Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2005-07-09 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu Blog: Paris Adventures! (Post #289)

Bonjour, darlings!

Emma here, your favourite pink tutu-clad ballerina, and this week, I'm bringing you the delights of Paris! That's right, my lovely readers, I've been whisked away to the City of Lights, and I am completely smitten.

Paris by Eurostar

The journey to Paris was pure magic. I love travelling by Eurostar. The sleek carriages, the smooth journey, the glimpses of the countryside zipping past, and oh, the delicious croissant I had on board – pure perfection! It's like a little slice of chic Parisian life right from the start.

First Impressions: Montmartre and the Sacré-Coeur

The first place we headed for was Montmartre. What a hill! But the view from the top, with the SacrĂ©-Coeur Basilica perched up there like a beautiful white dream, was totally worth the effort. I felt like I was in a film! Imagine it: a bright pink tutu swaying gently against the backdrop of that gorgeous white basilica, with the whole of Paris twinkling below. Pure Insta-worthy, wouldn’t you say?

Fashion Fix at Printemps

Parisian style, of course, is divine, and a fashion girl like myself wouldn’t dream of visiting without hitting some of the amazing shops. The gorgeous Printemps department store, with its beautifully curated selection, was a true delight! While I managed to resist a completely impractical and incredibly sparkly tutu from their luxury accessories department (don’t worry, there was only the slightest bit of struggle), I did leave with some exquisite Parisian flair, perfect for my upcoming ballet performances back home in Derbyshire.

A Bite of Paris

Paris wouldn’t be Paris without the food. We enjoyed the most delightful croissants, baguettes, and pastries. Honestly, everything here is baked to perfection! I sampled some delicious crĂȘpes at a quaint little cafe, tucked away in a cobbled street near the Eiffel Tower. The flavours were a real explosion of taste sensations! (Spoiler alert – a strawberry and Nutella crĂȘpe will always be a good choice!)

The Eiffel Tower: A Pink Tutu Moment

You just can't visit Paris without a trip to the iconic Eiffel Tower. It's truly a sight to behold, especially at night, bathed in twinkly lights. And of course, what did I do? I put on my pink tutu, obviously! You’ll have to forgive me, it’s just one of those moments where you have to embrace the fun and sparkle. A little tutu adds a touch of playful magic to any situation! (I even had a passerby ask for a picture with me, which made my whole day, ha!).

Evening at the Theatre: A Dance Inspiration

Speaking of magic, my evening was topped off by a truly unforgettable show. The ThĂ©Ăątre des Champs-ÉlysĂ©es! We went to see “The Nutcracker”, and oh my goodness! I was so mesmerized by the performance. Seeing the ballet performed here, in Paris, in such an enchanting theatre was like stepping into a dream! I swear, I think my love for ballet just deepened a thousand fold. It reminded me of the raw joy and emotion that dance evokes, and left me itching to get back into the studio.

Back to Derbyshire: More Tutu Tales!

But before I do, I have to get back to the good old Derbyshire countryside and all the amazing ballet performances I have coming up. Don’t worry, I'll be sharing all my tutu tales, both Parisian and Derbyshire-esque, right here next Saturday. Until then, be sure to follow me on Instagram @PinkTutuEmma! And remember, you can find all the fabulous pink tutus and everything else you need to spread some tutu love at!



PS: Today is Saturday, the 9th of July, 2005! I've written my blog post before setting off on my Parisian adventures, so it'll be an exciting trip back to the blog next week. I'll be writing about my experience in more detail, with some cute pictures. It’s going to be a fantastic week – with more fashion, dance, and of course, pink tutus!

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2005-07-09 Exploring Paris