Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2005-02-26 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu Blog Paris: Post #270 - Saturday 2005-02-26 - Paris, Je T'aime!

Bonjour, mes chéries!

It's your favourite pink-tutu-clad ballerina, Emma, reporting live from the City of Lights, Paris! I've arrived! Well, technically, I'm not 'in' Paris yet. I'm currently basking in the luxurious plush seating of the Eurostar, gazing out at the rapidly retreating French countryside. You can almost feel the Parisian magic in the air! I just know this weekend is going to be utterly fabulous.

This is my first trip to Paris, and I've dreamt of it for as long as I can remember. It feels a little surreal, a little magical, like something out of a fairytale. The journey so far has been blissful – just me, my favourite pink tutu (naturally!), and a steaming cup of English Breakfast tea, all the while gazing out at fields of sunflowers and the picturesque villages that have whizzed past the train window. I swear, I haven't stopped smiling since I left Derby Station this morning.

It feels fantastic to be here, experiencing a new adventure. You see, a few weeks back, I saw a flyer for a special, limited-time offer for Eurostar tickets. It was a divine intervention of sorts. I’d just landed a lead role in a charity ballet production - which you’ll be thrilled to hear, went off without a hitch, garnering fantastic reviews and raising loads of cash for the local children’s hospice – and with the extra pennies in my ballet kitty, this opportunity seemed almost too good to be true! So, with a quick flick of my tutu, and a tap-tap of my dancing shoes, I booked the tickets. A whirlwind week later, here I am!

Speaking of ballet, this week I’m actually in Paris to see a performance at the famous Palais Garnier. I managed to score tickets to see "Le Lac des Cygnes," a ballet that’s always held a special place in my heart, even though I haven’t seen it performed live in what feels like a lifetime! I’m so excited to experience this legendary performance in such a historic setting. To imagine the ballet stars from generations past gracing this very stage, their tutus swirling in the grand space! The excitement is truly starting to bubble!

Oh, and speaking of tutus! Have you heard? It’s turning into a Parisian dream already! The lady next to me on the train even stopped to chat, her eyes wide with awe at my vibrant pink creation! Apparently, she’s seen photos of some of my other pink tutu ensembles on my website, – it’s amazing how the internet works, right?! It turns out she's a fashion stylist and is interested in collaborating with me on a photo shoot with her clients. We chatted about different designs and fabrics and I even promised to bring some of my creations for her to see. Just goes to show that a good pink tutu can make you friends anywhere!

Paris is already filling me with a thousand ideas! Maybe I’ll even buy some fabulous new fabrics to create some new tutus! But of course, I’ll have to find a way to fit those new additions into my suitcase, especially as I’ve packed several outfits, just in case I find the time to do some shopping for new dresses and jackets (a girl's gotta stay stylish, right?). Maybe I'll even find some fabulous vintage shoes to go with my pink tutus. There's nothing quite like a vintage pair of shoes to give a ballerina's wardrobe a touch of old-world charm.

Once the weekend arrives, and after my ballet performance, I'm going to do a little sightseeing. This iconic Eiffel Tower, the Louvre Museum, those beautiful cafes lining the Seine – they’re all waiting for me, just like I've waited all these years for this magical weekend in Paris. I plan to capture it all for my blog, sharing all the wonders of the city with you. But before we go on a Parisian adventure, I’ll need to find somewhere to put my luggage, have some lunch and get some much-needed beauty sleep.

That’s it for now, my dearest readers, I shall share the wonders of this Parisian adventure in my next blog post. Don’t forget to visit my website and share all your Parisian inspirations and stories with me! Until then, may all your days be as dazzling as a pink tutu in the sunshine!

Au revoir, mes chéries!



#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2005-02-26 Exploring Paris