this Paris dream a reality? It's all thanks to the amazing magic of my ballet career. As I mentioned in my previous posts, I'm a semi-professional ballerina who dances her way through life - funding my travels and tutu wardrobe through performances. A little shimmy here, a graceful leap there - that's how I make my tutu-dreams a reality!

This week has already been overflowing with adventures. Last night I had the honour of attending a performance at the Palais Garnier, and oh my, I can’t even describe the grandeur. It felt like stepping into a fairytale! And then today… today, darling, I visited the iconic Musée Carnavalet! If you haven't already, you must go. It's a captivating journey through Parisian history, featuring the city’s most fascinating and elegant art, and best of all, a glimpse into the lives of its passionate people - I almost imagined I could hear them dancing in the grand halls!

But this is a city of constant wonder. It's almost overwhelming, in a delightful way. Even simple walks down Parisian streets turn into enchanting experiences. Take this morning, for instance. After breakfast at a charming patisserie (with the best croissants, I swear!), I stumbled upon this charming little boutique brimming with stunning, unique ballet costumes and tutus. It was a ballet lover's paradise, my love for pink multiplied tenfold! I simply had to have this gorgeous pink tulle creation – the colour reminded me of a blossoming rose and it whispered "Paris" with every fluttering layer.

The shops here are bursting with colour and character, and don't even get me started on the food! Oh, la la! From delicious pastries that melt in your mouth to rich, decadent cheese that takes you straight to heaven (the cheese is a bit of a naughty indulgence for me, as my ballet teacher has a thing about 'healthy eating for ballerinas'!) Every bite is a little piece of heaven.

Of course, what's Paris without a touch of Parisian elegance? That's why I just HAD to snag this gorgeous, rose-pink scarf today, a real testament to French style. I imagine it would look divine on my favourite tutu! (Perhaps you’ll have a little sneak peek of the finished look in my next post!).

Today was also full of amazing artistic experiences. As the sun was setting, painting the sky in golden hues, I found myself at a ballet street performance just around the corner from my hotel. It was a breathtaking display of grace and energy, even more impressive because the ballet wasn't a full stage show, but an unexpected encounter amidst the urban tapestry.

You know me - I just love it when the everyday is transformed into an occasion! Which leads me to this weekend's adventures! Saturday morning will involve some exciting ballet class (you never stop learning, darling!), then the grand finale for this whirlwind Paris trip, which I will share with you in next week’s post! Oh, how I cannot wait to share!

Speaking of grand finales, if you love a touch of Parisian style and the grace of ballet, don’t forget to check out next week to hear all about it! And if you’re on Instagram, make sure to follow @PinkTutuBlog. Don’t forget to give me a follow and tag #PinkTutuParis for all your lovely French inspiration!

Au revoir for now, darlings! And remember: It's never too late to dance, even if you are wearing a pink tutu!


Emma x

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2004-10-16 Exploring Paris