Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2005-07-02 Exploring Paris

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Post 288: Parisian Whirlwind!

Bonjour mes chéries! Emma here, back from a whirlwind trip to the City of Lights, Paris, and oh my, it was divine! You know how much I adore pink and all things pretty, and Paris absolutely lived up to my dreams. Let me take you on a pink tutu-tastic journey through the most romantic city in the world, shall we?

This trip was extra special because I got to take the Eurostar. For you newbies out there, it's basically like a fancy train – plush seats, sparkling glasses, delicious French food, what's not to love? I felt like I was stepping into a movie scene, all glamour and elegance. It really set the tone for the trip perfectly!

As soon as I arrived in Paris, I knew it was going to be magical. The architecture, the charming cafes, the scent of fresh pastries, everything felt like a fairytale. I'd planned a packed itinerary full of ballet shows, designer shops, and a visit to the beautiful gardens of the Palais Royal – oh, they were stunning!

A Night of Ballet Bliss

First on the agenda: the ballet! Paris, darling, is a haven for ballet lovers, and this time I was treated to a truly breathtaking performance by the Opéra de Paris Ballet. They danced “La Bayadère” – it was an unforgettable spectacle. The dancers, their costumes, the stage setting, it was all just exquisite!

A Stroll Through Fashion Heaven

The next day was a delightful mix of strolling through the iconic streets of Paris and browsing the haute couture houses. From the elegant boutiques of Saint-Germain-des-Prés to the designer giants on the Avenue des Champs-Élysées, every street corner was a treasure trove of beautiful things. Oh, the fashion, the colours, the textures, my eyes were positively feasting!

My first stop was at Chanel – how could I not? I simply had to take in the chic Parisian aesthetic that epitomises everything Chanel stands for. The shop felt like an elegant time capsule, and I actually managed to resist purchasing a new handbag (this time!). Although, those exquisite bags are quite a temptation, aren't they?

Next, a stop at Christian Dior! Oh, their perfume section was heaven – the most intoxicating fragrance collection. You can imagine my delight when I stumbled upon the new “Miss Dior Absolutely Blooming" fragrance – a floral delight for my senses! It's like a burst of summer blooms in a bottle!

Pink Paradise: A Visit to La Maison Ladurée

Every Paris visit has to include a pilgrimage to La Maison Ladurée. You know, my favourite pink macaron haven! I couldn't resist a selection of those adorable pink confections. After all, a pink tutu-wearing ballerina must always indulge in some delicious Parisian sweetness.

Horse-Drawn Elegance

One evening, I indulged in a magical carriage ride through the charming streets of Montmartre. Being whisked along in a horse-drawn carriage is the most romantic way to explore the city. I felt like a princess, truly! The cobblestones, the horse's clip-clop, the views of the city – pure magic.

Memories, Memories, Memories!

Paris, I absolutely adored every single moment. From the iconic sights, to the delicious food, the laughter, the charm, the romance, Paris truly stole my heart. And to think, I've only just started to explore all the secrets this amazing city holds. But before I go, do share what you love about Paris, my lovely pink tutu-wearing friends!

Don't forget to tune in next Saturday for another exciting edition of #PinkTutuBlogParis!

Remember, everyone, always try to find a reason to put on your favourite pink tutu – it's time to spread some joy and fashion magic!

Au revoir, mes amies!


Emma x

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2005-07-02 Exploring Paris