Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2004-12-04 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu Paris: Post Number 258 – Ooh La La, C’est Paris!

Bonjour, darlings! It’s Emma here, reporting live from the City of Lights! As you know, this week I swapped the cobbled streets of Derbyshire for the charming Parisian boulevards, and boy oh boy, is it a whirlwind!

I'm posting a little early today because I'm already bursting with Parisian adventures to share. After a rather delightful Eurostar trip - complete with my trusty pink tutu, of course - I was instantly charmed by the romance and grandeur of Paris. My trusty tutu, as always, had to make a cameo as I stepped onto the platform at Gare du Nord, to the applause of some charmingly bewildered Parisians. You just have to embrace your pinkness, girls!

And, speaking of embrace, let's talk about this amazing hotel! The lobby was decorated with breathtaking flowers, the staff treated me like a princess (even better!), and my room, well, my dear friends, I literally gasped when I stepped inside. Can you imagine a chandelier fit for a ballerina? This hotel is literally a ballet-lover's dream, with stunningly elegant décor, a beautiful lounge perfect for a cheeky afternoon tea, and, my favourite part, a whole floor devoted to dance classes! You bet I’ll be getting my twirls on while I'm here, because you know me, it's all about the pirouette life!

First stop, Notre Dame - oh, the history!

As I wandered the streets towards Notre Dame, my mind was swirling with thoughts of Esmeralda and Quasimodo, thanks to my recent re-watch of the Disney classic! Honestly, the architecture is breathtaking, and the story behind it all is even more so. Imagine - centuries of history in this incredible gothic structure. My heart fluttered just looking at the delicate gargoyles peeking down, guarding the city’s secrets. I couldn't help but dance a little jig around the courtyard, inspired by the energy of history swirling around me.

Then, it was onto the Champs-Élysées - a veritable wonderland for the senses! My tutu swished through the streets, as I gasped at the luxury shops lining the avenue. Oh, Chanel! The sleek designs, the beautiful craftsmanship – simply divine. I’ve promised myself a little souvenir of my Parisian adventure – maybe a stylish pink beret? I wouldn’t say no to a little something from Dior too… (Whispers) Let’s hope I can persuade a cheeky little black tutu to follow me home.

An Evening at the Ballet, of course!

Of course, no trip to Paris is complete without a trip to the ballet. I simply can’t resist! Tonight, I'm off to the Opéra Garnier. Can you believe this beautiful theater, almost a century old? And the dancers – breathtakingly talented, the kind of grace and power I can only dream of! Oh, and I couldn’t resist wearing a sparkly pink tutu, it simply seemed to fit the Parisian ambience! And let me tell you, when I walked into the theatre, all eyes were on me.

As the performance commenced, I felt transported, swept away on a tide of music, beauty and emotion. You know, sometimes you see the power of the art form, the emotion and raw talent on the stage, and you realize how incredibly fortunate we are to have something like ballet in our lives. It fills the soul, it reminds us of the wonder and beauty in this world. I left the Opéra Garnier absolutely buzzing, ready to share my own ballet joy.

Pink Tutu Blog Update - December 5th

Paris, my darling, is like a box of bonbons! You never know what sugary delights you're going to find! I thought I'd keep you updated with all the yummy treats from my first Parisian escapade!

  • Shopping Spree: Oh, the clothes! Paris has truly blown my mind with the sheer abundance of sartorial splendor! I've spent a blissful afternoon discovering the vintage gems on the Rue de Bretagne. My bag is overflowing with treasures - an adorable lace dress, a pair of vibrant pink kitten heels, and a gorgeous little straw hat with a vibrant pink ribbon! (Oh, how I love the colour pink!) This afternoon was an absolute delight. You know me – I love my Pink Tutu to sparkle.

  • A Magical Trip: Oh, this morning was pure magic. I hopped onto a horse-drawn carriage near the Seine and simply let myself be whisked away. We passed by some of the most beautiful sights – the Louvre, the Eiffel Tower, all dusted with a gentle sprinkle of snow! Paris looked straight out of a fairytale! The soft jingling of the horse's bells and the feeling of the gentle sway of the carriage made me feel as if I was waltzing through my own whimsical dreams.

  • Afternoon Delights: Now, as much as I adore the ballet, I’m equally fond of a good afternoon tea! And I found the most exquisite little tea room on the Rue de Seine, tucked away between quaint bookshops and antique boutiques. The china teacups were hand-painted with delicate flowers, the cakes were unbelievably divine (I especially loved the strawberry and pistachio cake!) and the aroma of fresh tea leaves simply wafted me to a happy place! Oh, the little things, right? They’re the best!

* Pink Tutu-fied! *

This city truly inspires me. There is so much romance and magic swirling in the air. It's no wonder they call this the City of Love! Every corner I turn, every charming street, every vintage boutique whispers about romance, creativity, and a touch of pink-tutu whimsicality. And you know me, a Parisian adventure has already left me wanting more, inspiring my imagination with its beautiful chaos!

Next week, I'll share my adventures at the Louvre Museum (which, of course, included my trusty pink tutu and a few pirouettes in front of the Mona Lisa, but that’s another story!).

Until next Saturday, dear readers, stay fabulous and let your pink tutus shine! Don't forget to catch me at and share your favourite Parisian moments!



#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2004-12-04 Exploring Paris